Hi looking into leasing a coffee machine for our workplace. There is around 50 of us working but not everyone will be drinking coffee. We’ll be chipping in from our own coffee to lease the machine. Anyone recommend anything or have any idea how much we need to pay. Asked couple companies but seems like very expensive or they have contracts. Looking for a fully automated machine. Cheers
Advice on Which Coffee Machine for Workplace?

Honestly I got a headache just trying to imagine how that'd work in practice, along with enforcement and also dealing with work (and liability issues).
Free on loan Coffee Machines
https://www.lavazzaofficecoffee.com.au/Who would take on the lease?
An individual or the employer?
These sort of things have a habit of turning to shiiite
Can you just buy a cheap capsule machine and stick it in your office/workspace?have you considered a nespresso machine. Everyone contributes for the machine and bring their own pods.
no need for regular $$ collections.
not the best or cheapest but decent enough for office use.
Pod machine + milk frotherBYO pods.
Unless you’ve cleared everything through management don’t go leasing a $5,000 machine.
Yeah, think about the OH&S when putting in an Appliance used by many with Water/Electricity/Steamed or Frothed Milk as well as the capacity/time to do 6 coffees back to back with refilling and then there is the clean-up and any maintenance.
or even ALDI machine would do the trick. Not the best, but okay.
We’ll be chipping in from our own coffee to lease the machine
Then don't do it… Sorry but people will 'change' their minds and say they don't like the coffee, so won't drink it and then won't want to pay for it.
Then you'll get the xyz has 10 cups a day, and I only have 1 cup in the morning, so i want a reduced rate!
As someone said above, maybe everyone chips in for 2 nespresso machines and everyone just brings their OWN pods and uses them.
Going to be less fights.
for the big machines, avoid. it seems like a good idea, but i've never seen it work. Interest drops off.
also, who will clean the machine each day. I've seen rosters fail. Dirty milk nozzles and dirty milk frothers.You'd be better getting everyone (the coffee drinkers) to chip in $3 and get a nespresso or Aldi machine. Work it hard, then replace under warranty.
Work it hard, then replace under warranty
Super dodgy/likely against the warranty terms mate, ha
pretty sure nespresso don't care. at 70c a capsule they are laughing. after 100-200 capsules it's likely all profit for them.
Yeah, those machines are like printers. Basically loss leaders to drive the real cash items - the pods. If you're using enough pods that the machines are needing to be replaced, they're definitely not complaining.
3rd Idea - Why not ask work if they can get a coffee vending machine? It comes with servicing, likely costs nothing to put there, and there won't be any issues over payment or contribution. Everyone pays for what they drink.
I'm originally from the US.
I LOVE percolators & they used to have huge ones for work environments. They made, like, 20 -30 cups.
Why aren't they available in AU? I mean, they sort of have them here, but they're upside-down & only espresso machines?
Same reason why we don’t like Spam or Starbucks
Because Moka pots are better.
I can't help with what to choose but trying to get a few $ off each person every month is going to turn into a disaster. People will end up avoiding you because every time you see them you will have to ask them about their non-payment of funds to which they will say they havent had any coffee but you know they are big fat liars…