Anyone seen a ranking like this for Australia, scraping current prices?
Cheapest Beer (or Liquor, More Generally) by Alcohol Content
Home brew?
gotta love dem moonshine
G00N B@G?
Not sure why you were downvoted.
This is the correct answer, except for home brewing.
5lt Berri 10.5% cask is $15.
That is nearly cheaper than metho.“Beer”. Not sure why OP asked for beer then states any alcohol. That’s clearly gonna result in goon
Not asking for a particular product, but for an online tool. It's pretty obvious spirits are cheaper per litre of alcohol than beer, for instance.
This seems to be a bit tragic. Surely we all know the detrimental health impacts of high alcohol intake (even though I enjoy a drink immensely).
You get me wrong. This is not about getting spent; quite the opposite: it's about spending the least.
Oh my the follies of youth eh!
Without wanting to sound like a real stick in the mud check your 'enjoyable night out' methodology if its mandatory to get shitfaced on the cheapest & likely very unenjoyable beverage on the market. My spider senses are telling me that such a path all too often ends up in a crummy night &/or a very bad thing happening.
IMHO you want to have a few beverages to get a nice 'buzz' going and then your challenge is to maintain that throughout the evening without tipping over into the "That guy's a pro kickboxer but I swear I can take him down", "Hmmmm a hotdog from the stand operating out of a station wagon seems an idea" and "Maybe I won't need protection with this girl" zones.
KNow where you're coming from but there's a lot to be said for embracing a lil more other than just how little I can pay to get zonked. :-)
PS. In a lot of areas of expertise the experts are the ones to follow - and your old school 'under the bridge' drunks tend to like goon bags. Enjoy those special memories!
Oy vey, what a drudgy dribble…
Sounds like you haven't been following your own advice lately… Is this a drunk post?
@wisdomtooth: ?
yawn This coming from the individual searching for how to get drunk the cheapest, good one. Do let us know how this all works out for you.Suffice to say there's not going to be your desired 'online tool' for this as there's no demand for such a thing. I hazard to say that it's simple mathematics to calculate the volume of alcohol per dollar - but I'm guessing that anyone wanting such a calculation likely isn't that savvy in this area.
PS. Haha now you're saying you only want 'lagers'! Way to make it easy for folks to assist you. Well nearly every cheap beer on the market is a lager (which is ironic as they're harder to make than ales but thats what the masses crave) a case of Aldi's Rivet is your cheapest - done.
Suffice to say there's not going to be your desired 'online tool' for this as there's no demand for such a thing.
Did you miss the link in the OP, @Nikko?
Haha now you're saying you only want 'lagers'! Way to make it easy for folks to assist you.
Wut?? ¿o.0?
Well nearly every cheap beer on the market is a lager
Yep, I'm cheap. You know this is OzBargain, right?
Aldi's Rivet is your cheapest - done.
Interesting… I've been buying all my beer at Aldi, and never noticed that one. Perhaps because I tend to snob the cans, and got straight for the bottles. It's 22% cheaper than my usual choice on an undiluted basis, so I'll give it a try next time (interestingly, it's also less caloric, both per total volume and per total alcohol content).
And seems to be well liked too…
Not a bad choice indeed!
@Nikko: Just tried it. Didn't like it. Didn't like it at all. Something in my body tells me its too loaded on preservatives. Oh well, 23 more to go.
Cheapest alcohol/$ was when I went to a Chinese hot pot place with friends - they had I think 500ml bottles of 40%+ "Baijiu" for about $11.
Good question OP.
Homebrew wine with finings cost me over a dollar per 750ml bottle, but was maybe 2%. So not worth it and gave my gnuckles a rash.
With discounts and buying x3 from 1stchoice etc (so < $12 each), 5lt Berri which has eg. SoftDryRed at 13%. I prefer their Traditional Red at 12.5%.
Thus per 750ml I have bought it at $1.60'ish/750ml. Top value. Traditional Red gives a good high, but I think they vary the content often.Interesting answers so far… What I was looking for is an online tool, not product recommendations. But, if I can't win you, I'll join you, and chip in with my favourite choice at $90.80 per litre of alcohol.
I think what you want is
I've gone down this path. Cheapest I've managed to get is $2 per litre of 70% alcohol, but it tastes like arse, so I have to make some modifications to the process. And that doesn't include time or tools invested, which are substantial.
I know Boozle, but it doesn't do the $/L of alcohol calc. Also not going to drink by that metric alone. I'm interested in lagers only at the moment, but the calc would suit any taste buds, I reckon.
vanilla essence
Yes, there is a reason this is / was so popular
I once worked out how much it would cost to get the same amount of alcohol as there is in a Berri 5L cask of claret, if you went to the pub and drank schooners of beer. It was a while ago but over $400 is my memory.
Just buy casked wine or port. It's the cheapest alcohol to get drunk off. Then after you do it, you'll not only realise why it's cheap but why most people stay away from it.
Why not just drink good beer/alcohol, then you'll recover from the hangover much easier and be able to use those saved hours working! $$$ profit.
You completely misunderstood the point. This is not about getting spent; quite the opposite: it's about spending the least.
Yes. Which you'll find is going to be in the cheap wine section.
True, if one's sole purpose is getting drunk. Mine isn't. But of course it's part and parcel of the drinking experience. Otherwise, I'd just drink a juice or somethin'.
Cheapest Beer (or Liquor, More Generally) by Alcohol Content
So why did you say it was?
Should be 'best bang for buck for alcohol'.
Because it's one attribute I consider, in addition to taste, health effects, etc, @StoneSin. As I don't have a craving to drinking unbounded amounts, given any level of drunkenness, one would necessarily drink twice as much of a 2.5% light beer than of a 5% one, thus consuming twice as much more preservatives, chemistry, etc (if not more).
@wisdomtooth: Most people consider that. So why would anyone list one and get upset when one is taken into consideration more than the average?
No, no 😄