This was posted 14 years 1 month ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Low-Cost UHF CB Radios - Great for AU's Flood-Victims & Places with NO Mobile Coverage) FREE S+H


$104.00 Wouxen UVD1-P (4w, handheld), if you buy 3;
$132.50 Yaesu FT-277R (5w, handheld radio), 1-off;
$266.50 Vertex-Standard VX-2200 (for the car), 1-off.

(Older UHF CB gear - eg, ICOM's IC-41 (handheld) and IC-400 Pro (mobile) - cost over $400, and they'd need programs & cables to add the 40 new UHF CB channels.

Also, VX-2200 haS been supplied, in AU, for years for use on AU's (pre-2011) 40-ch UHF CB Radio Service.)

This vendor supplies high-quality, Japanese-designed alternatives from Yaesu & Vertex-Standard, as well as reasonably good gear from the Chinese maker Wouxun.

All of this bargain's radios cover AU's UHF CB frequencies, including the 40 NEW channels (total: 80 in all, of which 77 are now authorised for use in AU), which were added to AU's existing 40-channel UHF CB Radio Service (CBRS) & authorised, by ACMA, for use from 1 Jan 2011.

The nice thing about the newly authorised 40 UHF CB channels is that they'll be relatively -quiet- for a while, because only one (very recently released) radio covers them "out of the box."

(In the case of this bargain's handheld radios, you'll have to setup the 40 new channels, yourself - ie, just like you'd have to do with the older & costlier ICOM IC-40S, EXCEPT the IC-40S setup requires costly software + an optional cable to do the job, while this bargain's handhelds do not; just keying channel frequencies - from ACMA's web site & Bob's your uncle!).

AFAIK, the only UHF CB radio that comes "out of the box" setup with all 80 channels, is from Uniden (price yet to be seen by me, but I bet it's high…?).

(TIP: To get on-air quickly with those handheld radios, just set up a few of the 80 UHF CB channels now, & add the rest later; you might want the emergency channel to one of them, but be sure NOT to use it for NON-emergency calls.)

Strictly speaking, use of some of these radio may not be "strictly Kosher" (largely because user programming of frequencies is required, as it would be with the ICOM IC-41 and IC-400 Pro, mentioned above); however, if one is in an emergency situation, one may do what is necessary to save one's Life,

Moreover, I'd suggest that ACMA would feel much "heat" if it were to bother any flood-affected farmer or other flood-victim, who chose to DIY, in order to save $$, providing for their own communications, especially while the mobile network is off-the-are.

YMMV. (FYI, I own & "love" each of bargain handheld & have researched the VX-2200 pretty well.)

Finally, the nature of the vendor's web site doesn't allow convenient listing of URL links to particular pages.

Just select each radio manufacturer (from a drop-down menu, on the left side of the front page) and scan the pages that result.

(In the case of Wouxun, you'll want the UVD1-P that covers 420-520 MHz, since our Aussie UHF CB frequencies are around 477 MHz. Note: If you're in a bush-fire area, you may be able to program-in (for Receive-Only) some fireground frequencies, since this radio also covers VHF - unlike the other 2 models listed.)

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closed Comments

  • All of this bargain’s radios cover AU’s UHF CB frequencies, including the 40 NEW channels (total: 80 in all, of which 77 are now authorised for use in AU), which were added to AU’s existing 40-channel UHF CB Radio Service (CBRS) & authorised, by ACMA, for use from 1 Jan 2011.

    Can you please explain the other 3? I gather from what you said the VX-2200 comes with 80 preconfigured? Are the other 3 illegal to use in Australia?

      • Hmmm I'm a WIA member but I never got my license. Rats.

        • Easy nowdays, Just read the "foundation Book", answer the questions in it, sit an exam, and get the licence.
          Seriously it is that easy.
          Check out for info and a list of assessors that can do the exam for you.
          Best of luck and see you on the bands :)

        • Interesting, I might look into it. I was into foxhunting in Vic a while back but uni/work/sports etc has really reduced my ability to go. I should try and get along to a few though, they're good fun.

    • First, the VX-2200 comes (last time I checked) with only the original (pre-2011) 40 UHF CB channels.

      Of those, 2 channels (were they Ch 22 & 23…? They're in ACMA's reg's, for the curious) were reserved for "data only" (not packet data, as most radio amateurs are allowed to use; instead, simpler tone data, eg, for use by farmers to open or shut a valve or switch on a pump, etc. - with additional gear, of course).

      That meant only 38 of the 40 (pre-2011) UHF CB channels were (officially) available for voice comms.

      From 2011: To date, ACMA has (reportedly) "reserved" 3 of the 40 -new- channels for future allocation. More I do not know. Maybe check their site.

      PS VX-2200 - from the vendor listed in his bargain - would (like the hand-held radios) need to be user-configured for as many of the (new and/or old) UHF CB channels as one chooses to open for use. (Frequencies are all listed on ACMA's site, as well as others' sites.)

      At least the vendor sells a modestly-priced package (of cable + software) intended to be used for such configuring. I have not doubts that your nearest radio ham/geek will have no problem making any of these radios go on UHF CB, at least for their own use; some would at least be willing to show you how to do it yourself.

      If I were a Ham in Qld - with all the problems that flooding & storms have cause folks, up there - I'd certainly do the configuring for victims of those events… and free.

      (BTW, there's a cable-only solution, that can be used to "clone" one Wouxun hand-held radio's configuration (eg, the 80 UHF CB channels, etc.) into another identical radio. So, getting it right in ONE can mean helping anybody else with the same radio get it right WITHOUT touching a computer.)

  • +3

    Wheres the bargain from normal pricing.
    Not a good deal in my opinion. and also using the floods to market your business. Not cool IMO

    • I'm not in any related business, but am a customer of the listed vendor.

      PS The bargain is this:


      1. Most (if not all) radios sold in AU cover (& still do) only the pre-2011 channels (40, of which 38 were available for voice comms).

      Still, they (eg, the 2 ICOM radios, etc. listed were still selling for upwards of $400 (each).

      What makes this a bargain is that one can pay well under $150 for a hand-held radio they can make use of on all 80 (minus 5 ACMA-restricted channels; that is: all but 2 from the old 40 channel scheme + 3 from the new one), with a bit of configuring on their part.

      In the case of a mobile radio, prices vary, but - AFAIK - only one maker (so far) offers a radio that's "80-channel ready" (or 77 or 75, if they must, due to the ACMA restrictions).

      (While I have NO business (and NO arrangement with the listed vendor to gain, if they sell) to earn $$$ from my bargain listing, I have - for a long time - wished ACMA would list the arbitrary "tone data only" restriction (eg, on Ch 22 & 23), & allow any kind of data use, that wouldn't cause interference to other users of AU's CB Radio Service. So if you read this & agree, let your elected member know. :-)

  • +1

    If the equiment does not have the "C-Tick" Compliance via ACMA then "technically" the equipment is illegal to use in Australia.
    Sure it works but the compliance is to protect other commercial services and equipment from potential interference caused by sub standard equipment.

    Nothing better than an ambulance trying to attend a heart attack victim, (maybe you or me) only having interference caused by shitty radios, illegally imported…….

    Anyway they probably are not set up to utilize the narrow band UHF CB channels, so you will get poor reciever performance with adjacent channel rejection.

    The Wouxun thingo is good value for what it does but the pricing is "just normal price" so doesnt really offer a "Bargain"

  • +4

    NOTE: These devices will transmit on UHF CB but doesn't mean they are legal.
    To legally use UHF CB you must be using a type approved radio - a radio that transmits outside the UHF CB frequencies is not going to be type approved for UHF CB, and therefore unlicensed.

    Being in possession of such a device is illegal unless you have a licence pertaining to any other frequencies on the device, eg, amateur licence.

    Hence it is not illegal to use these on other frequencies(with a licence) its not illegal to sell these, however it is very DECEPTIVE to sell these as UHF CB's as anyone that purchases these will be breaking the law just by having them in their possession. Advertise them as ham radios, or land/mobile radios, but not UHF CB.

    This ebay guide describes it in more depth, and cites the relevant sections of the Radio Communications act.…

    Sorry for my rant, but you should know what you are getting yourself into if you buy these THINKING they are just UHF cb's - you should be informed.

    • Fair enough… but - as this bargain was mainly intended to assist our many flood- & storm-victims… I believe that those with need for comms (eg, in the emergency situations, like those that arose when their mobile phone towers stopped working, etc.) would be "forgiven" (if you think that they are committing some "illegal" act), for looking after their radio comms needs with these tips & radios (or radios like them), under the present/recent very unusual circumstances.

      Would you want it to be any different? :-/

      • +1

        I declare the fact that I am an amateur operator - and hence my point of view is someone getting a hold of say the dual bander and intruding into the ham band, OR even emergency services (if they don't program up the radio properly)

        There are right ways and wrong ways of doing things. And LAWS are LAWS for a reason.

        I'm probably being a bit extreme by saying this, but you get will get my point of view - if I were to follow your reasoning, if a dramatic and unusual event may occur, it would be reasonable for someone on hard times to LOOT because maybe they have run out of food or water etc..

        No, hard times doesn't mean its right to break the law.

        I admire your attempt to help the flood and cyclone ravaged citizens of our great country, but these particular handheld transceivers are not the way to do it.

        If they were legal "AS UHF CB's" I would commend you on the posting, but they are not.

  • Neg because your description is deceptive and tries to imply that these devices can be legally used as CB radios in Australia.

    • As I understand the rules, those who are in extraordinary/emergency situations are free to take (reasonable, if) extraordinary steps to communicate.

      I'd say your focus is on some fixed "normal times" rules; and - I agree - you're right, at such times.

      But - Do you forget? - It's still hardly "normal times" in Qld, Vic & Tas.

      Enjoy your comfort, if you will, but let the rest of us help folks…. any way we feel is right. :-)

  • using the floods to market your business. Not cool!

    • That might be so, ie, if I had such a business are you falsely believe… but I don't.


  • I'd be careful about using the 40 "new" channels as well.
    They are NOT authorized by the ACMA from 1 Jan per the description.

    The ACMA website still thinks they're only "proposed" -…

    It looks like they'd be available from 1 July if approved.

    • If you're right…

      and, if I were a flood victim, I'd be letting my elected officials know that they need to cut any remaining red-tape that might delay release of those 40 new channels… so as to facilitate communications, eg, bia those additional CB comms in flood- & storm-ravages parts of AU.

      I see no reason not to do that… Do you?

  • Illegal and trying to profit off floods.

  • Everyone is attacking the OP as if he is a rep… He could have just genuinely thought this would be useful to flood affected people.

    Nonetheless, sketchy on the legal side.

    • Thanks, mate. I appreciate your "Innocent, until proven guilty approach." :-)

      Better if all the "ACMA followers" (above) had decided that: Well,
      there's a need for comms out there (especially, in flood/storm affect4ed parts), so I think I'll let my member know that there's a low-cost solution waiting.

      (?Of coursew, that solution works with either 40 or 80 channels… :-)
      but - to reduce the amount of unnecessary verbal "noise" one has to endure, eg, while wating for a message to arrive via CB freq'es, it'd surely be useful to have 40 new (for now), quieter channels… :-)

    • The frequencies are here:


      (I might have seen "From 1 Jan 2011" on that sight… but I didn't notice it when I looked today.)

      PS AU's CB Radio Service has a history (proud or otherwise, you decide) of "leading government" - when masses of 27 MHz CBers simply stopped paying license fees… way back… even before my time here…

      ACMA (by an earlier name, eg, DoTC or whatever it was know as…) had no choice but to "hear" & accept the will of the people.

      Just maybe, they'll do that again, now (or soon).

      If they don't, they're not speaking / acting for me. :-/

      My 2.2 cents, only, folks. :-)

      PS I do wonder if any of those "ACMA / reg's are right, no matter what" folks who've commented above, represent vendors of 40-channel CB radios?

      What are the odds? ;-)

      And - just in case I was less then 100% right - "my bad" might apply.

      The words of John Williamson's "True Blue" waft over any remaining flood-waters - to remind us what we had… & what we can still re-gain… Good 'ol Aussie Mateship. :-)

      Not 100% related, but I'm no less reminded that:

      "Political Will is a Renewable Resource."

  • +1

    ACMA have recently been "doing the rounds" in all the Australian states, "visiting" legitimate radio operators that are know to have "illegal" equipment. Several have been "busted" and are in a "bit of strife" now.
    Next they will be addressing importation of said equipment above.

    Yes, finding users, operating leagally or illegaly will be difficult.

    Ironically according to the "Radio coms act", importation or selling the above equipment is not against the law.
    it's the enduser having possession of said equipment, which can transmit outside the "specific bands" that make it illegal to posess.

    Unfortunately this thread is really promoting illegal activities and promoting breaking the law.

    so there is no reason that someone else here can't promote "house breaking kits" or "car theft kits" either.
    or like "thefuzz" suggests, a thread on the "best place to loot"

    i will probably get negged for these comments, but they are true.

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