This was posted 6 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Google Pixel 128GB (Silver) $409 Delivered (HK) @ DWI


All Google Pixels support band 28. 5" Screen.

headphone jack

Camera is still very good. Seems like a good price.

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DWI Digital Cameras (Digital World International)
DWI Digital Cameras (Digital World International)

closed Comments

  • +24

    For a split moment I thought the Google Pixel 5 was out and somehow I missed the announcement, lol

    • +3

      I remember when there was an eBay listing for an "Xbox One" where the seller had mistaken the original Xbox as the One and priced it as such.

      So 2nd hand original Xbox was going for $450 AUD.

      This was back when the XOne was really overpriced.

      • I remember where I saw a price like that for the 1st Xbox (I think it was like 200+) on gumtree saying it was a rare antique haha

  • +1

    Would this be a suitable upgrade from an iPhone 6s? I'm trying to get my girlfriend off apple phones so thinking I might buy her one of these.

    • +9

      Hard to move away from Apple’s ecosystem.

      • +2

        A few people I know have done it and they have been happy with the switch but it's such a closed ecosystem so sometimes it's not easy.

        • +4

          @Diji1: Same thing we say about Apple's fanbois.
          But the problem you show in the link got nothing to do consumers but the Corporate bully and arrogance pretending to state a monopoly.
          It's a real issue that the Android developers make new advancements in the operative system but Google has got the monopoly on it and only releases these to software developers and the public after a very very long delay (on purpose) while its own brand phones have the latest operative systems and updates, it's clearly a conflict of interests.
          Call it corporate bullying and the US government allowing it, don't take it on the consumers.

        • +1

          @dealhunt: Do you have any evidence of this? Nokia has been known to release some updates for it's android one series ahead of google. My understanding is that delays are mainly due to manufacturer and carrier delays

          edit: Didn't see the post from @Diji

        • +12

          Oh yes, it was that arsehole Steve, not that the market has matured significantly.

        • +5



        • +5

          @Diji1: Hahaha iPhone fan?

        • +1

          @OnlinePred: Has a few posters of Steve up in his room

      • -4

        with the new Apple Watch, for $5 per month they activate 4G on it (Voda, Optus), then if you don't have your handset you can still answer and make calls, BUT you need iPhone as part of ecosystem (same number).

        Hard to find that level of integration and pricing with Android ecosystem with only 1 number and for $5 per mth.

        Depends how much Apple gear people own to make the switch worth it.

        Also she has been getting years of updates for one handset …Android will be 2 years max, give up support from Apple shop for swap over phones under warranty …..

        Only reason I switched to android was cost of new handsets was lower.

      • +1

        What do you mean by ecosystem? I think this is a word thrown around by Apple fans, but I've yet to see anyone actually define what they mean by it.

        These days, Apple and Android phones do practically the same thing. Almost all popular apps are available across both platforms and regardless of whether you prefer Android or Apple, if you had to use the other, you'd be perfectly fine.

        Once upon a time, the ecosystem argument made sense. Apple had much better apps, integration with iTunes was great and you could use your Mac to send messages through your phone with iMessage. These days, Android phones have just as good app support, every platform can use the same streaming services and you can use Android messages on your computer too.

        The long and short is that there's no ecosystem, that's just a buzz word. They're all phones that do practically the same thing. People will prefer whatever they are used to and that's fine.

        • +1

          What they mean is that apple products integrate well with each other. If you have a lot of apple products at home, swapping out your iPhone for an Android phone will lead to problems such as "how do I copy a file from my Android phone to my MacBook?". Which of course can be solved, but not as easy as when everything is apple.

        • @rlay3: Well you would assume that you can transfer a file from a phone to a computer by plugging it in and transferring it across. If it's a smaller file, you can just upload it to a cloud service like Dropbox or Google Drive. I don't really think that's something unique to the Apple "ecosystem".

          I do think that there once existed an Apple ecosystem. I've been using both Android and Apple for a long time, ever since the first days of Android where the OS was buggy, unstable, slow and would genuinely always crash. Back then, I do agree that there was an Apple ecosystem - there were things that iPhones could do that Android just couldn't yet. These days, that's not true anymore. There's simply no difference between the systems practically. If I woke up with an iPhone, I'd be perfectly happy and operate it just fine, same with an Android phone.

          For full disclosure, my current phone is a Galaxy S8+, my last phone was an iPhone 6. I'm thinking about getting an iPhone next, so I'm not biased against Apple, I just don't think they're anything special.

        • Girlfriend is an Apple user and I'm a Samsung Galaxy user. From memory the highlights of the Apple ecosystem is stuff like iMessage, where you can send and receive calls/texts from other devices like your laptop or your iPad. Really handy to be able to send a text from your laptop. Especially a long one. Another highlight is Airdrop. Send stuff over wifi or bluetooth i forgot without having to deal with downloading a cloud based service for example.

          I'll be willing to try the iPhone X if a good deal comes around or the iPhone 8+ if it's SUPER cheap since I have a MacBook air. Otherwise the Galaxy series is the best bang for buck imo. They're often much cheaper with great specs, few cons in comparison. Waiting for a good S9+ deal to come around so I can upgrade from my S7

        • @p1 ama: you sound clued up. I tried to copy a file from my android to a colleague's MacBook, and I needed to install software to do that. In
          Apple you use airdrop, easy peasy.

          As I said, you can get it done, just not as easily.

          File copying was just one example I could think of.

        • @shrugies:
          The Samsung series is certainly not the best bang for your buck. It’s essentially an over priced android phone wth a Samsung badge on it. You can get better hardware and arguably better software with Android One Android phones that gurantee regular updates for less cash.

          Apple iPhones are priced in the similar segment as the top end Samsung phones, but your only other option is other iPhones if you want to be part of apples ecosystem and software. It can’t be copied.

      • You're assuming their girlfriend is invested in Apple's ecosystem.

      • i really miss itunes and playing mp3s on iphones and ipods. nothing on android comes close …

    • +2

      Get her a Samsung Note 9 in 2 weeks. Problem solved ;)

      • +2

        So she can play fortnite 30 days before everyone else? I don't really see the sense in giving someone a 6.4 inch screen (massive phone) coming from something with a 4.7 inch screen.

        • +7

          @smuggler: 162 x 78 is a massive phone. 138 by 67 is what she's upgrading from. That's quite a leap, just saying.

          Edit: LOL what is with the first line? Also I do, and she has more sense than you thank God.

        • -3

          Is she Asian? I always wondered why they preferred the big screen. Is it to read chinese characters better.

        • yeah, some people like small phones as they fit into pocket easier, especially jeans, and you can reach every part of the screen with only 1 hand, so if it's standing room only on the train you can hang to rail and still text or do stuff, on my 6" phone need 2 hands, one to hold phone, and other to reach every part of the screen.

        • +3


          What a generalisation lmao. Most of the people I know with massive phones are dudes. My girlfriend actively sought a phone with a small screen as the large ones are impractical.

        • +4


          You're probably the type of person who decides what phone and computer your gf uses.

          Oh the hypocrisy though.

          I get it if you are a Samsung fanboy to the death, but at least don't contradict yourself in the next comment.

        • -7


          but at least don't contradict yourself in the next comment.

          There's no hypocrisy or contradiction. You're just a cheapskate.
          I simply suggested a new flagship smartphone that will be released soon. And your dumb reply was about how it's hard to change mobile OS. Give me a break. It's a phone…..I'm sure they'll manage using Facebook, streaming music/video and snapchat on a different platform.

          I get it if you are a Samsung fanboy to the death

          No. I use whatever I'm given from work. I couldn't care less about these giant multinational companies.
          For the record, I have many Samsungs, LGs and iphones. Nearly 10.

        • @smuggler: now you are just being sexist and patronising to women.
          Do you simply view women as a tool for your amusement or are you that ignorant you don't even realise what you are saying?

        • +3

          @jrowls: even a lot of guys have smaller phones, not every wants to walk around with a phone because it doesn't it into jeans pocket …also thumb can reached every part of the screen if being used single handed or standing.

          Apple actually did a lot of work on this years ago and it's why they still have small phones in their range.

        • -5


          now you are just being sexist and patronising to women.

          My comment applies to the average user, male or female. Don't worry, outlook will get easier to use. Give it a ago, petal.

          Do you simply view women as a tool for your amusement

          Some women, sure.

        • @smuggler: Wow. All I can say is I can't wait until my neg limit resets tomorrow.
          Btw thanks for the neg. Shows how mature you are.

        • +1

          @garage sale:

          Exactly right, if I need two hands to use it all the time it's not really right for me lmao. Can't fathom why anyone would want a tablet instead of a phone.

        • +1

          Surprised you let your gf use a phone? She sounds like a feminist.

        • -1

          @Kustard King:
          She is a dirty feminist. Just dont' tell her I said that.

        • @smuggler: Is your girlfriend rich as well? Does she also drive an AMG, bought from her sick stock market gains??

        • @Haters.Inc:

          Does she also drive an AMG

          Yes, she's a Mosmanite.

          Lexus from Sydney City Lexus

          Great people. Ask for Robert

    • Just curious as to why?

      • +2

        After I moved from Apple, everything I bought from then onwards was no longer apple compatible. She likes the idea of complete customisation also, which apple doesn't offer. Alas, her phone is ALWAYS asking itself to delete things as her memory is full. Easy upgradeable storage with Android.

        • +1

          Easy upgradeable storage with Android.

          If you're talkng about SD cards. Google doesn't like them either. No memory card slot.

          I believe you can plug in an external drive.

        • +1

          u do get unlimited photo storage to Google drive with the Pixel 1.

        • @supabrudda

          It's photos and videos taking up her storage so with the endless storage for both these things, her storage issues would be solved.

        • @Frayin:

          Why not use the free up space facility in Google photos to remove them from the device ? They are accessible anytime anyway, no point in having them on the device as well.

        • @mmd: i believe so, although I can't see anything official on the Google website,just third party sites like Android Central



        • @Crusader: Question, last time I tried that it resized and synced all my photos in a lower res regardless of the setting I chose. I was devastated. Admittedly, this was during the early years. Does it sync photos in original size now?

        • +1


          No, resized. You're training data for AI.

        • +1

          @SKiZO: the free version, which does not use your drive storage uses lower res while if you want original size, you have to use drive storage.

        • +1

          @supabrudda: You can use OTG adapter and plug in USB Drive. Not sure if Pixel 1 has one in the box but the 2 does.

    • Try buying it for her and see how you go.

    • +1

      Considering this won't receive OS updates from October, I would keep your 6S. This thing is EOL (excluding basic security updates for 12 months).

    • +1

      It's a great phone but is nearly two years old. Maybe wait until the pixel 3 is out and get her a pixel 2? Here's a review for it:

      • +2

        Great idea,I think I'll do this.

        • That could be a problem as Pixel 2 is very hard to find in stock now. The Pixel 2 XL is however aplenty in stock (for more $ though with essentially same hardware except battery and screen).

    • +5

      This is exactly what I did to get the mrs off iphones.

      A Google Pixel is far better transition experience than any other android because all the google services are embedded like itunes but at least its useful.

      The biggest selling point I used was google Photos, because of unlimited online storage upto 16MP photos and 1080p videos… the "out of storage: issue she had on a 16gb iphone 6s was totally alleviated.

  • +5

    OP, it’s also listed on DWI’s eBay store for $411 - $390.45 with PENNY5 code :)

    • +3

      This always happens I swear. You think you have the best price but then someone will correct you in the deal. LOL.

      • +5

        There is a $41.10 GST charge at the checkout, so the final price is actually $431.55

        • +13

          Jebus. Let me change it back then… Sorry everyone.

          DWI's price includes GST.


        • +4

          @StrayfireX: Yeah that's a shame. Also, with the code JUL10CF the price comes down to $409 :)

        • +1


          You mean on DWI's store?

          Does someone want to take over this deal? I just can't anymore :P

        • @StrayfireX: Whoops, sorry!

        • +1

          @StrayfireX: Yep on DWI's website

    • +1

      No Deal.

      this is still cheaper at AUD$379 with PENNY5 code and Aussie stock

      • It can't be published as a deal because the seller doesn't have enough feedback.

  • -1

    We don't know what regional version is this one but on the web site it doesn't have the 4G 700 band so useless in Australia, also your statement that all Google Pixel phones support band 28 is misleading since there are several versions.
    A 2770mAh battery is absolutely too small for a phone with these specifications so a useless phone unless you're ready to carry a power bank.
    Special notes: Please note that you may or may not get the User Manual in the box as it is not available from some suppliers. Also we cannot guarantee the Manuals in English (if it is in the box) as we source globally to get best prices for you.

    OP you should do more homework before buying a new phone :)

    • +4

      currently using an OG pixel 5 inch. the battery is optimised very well. I get 5 hrs screen time in one day. with light useage i can get 4 hrs screen time over 2 days.
      remmeber the s9 has a slightly bigger 3000mah, but much bigger screen and way less optimised software. so 2800mah isnt actually that tiny.

      • As a comparison of usage so you can understand that battery life is different for everyone:

        OG Pixel: 1.25 hours SOT
        OG Pixel XL: 2 hours SOT
        Note 8: 3 hours SOT
        P2XL: 4.5 hours SOT
        S9+: 5.25 hours SOT.

    • +2

      You can download manuals in English if you want. It's not hard. I'm not even sure what paperwork came with my Pixel (2XL) but I didn't need it.
      2770mah is plenty as nathan-drake has said for the phone. Sure it's not 2 day battery life, but it'll get last one easily

      Maybe you should do more homework before commenting?

      This isn't even to mention the monthly security patches, software updates etc that it gets as well as unlimited photo/video storage. Google doesn't abandon it's phones after a year

    • Global version: LTE band 1(2100), 2(1900), 3(1800), 4(1700/2100), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 12(700), 13(700), 17(700), 18(800), 19(800), 20(800), 21(1500), 26(850), 28(700), 32(1500), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500)

      US/NA variant: LTE band 1(2100), 2(1900), 3(1800), 4(1700/2100), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 12(700), 13(700), 17(700), 20(800), 25(1900), 26(850), 28(700), 29(700), 30(2300), 41(2500)


      • I think only the global version has band 28 thing that DWI doesn't tell, also check their description (as I already said) they don't show the 4G 700.
        By the way, go for it buy it since it's your money :)

        • +1

          There are only two variants of the Google Pixel.

          Both support b28 (700). I'd say it's more likely that DWI's own page is wrong.

        • -4

          @StrayfireX: GSM Arena (the same link you posted) says there are 3 versions, do your homework :)

        • +2


          You realise that USA/North America is a single variant, right?

          They are in one variant tab.

    • +1

      Have a squiz at the wiki page.

      It shows the two versions and they both have Band 28(700Mhz)

  • +4

    the introduction of GST on grey import definitely worked in favour of Gerry Harvey. I still find extremely hard to pay the extra 10%.

    • +5

      You're right. I had no idea eBay slaps on the GST at the end of the transaction, America style. Sux.

    • Not happy with Gerry.
      The only way I can express this is by not buying anything from his stores, regardless of price.

      • Harvey Abnormal.

      • +2

        You'll come crawling back on knees once the Amex deals comes along and get like 300+ votes. All ozbargainers do, no matter whatever they think of saying about HN during the year lol.

        • Yep, with our 4 amex cards and supplementation,

    • +1

      yeah, i felt ripped off after paying 10cents more on a dollar plug adapter from china

  • +8

    Overseas stock. Almost 2 years old. Why not grab a current Xiaomi?

    • +1


    • +3

      Which one?

      • +3

        xiaomi "mi a2" will soon be out for roughly 350AUD

        • +1

          What stops me buying Xiaomi is the lack of NFC :(

        • Was thinking for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 ( Global Version ) but you reckon Mi A2 is better buy than that? Any idea what is the cheapest price for NOTE 5 at present? And when do you expect A2 will come down to 350?

        • Was super keen on the Mi A2 until I discovered there's no SD card slot. :(

        • And the Xiaomi Mi A2 can't compete with the OG Pixel camera. If camera is a factor, this is a very good price for a very good camera phone. You probably need to spend $700 to get something similar on Xiaomi side e.g Mi 8 or Mi Mix 2 S. I'm actually using Pixel 2 and compare it to my niece Pixel and they are both very very good.

      • Mi A2
        Mi Max 3 (soon)
        Note 5

        • Thank you guys.

  • -4

    Not sure why you'd buy this over the higher quality contemporary China smartphones such as Sharp Aquos S2 which has been half the price.

    • Where can i buy that? It's out of stock on joybuy.

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