One day only deal from EB Games to celebrate final days of MYS. Wolfenstein II for PC, PS4 or XBox One only $10!
UPDATE: FREE shipping on daily deals online with code HOTDEALS
Edit: PS4 out of stock online.
Edit 2: PC version is steam
One day only deal from EB Games to celebrate final days of MYS. Wolfenstein II for PC, PS4 or XBox One only $10!
UPDATE: FREE shipping on daily deals online with code HOTDEALS
Edit: PS4 out of stock online.
Edit 2: PC version is steam
Thanks bought.
Thanks. Got one for myself and one for a friend
Great deal, thanks for posting. Would have missed it otherwise.
Thanks! Ordered for pickup
It is also only out about a month on switch and still $80.
Is the Nintendo Switch version also on sale?
As a day one purchaser, and a current player, I can tell you that warning is one of the stupidest things yet with the Switch. It only takes up about 8gb on day one, and there's been no subsequent patches yet. Would install fine without a memory card. That giant, ugly warning on the box is probably gonna steer a few people away too, really dumb.
Also, @kulprit I got it for 64, gotta shop the deals
Also, @me 64 isn't a bargain, 10 is, you still paid too much Duke
Thanks ordered one!! Not many stores have it in stock, so got to order quick!
Username checks out.
massage your sausage
That is why you are here
Quite the contrary actually.
Thanks OP, came to post this one up. Bought.
Thanks so much. Great deal!
Nice deal! Been eyeing this game for a while =D
Thanks got one. Is eb games having one day sale until 31 July?
Yes, just got an email with tiny hints to each day's deal.
Thanks OP, bought.
From the email it looks as though God of War will be the daily deal on the 27th (the head of the boat is shown in the question mark) however I can't pick any of the others.
Have you got any thoughts on the others?
24th looks like a 3DS
26th looks like a rockstar game. Maybe gta?
27th is def god of war
28th maybe a pop vinyl?
What do you think?
22nd looks a bit like Assassins creed deluxe edition (can't line it up exactly with the cover art but I'd be surprised if this wasn't a deal on one of the days)
24th is a tough one, buttons and speaker layout didn't seem to be the same as on a DS. I could be wrong.
26th has gotta be Far Cry 5
29th has an xbox controller in it for sure but couldn't tell you what it means… probably a xbone deal of some sort
24th is a wii remote.
@jimbobaus: I created a forum topic
Hopefully the internet can figure out the rest!
28th maybe a pop vinyl?
I was hoping for a moment there that EB Games sold pop music or possibly video game OSTs on Vinyl :(
@jonomatic: 29 looks like an Xbox One S, those dots in the background are the vents on the top of the console.
@jonomatic: 29 is definitely xbox one s deal as with the controller button there is a grill pattern I am pretty sure it is xbox one s deal.
23 Looks Middle Earth Shadow of War
Agreed. Great spot
So cheap… I just got a PS4 and still learning to aim without a mouse…this will be a challenge but I have no choice my gaming laptop has 860m and won't meet minimum requirements, lol.
guess its no longer a gaming laptop and just a regular laptop now boyo
Im used to aiming on PC too. switched to xbox one and it's kinda hard.
not even on lower res and lowest gfx settings?
Thanks, bought
Pick up or $13(!!!) for postage
Use code HOTDEALS for free postage.
Thanks OP, ordered for pick up!
Dammit, I just bought this for $30 and thought it was a good deal. Curses.
Great deal thanks OP!
Thanks mate, ordered one for $10 delivered.
Thanks, been looking for a new shooter
Thanks OP…got 1!
Thanks OP, review looks good and worth to try for $10, managed to pick up one
Awesome, Thanks OP :)
Been waiting for this to go on sale.. never expected it at this price :)
Cheers OP. Bought.
Thank OP @ $10 delivered with code HOTDEALS
Looks like a good game, C&C one
And its a Steamworks title. So you can buy the CD version, and it activates on Steam.
PS4 version out of stock for delivery. Pickup only now.
Still available here. Just ordered one for delivery.
Same here
Thanks, got one delivered. That's just weird.
What a deal Thanks op!
stfu and just buy it
No. Looks like generic trash I want something different.
Its simplistic murderous fun, you have big guns, your enemies are Nazis, you use the big guns to make Nazis die horrifically, what more does a young man need?
You love Wolfenstein but you won't spend $10. OK
Loved the old one but honestly only because it was the first 3D shooter. Storywise it does nothing for me. Sniper Elite has a better storyline than wolfenstein for me.
Was hoping they would have some unique multiplayer with this one but it's just a single player campaign afaik.
Wait … you think Wolfenstein is "generic trash" but Sniper Elite is better as in not generic trash?
@Diji1: yeah lol.. I know.. don't know why but when I see the wolfenstein trailer it does literally nothing for me, so watched a friend play it still nothing for me. Sniper Elite does nothing for me either but my statement still stands.. wolfenstein unfortunately is that bad to me.
Its a pure old school story based FPS. Very few other games do that any more. While 2 was no where near as good as the first, its still that old school FPS story mode.
You can always go back to your fortnite.
It's a pretty good game from what I've seen but it's main purpose seems to be to set up a sequel
May have to play the first one then because the second totally lost me.
so it is like fallout but a different universe and feel.
I think I need ti low down in front sleep sleeves
Wolfeinstein has never been about MP. And it never should have a MP, outside Coop.
Great price! Bought both PS4 and PC version as unsure which I will play.
HDR and big tv vs better graphics and m/kb
Xbox One version out of stock online.
Showing as available to me.
THanks, picked up Xbox one version online for delivery. Not sure why others are saying its out of stock….
Might be different for different states maybe?
I wanna order one for PC, I just hope my poor 4th gen i5 doesn't die when I try to play it haha.
Great price, picked up the PC version.
Thank you OP. Grabbed PS4 version. Great deal!
Kinda regretting the Switch version if I'm being entirely honest.
Probably just me and my big clappers but FPS is hard on Switch in portable mode, that right thumbstick is just in the wrong place.
My right joy-con is being a little bitch at the moment, constantly drags down. Not sure if weird software issue that may get patched or if my remote sucks… I would assume the latter, but my Wii U Pro Controller is doing the same thing now through the MayFlash adapter and it's worked fine for a year now so them both being weird at the same time makes me think it's either a problem with my Switch itself (which would be weird) or maybe if I'm lucky a firmware bug that may get fixed soon.
But then to throw a wrench in that theory, my 8bitdo controller works flawlessly so I'm at a (profanity) loss tbh.
Anyway, Wolfie runs pretty damn well on Switch. Can always sub in a pro controller if you need but then what's the point, may as well just spend 10 on this one.
Some games are amazing on switch. Stardew valley, hollow knight… those sorts of games.
Doom or Wolfeinstein on the switch? That I just don't get at all. Why would anyone want to a play a game that looks worse, runs worse and has controllers that aren't as good, for more money? Its weird.
Portability my dude.
PSP was my main console from 2007 to the end of 2011 when I finally got a PS3. I have had a boner for proper high quality portable ports ever since. Doom was absolutely fantastic on Switch, ran flawlessly for me. Never got around to finishing it on Xbox or PS4 despite renting the former and owning the latter, but the ability to play it on the bus, train, and shitter granted me a shitload more time and opportunity to really get into it.
So in that time in my life, late last year, I was 5 days a week and had a 1.5 year old, any device that helps me get more time to game, is worth the premium to me.
Great price but the game was a disappointment - the first game was so much better.
Not sure who negged you but that's how I've read all the reviews too. So here's a plus. Still a bargain.
87% on metacritic.
I liked it but it has frustrating sections where the difficulty is ramped up massively.
Hell yeah, when you are in court, suddenly difficulty went up and then went back down again next stage. WTF.
Yeah. I still finished 2, and I did enjoy it overall…. It just didn't come near to how amazing New Order was. It went backwards in every way, worse story, worse characters, worse level design, worse difficulty balancing… New Order was a 9/10 for me, but 2 was probably a 7 at best.
Watch Dogs PC $4
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag PC $4…
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls PC $4…
Logitech G310 Atlas Dawn Compact Mechanical Gaming Keyboard $47…
Do the games come with a steam code? I noticed in the top right the first two say DVD-ROM
I believe they would be Uplay codes.
Just picked up Wolfenstein II.
Written on back of DVD case:
“Contains a single disc. Download of additional files from steam is required to run the game.”
“Requires internet connection and free steam account to download & activate”
AC black flag, in store only
Midland, WA
Gimpie and Mt Isa, QLD.
Too far from today’s Frankston trip 😂
Is that any good?
edit: lol out of stock nvm