Why Am I So Bad at Fortnite? PLZ HELP!

I'm really bad at Fortnite. Really bad.

I've don't think I've ever been so bad at something in my life.

I've had close to 900 solo games and not won a Victory Royale. Not even once. I did once in Squads when I got carried.

The best # of kills I had is 5 (in solo). I've gotten that twice. My K/D is around 0.4

I thought it was my computer, so bought a new PC. Now getting 100+ FPS on high setting and I'm still crap. I bought a new monitor, a razer death-adder mouse. Still crap.

Focus on trying to build more . Still crap.

Maybe it's my internet? How can I tell if I'm getting bad ping? I'm on the Old Optus cable. I get 100 Mbbs download and 2Mbpps upload (also upgraded the speed to help). Maybe it's lag to the server? I do notice that my shot gun shots don't hit quite often, even at close range when I'm dead on them.

Or maybe I'm just past my prime (27 yo)

Plz help a poor soul.


  • +4

    Look at your game play and workout why you are are bad.
    Is your aim bad? Change your sensitivity higher or lower depending if you are over or under shooting your aim.

    Are you slow or bad at building? jump in 50v50 and land on the enemy side of the line and FIGHT.

    If your shots just aren't hitting them maybe you are holding down the fire button and just playing the luck game with Bloom, try slowing it down with AR's and tap firing for that first shot accuracy.
    Don't peak in the same location on your ramp's or wherever you are multiple times, it's so easy to snipe someone that's predictable like that.

    If you just fk up and panic in fights, then i'd suggest pushing everyone you come across in solo's unless it's insanely dumb to do so in whatever situation and work through that nervousness.

    Work on your keybinds best to check out all the top streamers keybinds and find something that works for you but isn't terrible.

    If you think your ping is bad do a speedtest.net speed test and find out what your ping is.
    I'd say anything under 30 Ping is fine.
    but sometimes it's just the games server messing up, i have NBN FTTP with 1-3 ping in game and i still see issues due to the game servers.

    Your internet speed is fine it's more to do with ping than internet speed, 10 50 100+ mbps doesn't matter all will be the same as long as your ping is low.

    just play with the intent to get better so pushing enemies actively fighting others and you will get better.

    • really appreciate all these tips mate! This would have taken a long time to write, try this and let you know how it goes!

  • +6

    You really have to evaluate your own skill set and performance objectively. I suck at multiplayer games as I'm old (62) and just cannot think and react as fast as most players.

    I could hold my own in cod Ghosts etc but it was tiring and at times just mindless. so now I just play single player games I love Sniper Elite series as its stealth and accuracy and no run and gun stuff. In one version I managed to get 43rd in world ranks which took 700 hrs

    So is this style of game best for you or do you need to move on to a different genre even to the extent of playing a car race sim with wheel etc like Live for Speed acknowledged as having the best physic in the genre however if you want real life cars that grip around corner in rain like railroad tracks stick to the Need for speed and Forza type crap

    All in all if a game is so frustrating to use well you're not enjoying it , pack up move on

    FarCry series has good gameplay and good single player campaigns get games with a single player (offline) mode learn from them before attempting multiplayer

    • 62 and gaming! Living the dream mate! Awesome! Thanks for the advice, I think I might have to take your advice if other's doesn't work lol

  • +2

    This post has actually made my day, especially this part:

    I thought it was my computer, so bought a new PC. (also upgraded internet speed to help). bought a new monitor, a razer death-adder mouse.


    • +2

      Glad my misfortune has made you happy haha! At least that makes it a little better

      • Haha yeah it does :D
        I'm trash at Fortnite as well (although I've only played ~100 games) playing on Xbox.

        But kudos playing on PC, I probably never would get used to the controls on keyboard.

  • OP, find what makes you comfortable and stick with it. Many people dont use mouse accel - I use it, they dont use a "speed mouse pad" - I use a control. Find your own settings and practice, changing your DPI and sens etc.. will make you worse, not better, as inconsistency transpires.

  • +5

    Are you enjoying playing Fortnite?

    If yes, then who cares about your stats.

    People get so hung up on winning at video games.

    I'm an old fart (just turned 40). I can't stand Fortnite. I like how polished it is and the ease of access, however I can't stand it that every firefight turns into a cubby-house competition.

    It's why I play PUBG now with mates (on Xbox One).

    Yes, it's certainly nowhere near as polished, and pretty buggy every now and then, but my mates and I have a laugh every time we play.

    We suck, but we don't care. We're having fun.

    • I lol'd at 'cubby house comp' - this is a good perspective! Thanks for sharing :)

    • Nothing beat the adrenaline rush of pubg but I quickly moved to fortnite due to the issues with battlegrounds. Fortnite has the playerbase, ease of access, popularity, good community, extra curricalars such as dancing, building, challenges, alternate modes and shenanigans to keep me interested for 5-10 hrs a week.

  • +1

    Surely this is a troll…

    But just in case it's not. My best advice is just to keep hiding and wait patiently to get to top 10, then start killing the other guys with snipers.

    • +3

      Sadly not a troll. Just a guy with a full time job and money to waste trying to get better at a game that 12 year olds easily beat him on, trying to preserve his ego and self worth :'(

      • just make a youtube video where you flex… beat those 9 year olds… instaWin

    • +1

      nah just an old 27 year old, who slowly realising he's past his prime

  • +1

    Dealing with the same issue mate, although haven't played as much as you did but I was able to figure out my mistakes.
    I was focusing more on jumping around rather than aiming at the opponent. My tip would be take your time to aim before you shoot, its risky but seems to work.

  • Practice building, lots of it. If someone spots you before you open fire on them just build first or theres good chance you'll just get mowed down.

    If you want a practice buddy send me a message, I feel your pains.

    Im a 36 year old dad these days and not anywhere near as quick as I used to be :D ive won a handful of solos though. I can maybe give you few pointers

  • +1

    Relax dude, I am the same boat in PUBG (0.38 kill death ratio). I was good (in my youth) at every other game I played :). I blamed the PC, I changed it too (it is still a potato (almost exactly what you have) but I am getting 80+ fps now with no big dips anymore).

    You are missing 1 point, you believe because in this game there is you and 99 other people that your chance in winning it is basically 1/100. But you are playing with people that play it hours and hours a day. My 360 hours in the game is nothing. I cannot really compete with them. Just relax, play with friends and have fun.

    PS: I had some good games in PUBG, funnily enough, those were the games I did not give a "duck", there were games where I just trolled, I went around the map driving with any car I could get my hands one. At the end I got shit gear but I went in fights without any expectations and I did very, very well. The games where I was a "try hard" I did really, really shitty.

  • mate, have you heard anything about Age of Empires 4?

  • Are you still using the default skin? Everyone knows that you cannot win using the default skin. Also, always ensure you use a male skin. Everyone knows that a female cannot win.

    Further, you can't be rocking basic axes/gliders/back blings, etc. Forget about wasting your money on PC upgrades, character upgrades are where it is at.

    Most importantly, how many dance moves do you have? You need at least 5, and if you don't stand in a circle and bust all of them out in the waiting area, you have a 99% chance of losing before the game even starts. You need to put the fear of god into all of the other players and psyche them out before a shot is fired.

    Seriously though I just play 50/50s cos Battle Royales are too stressful and boring (if you are crap and have to hide until the end like you or I).

  • Play PUBG on mobile. Way easier. Less ace people that are pros at mouse and keyboard, auto-aim. I was never THAT great at fps back in the day (CS, Unreal T etc) but Im doing pretty ok at pubg now at the ripe old gaming age of mid thirties :) think the matching against people on similer levels is not too bad either so you have a fairer chance.
    If that doesnt help then practice aiming and firing, get tips off pros, work on your reflexes!

  • Perplexed why people define their life success via avatars in online games.

    its a game, its not real..play something else..try chess..

    • +1

      Online chess?

  • -1

    Then play pubg the easier version of fortnite

  • -1

    Please exit and stop playing this poor excuse of a game.
    The creator has done nothing but combine elements of: PlayersUnknown, MineCraft and TF2, nothing really innovative.

    • +1

      Innovative by combining all three? 😏

  • I suggest yuo check yuor settings. HTH.

  • Fortnite Shmortnite, I miss Gorf.

  • Hi Wombat, if its an option you should try upgrading your internet link. It looks like your upload may be holding you back. If you can get on an nbn plan with at least 25mbps upload you'll be laughing. I play games like pubg and fortnite on nbn 50 up 50 down and usually have a good experience.

  • +1

    Damit lerooooooooooyyyyyyyy

  • +3

    Hi friend!

    TLDR: Spend time focusing on fixing one thing at a time, not going for the end prize at the start. Things will get worse before they get better, but then they will get much better.

    From the cheeky name I'd say you have some gaming experience but how much of it is with shooters? Just because A Combat Wombat can frag out an entire house of angry dingo doesn't mean we all can. That said you can certainly get better with some strategy and knowledge. Full disclosure, I've mainly played PUBG, so if someone has any insights to if I go offtrack please leave a reply for Mr/Mrs Wombat. Some has been previously mentioned.

    1. Reduce sensitivity

    Do it gradually so your mind adjusts. The whole point of this is that when you react you'll not get it right every time, you will move your arm/wrist slightly too far or not far enough. Lower sensitivity —> greater mouse movement for the same cursor movement. Now when you aren't millimeter perfect you're closer to being pixel perfect (you may even still hit the person you were aiming at). You don't need to go all the way down to what the pros use, just get to as low as you can deal with in your gaming space/whats comfortable for you.

    2. Rebinds

    You mentioned you were focusing on building, and as someone mentioned rebind them to more convenient location. This will help you create more useful/complex structures more easily. Remember building is both for transport and for fighting. There are some good videos about what structures you can make and then you will learn what helps your style of play.

    3. Play with team mates

    Play some team/duo/50v50. Sometimes having someone else to lead you lets you focus on and improve 1 thing at a time.

    4. Strategy - First Learn the Map, then Get better combat experience, then try to win

    It really comes down to: Do you play for Kills, or play for the win, or play to get better and enjoy it

    I don't think the game is what your post makes it think you play like. These Battle Royal games aren't like other FPS, KD doesn't mean you'll get the win. To win the game you need to kill 1 person. Get 1 decent weapon, some meds and play safe until the end and you'll eventually get one

    To get better enjoyment out of the game I would recommend doing the following
    * Drop and start in 1 particular area of the map for 5-10 games. Ignore the game and tear that area apart until you're forced out by the zone. Break every wall down from every house. Find where loot boxes can spawn in basements and roofs, and what to build to get to there and back out. Repeat until you know the whole map. Climb to stupid places, kill yourself in new and interesting way. Shoot your gun at the tree on top of the hill. Learn the mechanics of the game and what you can do.

    • After you have a good feel for a number of areas drop to some of the more popular areas and try to kill people. Use every type of weapon. Find what you're best at, not what is the best. You may find you just can't do shotguns, but that a purple pistol will let you get kills. Go into this stage knowing that you will be in the first 10 dead. Get in as many quick fights as you can.

    • Have an intention when you see another player. If you're goal is to win, that doesn't mean shoot at everyone. There are 4 reasons to shoot at someone: 1. Take there stuff so you have better gear. Better gear will make killing the final player/surviving that long easier.

    1. You know you have an advantage, can take out a contender with little risk to yourself. Remember fights draw attention.
    2. Not fighting will put you at risk. That person might sneak up on you later, or maybe they already have! Sometimes the noise is enough to bring some commotion. If you're at a disadvantage sometimes its better to start a fight early before the map makes you move, and hope other players are around to pick off the first enemy, or at least distract them.
    3. Its an FPS and its fun. I'm not saying never have fights. Start stupid fights and have fun but remember its a 100 player Mexican standoff, if you don't get shot first you can often shoot last.
    • There will always be better players. That is how everything in life works. Don't blame age or any other factor because I guarantee you will find someone worse off doing better. The point of this is to make that work for you as best as you can. If you can't start 1v1s and mow people down then be sneaky.
    <3 Friendo
    • Hey mate! Wow, I want to say thanks for all these awesome, well thoughtout tips - I've already started applying many of them and my KD is impriving a lot - probably over 1 in recent games! I'm getting a lot better, thank you!

  • +1

    What's fortnite?

    • +6

      When our Centrelink cheques arrive.

  • +1

    That is not too bad, my most kill was 3………. that is out of 797 solo games…………:(

    • Wow! This is comforting to hear, perhaps I’m being to harsh on myself…

      • Play with friends. Always elevates my game without even feeling as such. I've never won solo but dont play it unless it's a challenge. But with friends I've had 8+ kills, squad wipes, last man squad wins wheres without I've never had more than 5 kills and barely won a game of random squads. Playground is good for building practice and 50v50 is great for aiming and offensive practice (pushing) due to the casualness of play.

  • -1

    I think you should play another game… having the best stethoscope in the world doesn't make you the best doctor.

    If you think this is what you're really into, I suggest you play a another 9000 solo games to make it an even 10,000. If at that stage you still stuck I would suggest you quit… assuming you haven't already quit.

  • -2

    27 yo complaining about sucking at a kids game. What is the world coming too..

  • I suspect you bought the wrong DeathAdder. To quote Razer's own history of the DeathAdder, there have been over 20 editions of the Razer DeathAdder released in 2018. You need the DeathAdder Elite with 50G acceleration. You can't even begin to compete in eSports until you have 50G!

    You see the average person passes out at 6G, a jet fighter can pull 9G's in a turn, you need to transcend this and pull 50G's when eGaming. Its OK though, if you synchronise the Chroma Lighting of your mouse with any of Razer's Chroma Mouse Mats, you can easily pull over 20G without distorting your perception of time and space.

    For the ultimate gaming experience and maximum G, you need to follow NASA doctor R. Flanagan Gray's example who without even using any Razer products took 31G by being ensconced in a pressurised water tank stuck to a centrifuge; imagine what he could have achieved with a mouse that could take 50G acceleration. So, water cool your PC while doing the same to yourself, its what all the kids are doing!

    Oh and wear some good socks, you may suffer some slight capillary damage about the ankles from the centrifuge. You do have gaming socks right?

    • Wow. No i’ve never even considered this before, but it’s almost obvious now! Should I try and sync the LED in my mouse to my heartbeat? I figure that my chukura my be off balance otherwise.

  • Because you need to buy like a billion V-bucks , to make up for your lack of gaming skills. Then maybe bribe some top players to join your fortnight team (using your v-bucks).
    Eb games have deal, trade latest gen console game valued $5 or more, and get bonus $15 worth of v-bucks (psn or xbox credit) .. So $5-$6 gets you $20 worth of v-bucks.
    Use promotion 50,000 times (for your billion dollars v-bucks) .
    Then you will be on your way to being a champion at this online game. You will finally be a 'success' in life and you can tell that to all your friends (through headset in game chatter) . :)

    • +1

      Thank you. Yes, I fear if my friends and family find out how bad I am at Fortnite, they will no longer love and respect me. I have gone to great lengths to keep this a secret, I think getting more skins to hide my incompetence is an excellent idea. Thanks for the tip!

      • +1

        family find out how bad I am at Fortnite, they will no longer love and respect me. I have gone to great lengths to keep this a secret, 

        Recent studies have shown(O.Pete; et.al.2018) that gaming aptitude has a strong genetic link…
        Sorry to tell you, I think you are adopted

  • +1
    1. Start further out in the map and cautiously come in.
    2. Understand the shooting mechanics are nothing like most other shooters, the delay between shots is what caught me out when I first played. Timing is everything.
    3. The building mechanic is what will keep you alive in close quarters.
  • +3

    Seriously? You're posting this here?
    Sure, I'll ask a question about how to be better on a mainstream video game on an forum for discounts and bargains for material goods instead of a more relevant site.
    Have you tried asking on Reddit or maybe the Fortnite forums???

    • +2

      I am with you kylarstern… why do people ask gaming related questions in a forum called "gaming" is beyond me… what is wrong with people??? Can they just read this forum is about gaming and not gaming???

      • f'ing n00bs…

    • Reddit is blocked at work lol

  • +1

    People talking about being past your prime don't realize that some slightly older gamers are world tournament winners, like Fear in dota 2

  • +2

    I am also in the same boat. I only play 50v50 because I'm too bad. The only times I seem to win solo is when I spend my whole game hiding and then they blow themselves up with a rocket launcher trying to shoot me. But hey, win is a win.

  • +3

    When you die, spectate until the game is over, watch how the winner actually plays, you might learn something.

  • become a camper

  • +2

    I think you forgot to download some ram.

    • Sweet bro! Tried to do this, now my computer is saying somthing about ‘Trojan horse’ is that right? What’s the next step? Do I pay more money to the virus program for the ram? It won’t close until I pay…

  • This whole post is so sad on many levels.

    • So good to hear how you share in my lament :)

  • Because you were born to build cities, warriors and siege engines not half finished houses and wooden stairs.

    • 😁😁😁😁 I may need to return to my first love 💋💋

      • First love best love second love ok love third love you a hoe 🤣🤣😇😂😆👩‍❤️‍👩💑👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💏👰👯👭👬👫👨‍👨‍👧‍👧

  • Op needs to git lud

    • +1

      no he needs to git laid

  • +1

    Hey OP,

    Hope you finally get that sweet victory royale. I suggest playing in a squad with a couple friends that are good as well as watching the techniques of good players on YouTube or twitch.

    Playground mode is out so definitely use that to practice and 1v1 people to get better at close combat and building. That's key.

    Also, join the facebook Fortnite group it's good to find people to play with.

    Good luck!

  • I would suggest you selling your whole PC and use that money on OzBargain deals mate. Now that's what i call a bargain! =]

  • +1

    I haven't won one yet either lol

  • +1

    Played 20 odd games for a grand total of 9 kills. Im pretty good.

  • +1

    When u know u will never get any better at the game. Can i have your compter?…

  • +1

    time to get 144hz monitor then

    1. Why do you care so much? I mean, buying a new PC and accessories just for a game? It seems like a big investment but OK.
    2. If you want to win, you need to change what you're doing, because whatever you're doing now isn't working. Change tactics, read online advice, watch pro players and learn their techniques and tactics. Copy the pros. Stop your bad habits.

    It's the same for everything. If you suck as something, you're doing it wrong. Change something and improve over time.

  • +1

    Download Aim Hero on Steam. The biggest problem I had was just tracking your opponent. If you watch some of the good streamers they lock on to a target and the crosshairs stick on them no matter where they move. Just keep practising in Aim Hero until you can track your targets really good. Lower your DPI and get comfortable with it if your aim seems like it's not sticking.

    Mouse5 and Mouse4 buttons for Primary Weapon and Secondary Weapon. Usually Shotgun for Primary, AR/SCAR for secondary. Switching between the two has to become muscle memory.

    3 weapon is your Power Weapon. I personally use the Blue Hunting Rifle, if I can find it. Some people specialise in scoped snipers, rockets or grenades.

    4 and 5 is usually bandaids and minis.

    Don't forget to heal. Many times I died because I forgot to heal in the middle of the action

    When building have Q as your wall. Switch off the TAB key.

    Always have at least 500 in building material before the circles start to shrink.

    When playing the game make sure you have situational awareness. Read about the OODA loop.

    Build a quick fort when the action starts to check around you for other players, orient where you won't go, and then make a quick decision on what weapon you want to use and then try to take out your opponent, you continue this loop until you win.

    Also seek high ground, its one of the biggest advantages you can have in the game.

    Seems simple enough, good luck.

    • Hey mate, thanks for this advice! I really like the first bit about Aim Hero - i'll check it out, it seems it will really help, along with the others.

      Hopefully I'll be posting soon about my first win haha. Played a squad game last didn't, we won and I didn't even get knocked at any point. Feeling like I'm improving a lot.

  • just build lol

  • Hey OP,

    If you are like me and dont have the quickest FPS reflexes/skills then you need to compensate in other areas. When playing PUBG I was able to get me win rate close to 15% despite honestly not being a good shooter. Tips below:

    -First off it helps to start playing a game when its brand new so everyone is on the same level of newbie ness as you

    How to compensate for bad aiming:
    -Get good items early
    -Map awareness: Look at the circle on the map each time a new circle appears
    -Figure out the best way onto the edge of the circle that avoids conflict the most (I call this edging). The key here is you want to avoid conflict and sneak into the circle.
    -Ideally let everyone else kill each other and then just kill one player at the end. I've won at least 3 games when I've only killed 1 player (the guy who came 2nd)
    -Use your surroundings to conceal yourself as much as possible. Not sure how this works for FN compared to PUBG tho.
    -Fight close quarters as much as possible. A pro player has a much better chance killing you long rane than trying to fight your SMG pre firing ass within 5 metres range
    -Store up smokes and grenades. If you have an open run for like 100 metres to the next circle then throw 5 of those smokes and you will find life easier. Also again if you are in a long range dog fight end of game against someone good then smoke that place up. It will throw some opponents off their game.

    Basically become a ninja not a samurai OP

    • Sorry mate, may I call bullshit on your 15% win rate? I mean there are a few people in the world with a 15% win rate. Can I have your username to check?

      • This was months ago mate. Maybe its harder to have a win rate like that now but it wasnt then. This was back when Zoidm8 was best in Aus with a win rate of about 50%.

  • +1

    I know them feels mate. I downloaded fornite a couple of days ago and I'm shit house… died so many times and have only gotten a few kills

  • +1

    My advice would be to take it one day at a time. Give it fourteen days and you should win.

  • move to south korea :)

  • You can try playing console with keyboard and mouse, that should give you an advantage ;)

    But yes, I feel your pain. I'm 30 and get destroyed in Fortnite, I do find I'm must better in solo compared to squads as it's generally 1V1.

  • I tried it once briefly. I find the 3rd person view is weird and feels "off" compared to FPS games

    • Oh and the whole "building" concept annoys me and frustrates me. I get so many "knockdowns" for the their squad to just build walls to heal and run away

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