This was posted 6 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Enter The Gungeon $8.75 (Was $17.50) @ Nintendo e-Shop


I bought this game two days ago so a little peeved but would totally recommend it. I didn't think I would like it but it has been very engaging to keep on going back in to level up.

A great buy for all those new switch owners from the Amazon deal.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Does anyone know if I can refund eshop and buy again at the lower price. I doubt it.

    • I read the following a few months back:

      “You know what I don't love? The fact that the Switch's eShop has no return policy. All sales on the platform are final. Whether you bought the wrong game by accident or it has too many performance issues, you're out of luck.”

      I have no real world experience with the Switch eShop though.

      • Yes I read that too.

      • +1

        Which I'm pretty certain is illegal in Australia too(in terms of performance issues, not getting the wrong thing by accident)

        • +1

          I hope what happened to Valve happens to Nintendo…

    • They won't refund you unless you've got the right to a refund under ACL, which you'd still have to go through the effort of calling them up.

    • I bought it at full price a few days ago as well. Gaaaaah. It's a great game though.

  • +2

    PlayStation and Nintendo refuse refunds on digital downloads and make it really difficult to get anything but store credit at the most.

    They seem to operate in contempt of Australian consumer law which got Valve in hot water with steam refunds. Why Sony and Nintendo haven't received the same attention from the ACCC I don't understand?

    I think they're hoping they can ride it out for as long as possible until they come under the spotlight for anti consumer practices and theyll do an abrupt 180. It may be a few years more of this.

    Why Australia hasn't updated its laws for software bought digitally, I can't understand it? Older generations who are still in positions of power to create laws see transactions as physical things that happen in bricks and mortar stores and haven't got the concept of software delivered via internet as a product that a consumer can purchase without a physical product. They really have to catch up because it's unfair on people trading tangible goods to have to follow the rules why some mega corporation with a digital store can do whatever they like:…

    • +1

      Unless you have played it for a VERY brief time I don't think you should be entitled at all to a refund, just like Steam. A demo would go some way to preventing the need for a refund though.

    • Good and well but I’m not sure the ACL is there to protect people from buying a product one day and a sale starting a number of days later, with the consumer wanting the new lower price. There’s credit card insurances etc that provide that service.

      If people are going to be upset after buying something that the price then drops, then they should just wait for the inevitable sale that almost all gaming software goes through.

      Not saying rights to returns shouldn’t exist for digital media, but change of mind after a sale starts isn’t the intent of those policies anyway so probably shouldn’t apply here. I think in such cases store credits also more than fair.

      As for why consoles haven’t had as much scrutiny, I’m sure it’s in part due to the fact that being closed systems they are more easily curated and less outright broken software thus ships. Steam dealing with PC games has had numerous cases where a game outright did not work at the minimum specifications and therefore wasn’t fit for purpose. Generally on consoles the worse case is buyers remorse because someone didn’t like the title, but unless it was marketed in a misleading way that’s not grounds for any ACL intervention.

    • This is kinda why I still buy from EB for the higher priced games. Price matching and 10 day rentals are a godsend. I've returned heaps of games now that I have not enjoyed, with no questions asked. It doesn't help on the digital only indy games, but still something to utilise for the AAA/physical options

    • I've actually talked to the ACCC before about this exact matter and they did reply and thanked me for my request. But I guess nothing's happening. A few months ago on reddit people were complaining about it to the ACCC and that's where I did too, so maybe that was some momentum.

    • Not true for PSN. I have had my digital purchase refunded twice. Both saying it was misleading and false advertising on a collection of games.

  • also available on Steam (windows & Mac) at this price

  • +1

    Incredible game that I've sunk literally hundreds of hours into.

    There's a huge final patch coming out in a couple of weeks that rebalances things and adds new content too.

    Fair warning, it is pretty difficult and controls much better with KB and mouse.

    • Yeah portable feels a bit obscure as it is some tight controlling needed at times but is still fun

  • Is this game best with keyboard+mouse or controller? Can't decide PC or Switch.

  • I'm so frustrated that I have to buy it from my switch.
    I'm waiting on it to arrive from amazon…

  • Also $8.49 on GOG for those that don't want to over pay :p

  • I got it last night with my Nintendo gold points. didn't even realize I had $9 worth

    • There is never any point saving them. Same to use the ones you have every time you buy a new digital game, other we risk then expiring.

      • Unless you still want 3DS/Wii U rewards.

  • Great game, have it on PS4, maybe get it for Switch when it's $4.

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