I'm appealing to the wonderful OzBargain community to hopefully scavange some morsels of valuable information.
Background: 2nd year Finance and Economics student
I find myself in the uncomfortable position of a broke student, but I hope this does not appear as a pity party. I work to support myself in the music industry (wedding singer mostly) and I suppose I've been living 'week to week' to some degree, but I've been happy.
As I progress through University, my lack of industry experience is becoming more and more apparent. My question to you wonderful humans at OzBargain is how did you support yourself through studies while obtaining industry experience? From the surface at least, it seems like I must choose between working to support myself or working for career development (unpaid internships)
Any advice for me would be very much appreciated, as I desperately want to get a toehold in the finance industry.
Sex for money.