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VoIP Specials - Mynetfone $5.00 Per Year (Direct in Dial Number), $0.10 Local, $0.019 International Calls


5.00 per month, .10 per call for local calls and 1.9 per minute international call whirlpool plan.

All plans include untimed calls to anywhere in Australia, extremely low Mobile & International call rates with no connection fees or flag fall, plenty of handy features and more.

They also offer a yearly plan for $59.40 (or $4.95 per month) which includes 100 local calls free (after 100, you pay .10 per call), calls to a local Mobile # = 12c per min, per second billing { I would not call a mobile using this service. } and again only .019 for international calls.

for more details go here

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closed Comments

  • +6

    international call whirlpool plan.

    Hasn't that been the normal price for 10 years?

    • +1

      I signed up in Feb 2007.
      It did originally come with a free DID number, and the yearly charge was added some years later.

  • Also, it's not a freebie as you have to pay for calls.

    • -1

      after a bit more research your right you have to pay $5.00 a year to receive calls on this plan. I will adjust the title.

      But this plan is good if you have a mobile plan with pricy international calls on it. As international calls are very inexpensive at 1.9 cents per minute.
      If I am wrong tell us what company's VOIP plan has better prices for international calls and cost less than $5.00 per year to receive calls?

      • +1

        after a bit more research your right you have to pay $5.00 a year to receive calls on this plan.

        That's not strictly true.

        You can receive calls for free from another MyNetfone account. The $5 per year is for a DID (Direct in Dial) number. ie. a phone number instead of just a MyNetfone account..

        • I tried to dial the MyNetfone number associated with my account and it is not a working number. I then called Tech spt to get an accurate explanation on the DID's purpose and if it was needed. All I could get from him is that you need the DID number in order to receive calls… maybe I misunderstood or maybe he did a shit job explaining. Either way we have one and I could not understand that I did not need to have it. Finally, I gave up and just accepted that one was created when the account was set up many years ago.

          If you can make it more clear for all of us on how you can call a mynetfone account without a DID number please fill us in, as I could not sort it out.

          Yes this is an old deal but it is not listed on OZ bargains that I could find and it is a bargain in my opinion.

        • @Sunshine Moon:

          I tried to dial the MyNetfone number associated with my account and it is not a working number.
          If you can make it more clear for all of us on how you can call a mynetfone account without a DID number please fill us in


          DIDs are only needed to receive calls from a PSTN number

        • +1

          @Sunshine Moon:

          Yes this is an old deal but it is not listed on OZ bargains

          It's not a bargain, it is the normal price for that plan. There is no saving.

        • -1

          @jv: I think I have come to the conclusion your a royal pain… Bargains are not always about getting something for less money then is originally posted or listed via said company!!!

          Bargains = a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.

          and when I looked up the prices of VOIP from other companies it turns out that MyNetFone is a BARGAIN compared to them!

        • +2

          @Sunshine Moon:

          Bargains are not always about getting something for less money

          Yes they are, and there is no need for personal attacks on other members here.

          Maybe look up the definition of a bargain. If you aren't saving any money, it's not a bargain.

        • +1

          @Sunshine Moon:

          I see you also negged the comment where I showed you how to dial for free other Mynetfone accounts without a DID.

          Go figure ??????

        • +7

          You can receive calls for free from another MyNetfone account

          You can also receive calls for free from a non-VOIP phone, without a DID, but it's little bit complicated.

          The person with non-VOIP phone (landline or mobile) dials the nearest MyNetFone "Shared access number", then waits for the short announcement, and then dials your MyNetFone number (which starts with 09). This number starting with 09 is not a DID number, and all MyNetFone accounts have one.

          You can automate this on many phones by storing it in the phonebook, with pauses in between the two numbers. My family uses this regularly when they want to call me on one of my MNF accounts that does not have a DID, works fine. So if I am in Brisbane, the shared access number is 07 3147 3333. If I want to call the MyNetFone number 09123456, I would put this number into my phonebook: 0731473333pppp09123456

          Details here:

  • +6

    Also, it's 100 times more expensive than the title claims. Calls are priced from 1.9 cents per minute…..not 0.019 cents p/minute. If it were titled as $0.019 per minute then that would be equal to 1.9 cents p/minute.

    • It's worrying how many people don't know the difference between $0.05 and 0.05 cents.

      • -1

        yea, in my conversion I should have put .019 dollars, LOL.But since they advertise in cents I fixed it to be exactly as advertised. Thanks for pointing out the error for me.

    • I apologise for getting the numbers wrong. It has been updated. And it is not expensive for international calls. Use your mobile for local calls - this is what we do.

  • +3

    oh i miss pennytel

    • +4

      i don't, they were Crap

      • They were great for the year they did not charge me for all the international calls.

      • lucky u, sorry to hear that. they worked fine for me at least.

      • I was on the $18.88 unlimited call plan for as long as I can remember and never really had any issues - saved lots of money in the process compared to how much it would have cost with Telstra back in the day.

        Also had both parents on the pennytel mobile plan which ended up costing me $2 to $3 per month for them both (very very light users)

        Overall they represented very good value for money.

        • Overall they represented very good value for money.

          Until they steal your money from your VOIP account, state they can't find any history of the credit, and ignore emails proving that they took your payment. Easily the worst Telco I've ever dealt with.

  • +6

    Definitely one of the better VoIP providers out there.

  • +1

    It's 10cents a minute local, from 1.9 cents a minute international.

    • +1

      10c untimed local.

      • +4

        national, not local.

      • They started hanging up the call after 2 or 3 hours(?) a few years ago. So the call is sort of timed.

  • +1

    Been with MyNetFone for almost 10 years now. Great VOIP provider. They work great when you're overseas and family can still call you for the cost of a local call.
    And great when you can use your mobile to make international calls at VOIP rates, with their global access dial-In functionality.

    • +1

      Doesn't always work well overseas. I tried that when I went to England, through the hotel's free WiFi. I was able to make a call, but the audio delay was between two and three seconds due to horrible internet latency, so we were continually interrupting each other. We resorted to saying "over" at the end of each sentence, like old-time radio operators.

      The delay was because my SIP client was in England, talking to the MyNetFone SIP server in Australia. If you want low latency calls, it's best to use a SIP server in the same country as you, or in a nearby country.

      But then your family can't ring you for the cost of a local call, unless you know a trick, and have a NeoSaver account with MyNetfone. You can authorize your family's phones to use your VOIP account, even though they don't have VOIP. They ring in through their nearest "Global Access Dial-in" number for the cost of a local call, then dial you in the overseas country, costing you a 10-cent untimed call if you are in one of the "NeoGlobal" countries.

      NeoGlobal countries are listed here, including USA, Canada, Mexico, much of Europe, and a handful of Asian and other countries:

      Here's the description of the "Global access dial-in" numbers, and a link to the numbers.

      Note that although it says "Global access", all the phone numbers are in Australia. There is a slightly different feature you can use to get a cheap callback when overseas, but it's a bit more complicated. Details here: https://www.mynetfone.com.au/Residential/Home-Phone/MyNetFon…

      • +1

        Sometimes its just easier to call back on whatever peoole use instead of skype these days.

        iMHO one if the best things about international travel is being able to avoid hourlong phone calls from rellies. As interesting as it is that some people whom I've never met have painted their mailbox a whacky colour.

    • +1

      I've found them to be a great provider too. I had great success overseas using a VOIP App on my phone and using my mobile data (3 Mobile in Europe). I didn't experience any excessive latency issues.

  • I'm on NBN HFC with an Arris Modem and an ASUS RT-AC68U. What additional hardware would I need to purchase to have VOIP calls?

  • Do people still use VoIP for international phone calls?

    Why not just use WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Call, Skype or any other number of numerous other apps?

    They are free.

    I guess if the overseas people don't have phones with these apps, but each day this number of people would be decreasing rapidly.

    • +1

      Yes. Far more people have access to a phone, particularly of you are calling someone older. If you want to call a business, all businesses have a phone, only some have other methods.

      Also, to use the methods you mention above, you can't call between services. If the person you want to call has Skype, you can't call that from Whatsapp, Viber etcetera. You have to call from Skype. For the people who only have Whatsapp, you have to have Whatsapp at your end, and so on.

      VOIP also has better-quality calls, because your call goes over dedicated bandwidth from your VOIP provider to the person you are calling. Other methods are using the internet but don't have dedicated bandwidth, so your call can break up.

    • People with relatives overseas often got a second service for them to use. Then the calls can be made for free Mynetfone to Mynetfone.

  • Are there any VOIP plans that offer a cheaper rate for 13 and 1300 numbers than 25¢?

    • +1

      That is one of the catches. I would sometimes go six months without a recharge, only to eat my credit calling a government department.

    • Wish companies would use 1800 or a local number instead of 13 and 1300 to save customers money on modern plans

  • I never actually get this deal, theres always some excuse or trickery to milk more than $5. I signed with it from whirlpool initially when NBN switched in my area, but there was additional charges and an account balance being required, and then I get another bill for $20 for my second year.

    And no, Ive never made a call from it, its just a service to park the existing home line number.

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