This was posted 6 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Unleaded E10 for $1/Litre @ 7-Eleven, Research


7 Eleven in Research VIC currently has Unleaded E10 for $1/Litre

This servo is currently not trading fuel but open for shop sales so to obtain this price you’ll need to be within radius of the store and use the app to lock in the price then fill up elsewhere

Nearest E10 store is South Morang

Filled up 43.48 litres this morning for $43.48. Price is still current as per attached image from my app as of 12:45pm.

I know there’s a fuel watch thread for this but I think this is exception to the rule.

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closed Comments

  • 7/11 app won't install on a rooted device? Any ideas on how to fake location?

    • +5

      Use nox (bignox) on PC

        • +9

          If you really looked up on google you'd find something. It's really not that hard.

        • It seem like the pc solution only works on android - for iOS the only option is to JB, right?

        • +2

          @cker: The PC option is a PC option. It's not an "android only" option because you're installing it on PC.

          What exactly did you google for? I literally typed "nox" into google and this was the first result. I specified "bignox" because there's also a search result for "" and I'm not sure if that's correct.

          I actually haven't done it myself so I can't quite fully explain the process to you, but this is supposedly currently the easiest way.

        • +1


          It's having Android (Emulator) running on your PC (Personal Computer)

      • Does it still work with the updated app though? I always get an unable to find location error.

        • I've never actually tried it personally lol. Friend tried it 2 days ago or so and said it worked.

        • Yes

        • +3

          Ever since FakeGPS and 7/11 app started having mock location error issues I switched to using Nox on the PC. Changing locations is easy and the 7/11 app has no idea. The only additional thing I have to do on my phone is relog into my 7/11 Account each time to refresh the fuel screen but that's easy.

        • @Menzoberranzan: Did you download FakeGPS onto Nox or use the inbuilt location tool?

        • +3

          @pifts: just the inbuilt gps in nox. You can set your location with the location button on the right hand side.

        • +1

          Exidez mentioned it.

          Nox is seriously simple to use.

          • Download + Install Nox
          • Sign into Google (Or create a random account if you are paranoid) to download 7/11 App
          • Change location using Inbuilt Location Tool located to the Right of the Nox Program
          • Open 7/11, log into your 7/11 Account, Scan for low price and LOCK IT IN!
          • Open your phone and relog into your 7/11 Account and BAM, you got the bar code
        • @Menzoberranzan: I would plus this comment, but I'm paranoid they might track me! ;)

    • +1

      This works without root on most devices.

      • recent play services fk'd it up. long method now

        • Weird because all my phones say that but it still works. Perhaps because I haven't updated to Oreo?

    • +5

      Works for me because I root with Magisk and have xposed. You'll need to tick the 711 app on Magsik hide and have mock mock locations installed in xposed

      • What device do you use?

        • -3


        • +2

          Galaxy s7 but should work with any rooted device

      • I have the same setup bit 711 app keeps asking to disablr mock lications even when mock locations is disabled.

    • you can use magisk and hide your rooted status from any app on your phone.

      i have it working on my phone.

  • +89

    I surprise myself with how much I consistently happen to be in the right place at the right time to lock in 7-11 fuel at the lowest price across the country, just before I need fuel.


    • ;) we know what you mean

  • I'm looking into it

  • +18

    Clearly you've done some research into this.

    • -7

      I was first with the obvious joke

  • +7

    Happened to be near the area
    Perfect timing, thanks OP

  • +2

    on ios how to do fake location?

    • +1

      Jailbreak, otherwise use nox (bignox) on PC.

  • +11

    Be careful that this may be a honeypot like the last .01 deal a few months back

    • Could make new account just to lock this in I guess :P just make sure you use the money up!

    • Pretty sure because they have pump works and probably discounted it to empty the tanks but of course everyone nearby can benefit using the app

    • +2

      What happened then? Anyone got charged or banned?

      • +3

        i got banned but they will refund unused credit to you.

        • +2

          Did they unban? Refund in the form of a gift card or cash? Were you able to just make a new account?

        • +1

          How did they find out that you were spoofing location?

        • +2

          @stockastics: My friend who got banned said it was because all historical locks were in NSW, whereas there was this random one for the 0.1 cent one in VIC.

        • @illumination:
          Should keep locking in at VIC and say holiday

        • +2

          @ATangk: they asked somebody to provide a recipe showing a purchase nearby last time.

        • Was it instant ban?

        • -1

          @stickyfingers: they want to know if you know how to cook

  • +19

    E10 is the devils fuel.

    • +4

      For $1/Litre not fussed. Saved at least $15-$20.

        • +19

          $15 here $15 there. Oh look I’ve covered the cost of another tank of fuel.

          Hand in your OzB licence. You obviously don’t understand this game.

        • @bricabrac89: Ban Bootstak for herasy

        • @The Wololo Wombat: i'm stating the truth though - small savings aren't life changing - unfortunately. Wish they were, but not in todays market with everything. Australia not cheep cheep no more

        • +1

          @boostpak: Save $15 everyday and that's 54,000 in 10 years. That's a lot. I save more than that everyday from little things like this. It's a mantra. It's a creed. It's …. ozbargain.

        • @The Wololo Wombat:
          you can buy a house and in 10 years you've made $500,000… that's a little more changing than 54k in 10 years by being a cheapskate your whole life. Good investments, smart investments, hard work or luck, and perseverance can create life changing moves. Not saving a buck fifty on a hdmi cable.

        • -3

          @boostpak: They all go together. I have a property portfolio worth 17.5x my annual wage at 27. It all relative mate, it's a mindset. $15 is a lot to save considering fuel is an inelastic expense.

        • +3

          @boostpak: Why do you make the activities sound mutually exclusive?

          I'm not disagreeing with you - but you make it sound like you can't invest in property, business, stocks, and whatever else to grow wealth and be a cheapskate by saving money.

          Don't forget, Ozbargain is a website primarily for saving money; not growing. I absolutely agree growing money is better, but I feel you're expecting the wrong thing if you're expecting people on Ozbargain to not be cheapskate. That's exactly what this website is about.

        • @illumination:
          the site can be seen, defined or used for however anyone wants/deems it. It's up to interpretation of each individual - not what YOU say. A lot of people have the idea that you have to live like an ultimate saver, never do anything fun because it's wasting money and anything you buy has to be an investment rather than just buying and enjoying life. That's a mindset you can have, and I happily won't as we all go to the grave one day. Rather enjoy life to its fullest and not stress too much or worry about saving on every single aspect and cheaping out always. Life's just too short.
          I never said you CAN'T, I said it just won't change very much in a scheme of a whole lifetime, and it's right. But if that's the complete mindset you want to have, just to save 60k in a lifetime, then go for it. But it won't move mountains (shrugs).

    • +2

      But occasional use will remove any water and prevent build up in the tank as the water will mix with the alcohol in the E10

    • -1

      You use more, but used in 911 Porsche, Lexus RX and Honda Jazz, zero running issues

    • Not if I'm gonna sell my car(s) at 5 years old marks.

    • +29

      She needs premium dude! Premium!

    • What's actually so bad about E10 fuel for cars that support it?

      I know it raises fuel consumption but it is also significantly cheaper

      • +11

        What's actually so bad about E10 fuel for cars that support it?


      • +12

        what are you on about? it's proven e10 burns the quickest

        • -6

          Nup not for me. Can't explain why but I experimented over 6 months and would consistently get more kms out of a tank of E10. Check who funded the research when they 'proved' E10 burns quicker. Or simple, conduct the experiment yourself.

        • +1

          @jdogg: With my old car I had a spreadsheet of all my fill ups and E10 consistently burned more so had less KMs between fills for the same Litres.

          My new car needs U98 so can't compare it anymore.

        • -1
        • -1

          @jdogg: did you ever think you never drive (use up fuel) your car the exact time each time you drive it?
          I 100% disagree with your opinion

    • So is 91 if you have a euro car :’(

    • -1

      So bad for your engine. Can't use it in mine anyway because it's a high end euro but we used it in my wife's CRV which is factory E10 compatible and had issues with sensors and so on. Mechanic said don't use E10.

    • +1

      I use a lot of car rentals as I travel a lot. E10 saves me money when refilling as I return it

  • -2

    For any questions regarding how to obtain the lock without travelling to the area, see this thread:

      • +9

        Have a cry.

      • +3

        Why post this then?

  • +7

    Was Researching the area and ended up locking in this great price.

  • +5

    7-Eleven have shortchanged their workers for years. Let's all go to Research VIC.

    • +19

      Errr….. if you're around the area, it's perfectly legitimate? That's what the price lock feature is all about….
      As for gps spoof, never heard of it…

    • +13

      How, at all, would it be "unethical" if you lock in the price with the app around the area?

      What nonsense. It's exactly how the app is supposed to be used.

      If you are spoofing GPS, it is against the TOS of the app but you would hardly be convicted of fraud in a court of law.

      Time to take a chill pill.

    • +1

      The "outright fraud" comment is an arguable one that I think some would agree with you on, but not me personally, but to call it unethical to lock if you're around the area sounds absolutely absurd.

      Do you use VPN by any chance?

    • +1

      The high prices of fuel is fraud. Other places have a normal price of $1.60.

    • +2

      What’s unethical about paying the price the retailer is offering it for?

      You don’t go into Coles and not buy anything that’s on half price special because it’s “unethical” do you? Of course not. So what’s different about petrol?

      • unethical. brain washed by Gerry?

  • +5


  • What's actually so bad about E10 fuel for cars that support it?

    I know it raises fuel consumption but it is also significantly cheaper

    • +6

      There's nothing wrong but IMO the current average price gap between E10 and 91 @2c is not enough to offset the slight loss in mileage.
      It's better to pay the extra 2c for 91.

      At this price it's a no brainer to pick E10 over 91 if your car supports it.…
      Not the best test unless you want a total scientific route of dyno controlled environment etc.

      • -1

        Even though E10 is made using 94 or 95 octane fuel mixed with the ethanol vs pure 91 fuel?

        • +3

          E10 is made with 91 RON fuel. Ethanol is much higher RON which raises the blended fuel to 94 or 95. However it has ~30% lower energy content then petrol which reduces fuel economy of the blend.

        • @bric

        • @johnnygolden:

          Ah I always thought the 94/95 on the pump meant it was 94/95 fuel mixed with E10. Live and learn :)

  • -4

    what a shit company, the worst of the worst

    • +5

      Must be an ex underpaid employeee

  • I already locked for 80L .Thanks op

    • I locked in 50litres. But it’s single use only yeah? Anyone got clever ways to make the use of locking in lots of litres? Jerry cans?

      • Bring your family along

      • +4

        Get cars on either side of the pump or pump then move car without putting the nozzle in the holder and fill again.

      • -1

        Once you have bought the fuel. Just lock it in again. That's what I do :)

      • +2

        yes I have 20 Liter jerry can from supercheap auto. It paid off after a couple of fuel price circle. My tank is around 43 litre.

  • -1

    Here's how to fake your location on an iPhone with Xcode…

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