Girlfriend and seven work friends off to a P&O cruise have been notified it is mandatory to have travel insurance under P & O guidelines.
No travel insurance, no cruise says Flight Centre. Anyone come across this?
Girlfriend and seven work friends off to a P&O cruise have been notified it is mandatory to have travel insurance under P & O guidelines.
No travel insurance, no cruise says Flight Centre. Anyone come across this?
Very advisable to have one, as private health insurers do not cover you on board a cruise ship. If you need medical assistance/ medication on board, it gets very expensive. With all the Norovirus / food poisoning / flu happening onboard frequently, better to be safe than sorry…
Good write up here:…
Straight from the horse's mouth:…
Usually large tour operators require you to have travel insurance.
You don't need to buy from Flight Centre.
Just advise flight centre you already have travel insurance…
But i advise you to buy travel insurance.
The real question here OP is why doesn’t your gf have travel insurance ?
does typical CC complimentary insurance cover P&O trip ?
some do, some don't. Cruises normally need 'special' coverage or extra coverage.
P&O cruise have been notified it is mandatory to have travel insurance under P & O guidelines.No travel insurance no cruise says flight centre
Sorry, please explain how this is a Flight centre criuise rort when P&O are the ones saying you need this and not flight center?
I think OP feels like Flight Centre should've told them about the extra cost when booking. But it is a P&O policy and it's not like FC is pocketing any of the money, so I don't think it's really on them either.
Well, thats what u get when u book a cruise to syria via somalia and the golf of aden..
U should have chosen figi
i thinks you are nuts for considering a cruise. gastro outbreaks seems to be in the news all the time.
Guess its for medical evacuations as well, imagine the cost of a helicopter medivac when at sea or the ship having to alter to a different country, destination to drop the injured off very expensive
I hadn't heard of it being mandatory, but it would probably make more sense when going on a cruise as opposed to some other types of holiday.
You will be at the mercy of the single operator for your holiday, with no options for other suppliers, etc., and I can understand why cruise operators don't want to get caught out with passengers that cannot afford whatever needs to be covered.