I've been having some trouble with my car that has gone roughly 8000km
Took them two weeks, but they figured it was damaged spark plugs.
The dealership wants me to pay around $200 to have them replaced as apparently they think it is because of poor quality fuel. However, they have no proof of that.
Is this reasonable to do so? Are there any other factors that can lead to damage in a new vehicle?
In response to queries, it is a 2017 Mustang GT which only has ever been fueled with 98 octane. No mods
Edit 2:
They literally have been calling me every 3 days saying they are trying new things. First call was about changing in known good parts as process of elim, second they thought was bad fuel so drained it and replaced but still ongoing, and todays call was as above.
The initial problem was that the acceleration felt rough and jerking back and forth
They have to provide evidence it's poor quality fuel and could not be any other cause. It's a common excuse by dealerships. 'You're doing it wrong'. 'We have never seen this problem before!' (yeah right).
They may play this game: 'Where do you buy fuel?' You name a retailer. 'Oh, they have crap fuel!' The better way is to be ambiguous and say you buy from a variety of retailers, consisting of the major oil brands, so they can't pin a fast one on you.