Hi there
I’m with southern phone for mobile,I’m trying to find out whether they measure data in kB or mb.Have called them and no one seems to know what I’m talking about.Just wonder does anyone here know.
Southern Phone Mobile - data measured in KB or MB?

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1000KB's are equivalent to 1000000 OZB points. What do points mean? Prizes!
1mb=1024kb actually =p
No 1MB is 1000000 bytes.
They have renamed the power of two version as MiB. The original usage of Mega (with bytes) meaning anything other than 1 million was an incorrect use of the SI prefix.
Data usage is measured in kB or mb units for charging,so if they measure in mb units your data won’t last as long
That's like saying a bottle that has markings in Liters won't be as big as a bottle that has markings in Milliliters. I feel like I'm missing something here because… a bottle that's 2,000mL is still > a bottle that's 1L.
OP is asking in situations where data sessions are say 600kb…does that get counted as 600kb against data allowance or does it get rounded up to 1MB…this is where the distinction matters
Okay I'll, uh, show myself out.
Nobody at southern phone can even answer the question and it’s not written into the critical info summary
Taken from one of their mobile Critical Information Summaries…
https://www.southernphone.com.au/-/media/Website/Global/Crit…"Data Boost
If you use more than your included data during your billing cycle, we’ll automatically boost your limit by another 1GB for $10. Each time you use all of your data inclusion, we’ll give you another 1GB for $10, up to a maximum of 3GB additional on one service per month. You will then be charged for casual data at the rate of 5 cents per MB, with a minimum charge of 25 cents. Your service may then be restricted. Extra data will expire at the end of your billing cycle and you’ll automatically be moved back to your plan’s original inclusions and charges."Judging by how they charge 5c per MB after you use 3GB of additional data, it looks like they round your usage to the closest MB.
I'm guessing kb.
They are just reselling plans so can't imagine many use mb these days.
You would know if it was mb as your data wouldn't last long.
Okay I'm definitely missing something - what are you guys talking about measuring in kbs or Mbs? The amount of data is the amount of data, no matter how it's measured….. I feel like I suddenly lost 100 IQ points.
(just joking - I don't have that many to lose…)
I am guessing you mean kB?
Are we playing this game again??
I don't know what you're talking about. 1MB is just 1,000KB. What's the context here? Do they just show a number somewhere?