Expires midnight
Thanks to the earlier post to brining this to my attention and deserves a post for itself
Expires midnight
Thanks to the earlier post to brining this to my attention and deserves a post for itself
Bet me to it :) +1
Haagen Daaz too, some of it.
In store too?
These are online only offers. Have to do click & collect ($30 minimum spend).
How are they going to ensure it stays frozen during delivery??
Does anyone know where the flavour Chunky Monkey went? I have not seen it in yonks. Any sightings would be appreciated.
Was my favourite too. Seems like all they care about now is non-dairy and dough ice-creams.
3 non-dairies and the other 5 are brownie, cookie, cookie, brownie and dough. Won't even bother at half price.
Thank you for contacting us with your enquiry regarding Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey.
We are always interested to hear from our consumers and welcome your comments and enquiries.
I regret to inform you that this product has been deleted and is only being offered for sale from major scoop shops in Australia or New Zealand.
We apologise for this occurrence and agree that it is an unfortunate situation and one which our company strives to avoid. However products are discontinued where insufficient consumer sales and limited retail distribution occurs. As a products' sales decline, the competition to remain on limited supermarket shelf space is extreme. Retailer ranging decisions regarding our products will result in very limited distribution and the cessation of supply.
Thank you for taking time in contacting us and for giving us the opportunity to respond.
They seem to sell it in their stores only, same with Cherry Garcia.
Hope the icecream stays in the fridge till you go to pickup. dont want my b&js to be melted
Anyone done Click and Collect with freezer items before? Do they actually keep them cold as Havok44 has raised concern about?
guess i'll find out tomorrow
They do. I purchased a pack of barney bananas a while ago and they went out back to the freezer and got them.
If only they brought in more flavours I would really jump on this. they never seem to bring in the more adventerous fun flavours sigh
Thanks. Bulla on half price too (online offer)