I like to buy Xiaomi mi max 3 launched 2 days back, https://www.mi.com/max3/
available in china
(price under Aus $350 to $400)
How Do I Buy Xiaomi Mi Max 3?

Last edited 22/07/2018 - 21:11
Double price
You didn't state the price you wanted, you just asked where's it's for sale?
Updated the price,
Wow damn. You're right. Can you navigate the taobao page? Maybe cheaper there.
The site is in Chinese language
Just note, maybe and possibly because of the new GST gearbest isn't sending a lot of these stuff to Australia anymore. There's no more shipping methods too.
Was trying to order a Redmi Note 4x but couldn't because they don't ship to Australia anymore. Maybe a site error? who knows.
428.63A$ at banggood, but they don't have stock yet.
https://www.banggood.com/Xiaomi-Mi-Max-3-6_9-inch-Big-Displa…OP, do you know how to say "please" and "thank you"?
Yes thank you :)
You might need to wait a while for the international ROM first.
Usually by then the price drops on gearbest and such.
Otherwise buy it on taobao or AliExpressDo you think they don't have international ROM, I need it next month and can't wait for max3.
You can load it yourself if you managed to get it early.
Yeah I agree with the waiting. I personally couldn't wait to get it, however I went with the Redmi Note 5 4/64 that was on sale just two days ago for 265+tax shipped from Ali.
The specs are near identical except obviously for the screen size. However what pushed me over the edge is the already massive custom rom community for the Note 5. It just got official LineageOS support too.
Definitely interested in the Max 3, but I'm going to wait it out and see how the price drops and the rom scene develops. The Max 2 is 300 ish, I suspect the Max 3 to drop too.
I was looking for mi mix 2 but once i saw max3, cant wait to get it.
6.9 inches lol.. but honestly that's very close to my ideal screen size.
8.4 inches is too large (Huawei Mediapad M3)
6.44 inches is on the small side when used for tablet use cases (Xiaomi Mi Max 2)
I think somewhere around very low 7 inches is my ideal size also can fit more stuff in the chassis. Otherwise tablet wall or stand mount with controller works best but now we are entering pretty much large screen territory which a tablet doesn't qualify.
8-12gb ram / 4K screen / very large battery / around 7 inches / micro sd card expandability / phone capabilities / light weight / top of the line SoC / half decent speakers = ideal device for me because it would replace two devices for me and still be very versatile although I am very happy with what I have now they just need to maybe perfect the insides for a "gaming" phone tablet phablet all in one package and once steam link app gets proper touchscreen or on screen buttons support ala on-screen game pad customization with individual game profiles like Nvidia had for their shield controller setup then we will be in a new age of portable gaming calling my boy I tell you hwat.. we are almost there I can feel it now just gotta sleep for 20 years and wait for it haha lol
I do have huawei mediapad, and using mi max,
I love big screen phones, cant wait for max3.Just so you know, the 6.9inch is a 18:9.
The Max 3 is just the max 2 with less top and bottom bezels and upgraded specs.
It'll be a while before we see 7 inch 16:9 or 7.7 inch 18:9 phone.
when the international version will be available
PM me if interested in international version