This was posted 6 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Winter Sale 2018 - up to 60% off (Deals inside) @ PlayStation Store AU


First post here so go easy on me.

Playstation Store AU is having a Winter Sale that ends on 23/8/2018. A lot of games are on sale and are worth checking out. I'll post some good deals below:

-Horizon Zero Dawn: Standard Edition $24.95: (Extra 10% off for PS PLUS users)…
-Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition $39.95: (Extra 10% off for PS PLUS users)…
-The Last Guardian $17.95:…
-Shadow of the Colossus $24.95: (Extra 10% off for PS PLUS users)…
-Nioh Standard Edition $17.95:…
-Nioh Complete Edition $30.95:…
-The Witcher 3 Standard Edition $17.95:…
-The Witcher 3 Game of the Year Edition $24.95:…
-Tekken 7 $30.95:…
-Dragon Ball Fighterz $54.95:…
-Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice $26.95:…
-Dying Light $20.95:…
-Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection $26.95:…
-Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate $39.95:…
-Assassin's Creed® Rogue Remastered $24.95:…
-Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection $24.95:…
-Uncharted: The Lost Legacy $24.95:…
-Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom $47.95:…
-Deus Ex: Mankind Divided $8.95:…
-DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition $39.95:…
-Just Cause 3 $8.95:…
-Journey $5.95:…

These are the best deals on good games I could find. There are a lot more at…

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Just Cause 3 prices look good, thanks OP

    • great price!

    • +2

      Anyone know if the game has been patched for performance since release?

      Ran really poorly initially.

      • +1

        Googled for it and looks like it has got worse, maybe that's why they're selling for peanuts :(

      • +1

        They never fixed it, which means I never bothered finishing it.

        • +4

          It was also released as a ps plus free game a few months back

      • When it was released as a PS+ game it ran comically badly. I didn't even get through the tutorial mission because I was having so little fun with it. I'm not a framerate snob, but this is like AC Syndicate that also flatlined down to a Powerpoint slideshow too much to enjoy. I'd avoid.

    • Better performance on PC, if you have one.

  • +3

    Wonder what 2nd time posters' opening line would be.

    • Hilarious.

    • +3

      Still hurt from the first time, so go easy on …

  • +1

    pretty much all repeat deals. except tekken 7, which for $30 is a bargain… i paid like $99 when it came out

    • -1

      So almost $99 or a different currency or?

    • +4

      Please hand in your OzBargain membership card…

  • +3
    • +7

      Why did Deluxe edition only get 3 exclamation marks vs the 4 for standard ;)

      • +1

        Why doesn't your question end with a question mark!!!! internet grammar!!?

      • +1

        Maybe all the extras in the Deluxe edition aren’t worth the extra $9? OnlinePred just looking out for their fellow OzBargainers ;)

  • +6

    Excellent post with lots of detail.

    If only more were like yours.

    Great work.

  • Thanks OP

    Anyone able to confirm if A Way Out is on sale?

    • +2

      Not on sale at the moment

  • Is psplus on sale?

  • +1

    What game you can buy at retail around same price? you can just disregard all those

  • Does anyone know if you need the paid online (PSPlus?) to get the multiplayer element of Journey PS4?


    • A cursory search says no you don't need plus.

    • pretty sure you need it, that's why it was a PS plus game last year.

    • +3

      Pretty sure you need PSN Plus for the online multiplayer capability of any PS4 game

      • not for Journey you don't.

  • Thanks! been waiting for a price drop on Tekken

  • +2

    Seems like a great price for Journey.

    • Do you happen to know if the Collector's Edition also has cross-buy? Each individual game does but the bundle has no mention of it.

  • +1

    Dragonball Fighterz holding its value so bad. Is it really selling that well that they can't discount it? It launched 6 months ago!

    • +1

      It's one of the best selling fighting games in the genre.

  • +13

    Shadow of the Colossus is only $19.45 if you have PSPlus. Been meaning to give it a go for about 13 years now

  • I'm not a big fan of Dark Souls but have heard great things about Nioh.

    Will I enjoy it if I don't like that style of combat?

    • +6


    • +3

      Will you enjoy it if you don't enjoy what it is?
      I doubt it.

    • Is it as difficult as Dark Souls?

    • +1

      It's a faster combat system and mission oriented with cheesy characters, but it was fun. Quite a bit easier than dark souls I found. Still I prefer dark souls.

    • +1

      I am not a big fan of Dark Souls either but Nioh absolutely rules.

      Best combat system this generation, loads of Diablo-style loot. It has more in common with Ninja Gaiden than Dark Souls.

    • I was enjoying it more than I've enjoyed DS and Bloodborne, til I got to the first boss who was simply too hard to cope with, so I gave up. I've very limited gaming time due to a busy life, and don't want to spend my life getting punished.

  • Been eyeing up Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition - any one got first hand experience of it? Any good?

    I know it might've been a tad cheaper a little while ago on Amazon.

    • +5

      It’s amazing. The dlc is really good and extensive as well. Probably a solid 60 hours in the complete package

    • I love the game, got a few fill in the time quests such as collect all views, items and crap, avoid them and its really enjoyable.

  • Are these the default prices or is there a few extra dollars off if you have the PSN+ subscription as well ?
    I seem to recall two different prices for GTA 5 and Gran Turismo Sport (considering GT even though I purchased it from Target when it dropped in price months ago…… a cheap digital copy would be the bees knees).

  • +1

    Patiently awaiting a PS+ deal.

  • I wanna go mostly digital, but not sure if the Ps5 will be backwards compatible

    • It better be or else I'm going to be very MAD

    • It won't be. You will have to buy the ps5 version of everything. Just like PS4 and PS3. Sony is sh1t like that, they need to be more like Microsoft (Xbox backwards compatibility is tops)

      • I only play on PlayStation and have never owned and Xbox but I agree, not sure why you're dowm voted.
        I have 600ish PS3 games and would love to be able to use them on my PS4.

        I'm very jealous of Xbox, keeping last gen online communities active etc. is awesome.

        • Yeah I have Xbox and PlayStation, just a few games I had to buy twice on PS3 and PS4: God of War 3, Uncharted 1 2 3, little big planet 3, the last of us, Tekken 7, devil may cry hd collection, devil may cry 5 se, some of the resident evil games, and a few others for sure. That's hundreds of dollars just to move a few games from PS3 to PS4.
          On Xbox there are already hundreds of backwards compatible games that you don't have to repurchase.…

      • +2

        The problem with backwards compatibility between the PS3 and the PS4 is that they were literally like two different machines, nowadays we can make the argument that no game should be platform restricted or not backwards compatible because every gaming machine out there right now is essentially a PC using PC parts. The PS3's CPU was something uniquely made for the console, it was powerful but unique and a pain in the ass to code for, it took studios years to figure out how to get everything they could out of the hardware, its why the titles between the launch of PS3 and end of it's run look like night and day.

        Unless the game developers literally remade their games to run on modern platforms, there would have been no way to run any of their digital games on PS4 unless you were running a PS3 in software emulation which would have been terrible. Hell, even the launch ps3 was only able to play backwards compatible ps2 games because there was literally a stripped down physical ps2 on the board of the ps3 because they were again, two different machines entirely.

        I fully expect the next console to be just as backwards compatible as any steam game is on PC and if it's not… well then I'll consider jumping ship from sony at that point because I'm not rebuying my games collection again.

        • How is Xbox -> Xbox One or Xbox 360 -> Xbox One different?

        • @lukethefish:

          They all used similar architecture. PlayStations did not.

          BUT, emulation of the cell processor was always considered impossible (for the foreseeable future at least) because of its great difference, and presumably the great computational power required to do so. This is why instead of backwards compatibility Somy provided PS Now (in some markets) to fill that need.

          Recent (and out of left field) developments have shown that emulation is indeed possible, and a lot sooner and with more modest hardware than one might think. Have a look at RPCS3.

        • @lukethefish: It is and it isn't:
          XBox was x86, XBox 360 is Xenon, and XBox One is x86-64.
          PS2 was Emotion Engine (unique CPU architecture), PS3 is Cell, and PS4 is x86-64.

          The IBM Cell processor used in the PS3 used one dual threaded core (PPE) along with 7 co-processors (SPEs). It also used 256MB of GDDR3 and 256MB of a different kind of RAM, XDR.
          The IBM Xenon processor used in the XBox 360 used three of the dual threaded PPE cores found in the Cell processor, but modified with added extensions. The processor used 512MB of conventional GDDR3 RAM.

          The PPEs are more for general processing, and similar to the x86 architecture in that way.
          The SPEs are specialised, and not so similar to x86 architecture.

          Games were easier to program for on the XBox 360, and cross platform games for the PC usually ran well on the XBox 360 because of that.
          PlayStation 3 was more difficult to program for as IBM designed it for "peak computational throughput over simplicity of program code". Many cross platform games had worse performance on the PS3 than the XBox 360 as the developers couldn't utilise the Cell processor effectively, but those PS3 games that took advantage of the Cell CPU looked amazing, Last of Us for example.

          Keep in mind, the graphical aspect of emulation isn't the difficult part, its the central processing that is most complicated. The XBox 360 effectively had a simpler, less powerful CPU than the PS3 and the XBox One has a marginally faster CPU than the PS4, so Microsoft have an easier time of implementing the emulation than Sony would.

          Sony could do it with enough effort ($$$), but its not easy and Sony are still pushing PlayStation Now which includes PS3 games.

          Kept trying to improve clarity, still not happy with it.

        • +1

          @FabMan: Should probably replace "Xenon" with "POWER" or "PowerPC", and "Emotion Engine" with "MIPS".

          POWER isn't that close to x86 for the purposes of emulation: just look at the reports of Apple's Rosetta software when they were making the transition from PPC to x86 a decade ago.

          I suspect part of Microsoft's success in providing cross-architecture backwards compatibility came from not trying to emulate the old hardware entirely: if you can see the game is making a particular DirectX call (or some other system library call), why run an emulated version of that procedure, when you can directly call a native version?

          Not that this matters much for a potential x86 based PS5: there doesn't seem to be much technical reason to be incompatible, especially when digital distribution means you've got a ready market to sell those old games from.

        • @James Henstridge: Yeah I agree Xenon should be Power-PC, I originally wrote that but changed it to Xenon as I wasn't sure what was clearer to someone reading it. To keep consistency PS2 should be MIPS too, though I don't mind that as its quite unique chip as its design was only used in PS2 as far as I'm aware.

          The DirectX utilisation really helps with graphical, audio and input replication on other hardware, as you can see over the years on x86 and Windows environments. I do not believe DirectX helps the game code be emulated though. That would be a significant amount of work that Microsoft did, and did well.

          I agree the Xenon's Power-PC instruction set is not similar to x86-64 for emulation purposes, but both the Xenon and Jaguar CPU's use general-purpose cores that are similar in their method of execution of code. You'll notice that the cross platform games nearly all performed better on XBox 360 (Power), Wii U (Power) and PC (x86) than the PlayStation 3 (Cell), despite that PS3 producing amazing exclusives.

          The architecture of the Cell is vastly different in that it uses one general purpose core (Power-PC) along with the coprocessing elements known as the Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs) that was unique to the Cell multi-core processor. The thing about those SPEs was that the were designed and utilized for media and 3D purposes, kinda like a GPU. So an x86-64 CPU emulating the Cell has to emulate the Power-PC aspect and the SPEs that are kinda like a GPU.

          It's why I reckon PS4 had a lot of remasters, crap ton easier to modify and recompile the game code and utilise those already existing media assets.

      • +1

        PS5 being backward compatible is quite likely, as it will continue to have AMD x86/x64 CPU with AMD Navi GPU.

        PS4 is not backward compatible to PS3 due to CPU architecture change.

        Sony will most likely want to take advantage of PS4 exclusives in PS5, at least initially.

        • 4K resolution, stable 60fps, improved AA and AF on God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, and Last of Us 2 seems like a great way to launch PS5.

  • +1

    If I were to buy Journey: Collector's Edition on PS4, would I also receive the 3 games for PS3 as well?

    Just want to confirm as all 3 games separately have cross-buy, and explicitly mention it in the description, but there isn't anything like this mentioned for the Collector's Edition. I want to assume that the CE is just the licence keys to all 3 individual games (which would in turn mean they would have cross-buy), but since there is no separate listing for a PS3 version of the Collector's Edition I'm thinking it could just be a standalone bundle.

    If anyone has already purchased it, please let me know.

  • -4

    “First post here so go easy on me.“


    Seriously.. this line makes me not want to go easy on you.

  • +2

    There are heaps of VR games on sale too with huge savings! I picked up the inpatient $19, dirt rally vr upgrade $10, gran turismo $16.95, Rez VR $17.95, statik $8.95, superhot vr $21

    • superhot is the best

    • yup.. noticed that myself after purchasing a PS VR on the weekend, so I bought Arizona Sunshine, Bound, Pixel Gear, Gunjack,Ace Banana and Tumble all for $43.something.

  • Is Dark Souls 3 deluxe worth this price?

    I only ever played Demon Souls and Original Dark Souls they were very good.

    But skipped Dark Souls 2 as I didn't have enough time to play it. Heard 3 is the finale

    • +1

      The base game often goes on sale for like $20-25. If you plan on playing the DLC too then this is probably a fair price. You might get it a few dollars cheaper elsewhere but meh.

  • So many games,
    so limited money
    so few options for so many must have games ….decisions, decisions.

    • Limited time too

  • Going to upgrade my Arkham Knight to Premium Edition, and trade in the physical.

    • Hey so how is Arkham Knight? I enjoyed Asylum and loved City, but heard that Knight was comparatively worse.

      • It's not a bad game but I think it's just that people were expecting more. Like the jump from Asylum to City.

        From City to Knight wasn't much of a change except for the size of the map and batmobile. Even then the batmobile was overused.

        Still, as I said it wasn't a bad game. Think of it as Arkham city on steroids.

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