This was posted 6 years 7 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4/XB1/PC] Far Cry 5 $47 @ EB Games


Far Cry 5 $47 @ EB Games Tomorrow (26th)
PS4, XBOX1 and PC

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +37

    Was hoping for ~$30. At this price I'll pass.

    • sale, 2 DLC's apparently suck

  • +5

    Shame it isn't cheaper - considering how cheap all the other deals have been this is a little disappointing. Still a great price, just nothing special.

  • +10

    Deals are getting worse, I'd buy for $20

    • -5

      No DLC I'd only pay10

    • +3

      $30-$35 is what they should charge. Such a greedy company. If Amazon can do it for $39 with Prime day deals, then surely EB can do better given that they specialise in games.

      • I had it $36 from Amazon Prime Day

  • Traded in a brand new, unopened copy I got with my pa4 pro bundle as I didn’t want it. Ebgames gave me $27.

    • +5

      why would you do that ? can sell on gumtree on ozb for way more.

      • +15

        Plus you geto meet some wonderful and interesting

        I've met heaps of oil rig workers

        • +1

          That's neat, hadn't really thought about having off-duty rig workers just chilling around the country.

    • You really should have sold it yourself. I bought the exact same bundle as you for $450 off EBGames Ebay page and sold FC5 for $70.

      In the end I effectively only paid $380 for a PS4 Pro in April, well before the recent Amazon flash sale which was the same price.

      • Yeah I went there thinking they might exchange it for a different game considering it was brand new unopened but they wouldn’t without a receipt. Should have just walked out but convenience kicked in and I just traded it in. Never again though!

  • +18

    Spoiled by the sale price of Wolfenstein 2! 😕

    • +3

      EB set us all up for disappointment with wolf2 and Assassins Creed Origins price.

    • So true. I can wait as I have about a dozen other games to get through.

    • Too bad they cancelled everyone's orders on Wolfenstein 2.

  • +3

    Got it on amazon prime day for $36

    • I missed out no that deal :/

  • Thought it'd be $20 - $30. Disappointing.

  • +15

    Far cry from what I was hoping for.

    • +7

      You sound like you're in crysis.

      • You're stepping into uncharted territory with your puns there mate, tread carefully.

      • Don't be so Crytek-al. Ubisoft if you're letting that bother you.

  • +1

    That'll be a no from me. So much for the days of dealz.

  • +12

    If Far Cry 5 is $47 good chance GOW will be $57 IMO

    • +16
      • Asterix1 got mighty close though.

        Also good work to whoever uncovered this info.

        • Worths an upvote? :)

        • +1

          @nosrad: Your wish is my command

      • +1

        That is tremendously disappointing. Thanks for sharing this, though.

        • +1

          I know. The deal is over.

      • How did you get that image days in advance?

      • You sir, are most rad.

        BTW, was there one more deal after the XboneS?

  • +2

    Well it's now 2 strikes for EB in 2 days.

  • I am still hoping they will have GTA 5 offered at a good price, ie below the 1/2 price "special" they currently advertising.

  • EB Shames (Games) stikes again I was expecting this for $20.00.

    Just the usual tease and waste of time.

    • I mean, they had 3 solid deals. So I feel quite happy about the whole thing.

  • +1

    Was expecting 0.50c how dare they try and make a profit

  • +1

    Was expecting them to at least match the amazon prime day deal of $36. I’ll pass at this price.

  • +1

    Shame. As others have mentioned would have expected a closer match to Amazon's recent pricing given the good deals on Origins and Wolfenstein.

    FC5 was my most anticipated game of this sale and unfortunately it will be a major disappointment.

    Unless they have the gold edition with season pass for the same price I would have thought $39 would be the go.

  • +6

    The sale is over folks.

  • +3

    Wow, what a awful price. Really hoped they would go for $30-$40. I guess GOW will be the same or higher. Hopefully Amazon comes in to save the day.

  • Ah well, wolfie is in the mail

  • No love for switch :(

  • Far cry 5: when hipsters go bad.

    That cover always makes me think that (i know it's a last supper clone).

  • Just 120 more days of sleep until Black Friday, hopefully good deals. So I'll hold off on buying anymore games until then.

  • +2
    • Was really hoping to see the gold edition drop too :(

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