Is bargain hunting an addiction?
While others like to spend their browsing time on Facebook, Instagram etcetera, etcetera… my time is being consumed by Ozbargain.
What are your thoughts?
Is bargain hunting an addiction?
While others like to spend their browsing time on Facebook, Instagram etcetera, etcetera… my time is being consumed by Ozbargain.
What are your thoughts?
If you simply can't resist to buying things simply because they're a bargain price rather than actually need or want them then yes, that's pretty much an addiction.
no I'd rather buy nothing in the first place
You're in luck! I'm selling nothing at the moment, so if you can just transfer me $1000 for it, I'll get it delivered to you. Cheerio
I never buy stuff I don't need and when I do buy something I'll always try to get it on specials
Wow nobody has ever replied to me with "This" before!!
I wish someone would do it to me :-(
It's a slightly (financially) healthier version of online shopping addiction.
Yes .its.
Need self control.
Sure it is.
only if it is stopping you from doing other important things like spending time with your children
Spend time with them while teaching the art of bargain hunting.
It's more of an advanced procrastination technique, for me.
I don't really see it as an addiction, I can live without Ozbargain, like the other day it was down, p*rnhub was there to save the day.
Legend LMFAO
It is a bit like gambling. If you get a really good bargain (like the $3400 round the world business class tickets with Virgin) then you keep searching for the next big bargain; this is the feeling that gamblers get when they get a win and it can be obsessive. The secret is to limit the amount of spending you do on something because it is a "bargain" rather than I need this. Most of the time I look at Ozbargain as window shopping from the comfort of my lounge room; then I stay for the comments.
When you start dreaming about bargains… then Yes.
I dreamt I was a fly the other night…
Most definitely, its well known a bargain gives you a huge hit of dopamine, shopping online has allowed this to become something that can be had everyday and sometimes, much much more!
I am quite hooked. Not just the bargains, tech in general. Bargains (and selling off older gear) are the only ways to do it in a sustainable way that doesnt do bad things to my life…:P
yeh it is, now i need to be assessed as having a mental issue and can get some concession cards
You need to get a service animal for your anxiety; then you will have something else you can buy bargains for.
My main concern is being too consumer focused. I have started limiting my time on OzBargain to try focus on the more important things in life. I will always be a bargain hunter but want to be less driven to spend money on things I don't need.
100% , this forum makes people spend more than they came to save.
Yeah, it is. It becomes a problem when you have something you want/need, but delay because you're waiting for a good price. It's small time here, with nicks and nacks, but it gets really bad when you have billionaires avoiding starting projects because they're waiting for costs to go down.
I think Bill Gates said something to that effect when he was explaining why his foundation keeps large amounts of money unspent.
Only if it is affecting other parts of your life
That's just like asking if drinking alcohol is an addiction - of course it can be, but it all comes down to the individual and how they moderate it.
Ozbargain is a religion and we are all followers.
I am addicted to the commenting more now .
But nevertheless I still buy crapload of unneeded stuff
ha ha ha ….Same here. Many a time I browse Ozbargain just to see what's happening in comment section.
An addiction - YES
But a GOOD addiction
That feeling when you spend a half hour saving 3 bucks - not rational behaviour that's for sure.
bloody oath it is,but we have no problems here in canberra as we do not get the bargain offers until they have expired between 24 to 72 hours after
Of course it is. Many of us were brought up to be frugal and make the most of limited funds. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to the hunt.
You need a poll.