What Toothpaste Do You Use?

Hi team,
This a serious post and i'm looking for recommendations for a new toothpaste which really burns and cleans along with whitens the teeth.

I have tried almost every toothpaste by colgate and not ONE is hot enough to make my eyes water. I mean that minty tone that makes your breath fresh as an iceberg.

I used to use macleans and they had one that whitened the teeth, burnt my eyes clear and made my breath very fresh, but two years ago they changed packaging and the product changed too which lead me to colgate and the dilemma i'm now experiencing.

So please:

  1. Name your toothpaste that you use and recommend
  2. On a sale of 1 - 10, how 'minty fresh' and 'hot' is it when you brush?
  3. Good whitening?

I want the hottest toothpaste that also whitens the teeth.

note: Colgate Total whitening is the one I'm using currently. NOT GOOD enough



  • Colgate, the stand up pump bottle.
    I'll never use a standard toothpaste in a tube ever again…

    I go so far as buying a dozen at a time when I'm in Melbourne and bringing them back to KL where I live as they don't have them here.

    Like this

    Never use a whitening one, just normal stuff.

    • Why are they better than tube?

      • It is a bit easier to use and looks tidier in the bathroom.

  • +2

    lol if you have bad breath its not the toothpaste, you need to floss and see a dentist to find the underlying cause

    • I see the dentist regularly - no issues. I floss every day. I'm purely after a new toothpaste so i don't need to chew gum before corporate meetings

  • +2

    Whatever is cheapest and definitely none of those hippie chemical free artisinal rubbish they peddle.

    Current one is an Oral-B. Tastes like sarsparilla. I like sarsparilla.

    • +1

      Have you tried any of the no-name brands of toothpaste? Surely they're the cheapest?

      • All smiles is one.

      • +1

        Tbh, I don't pay for any pharmaceutical goods but I wouldn't be opposed to no name brands either.

        Toothpaste has pretty much been the same thing for the last 30-40 years. They work when used and don't when not.

    • +1

      All smiles is the cheapest. NZ company.

  • +5

    I use degreaser on my toothbrush & undiluted bleach as mouthwash.

    • +2

      Acetone for aftershave?

      • +1

        Diesel. Not the fashion label one either

        On special occassions I use toilet water. I'm not paying big bucks for a bottle of the same thing just translated into French

  • I use coconut oil, swish it around for 20 minutes then brush with activated charcoal.

  • +4

    Just use any toothpaste mixed with some KFC hot and spicy sauce.

    get bad breath by 3pm

    Assuming you don't have dental issues it's probably your tongue, use a tongue cleaner.

  • +4

    the 12 hour coverage is false advertising

    Said as though you believe other vague descriptions in advertising.

    Isn't that burning sensation just … alcohol?

    • Menthol, so yeah

  • +3

    There is only one toothpaste range on the market which actually contains any actual 'whitening' ingredient (hydrogen peroxide), the Colgate 'Optic White' range (there are two versions both in red tubes). None of the other 'whitening' kinds of toothpaste have any ingredient that causes whitening at all.

    Note the mouthwash in the same range doesn't have any whitening ingredient.

  • I use Marvis. But to answer your question, that is obviously what mouthwash is for! You know, that thing they sell next to the toothpaste? Yeah, that.

  • 3M Clinpro

    • sounds hospital grade, where can we get that :)

      • Chemist Direct and Ebay. Also some dental supply websites

      • Yeah it's not the cheapest lol but I had a lot of dental issues a few years ago and this seemed to be the only product that helped.

  • +2

    Try “ Colgate Neutrafluor”

    It over the counter pharmacy only, and I been using it over 8 years

    It has higher fluoride content

    • I use this as I need a high fluoride toothpaste, but I don't find it very minty at all.

      • Why do u need a high flouride one? Normal toothpaste not high enough concentration of flouride?

      • I need higher octane, so it's 100 RON for me.
        Strong, tastes a bit funny.

    • +1

      I use bi carb and coconut oil so as not to get any flouride at all.

  • +3

    It varies. My dentist doesn't always give away the same free one after each clean.

    • Those tiny free samples don't last very long. How often do you go to the dentist or do you not brush at least 2x every day?

      • We get a small show bag. :)

  • +1

    Why did you assume people would take this post as a joke? Toothpaste is serious!

    I use McClean though, have no problems with their paste

  • +1
  • +2

    Dont ever buy whitening toothpaste.
    Its just more abrasive than regular toothpaste. So it does SLIGHTLY whiten for a short time. The micro scratches its making yellow and dull your teeth in the long run. especially when u stop.

    • Source?

    • They are not all abrasive, some use a chemical to whiten.

  • +1

    1) https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/426213/ora…
    2) 8
    3) No idea, have only used it a few times

    • Thanks, i'm going to give this a try tonight!

      • We only bought it because it was half price at Coles last week…

        My 8 might be your 2 though haha

  • I use Biotène as I have dry mouth.

  • CEDEL the only commercial Australian Made tooth past i know of.

    Sometimes bad breath has nothing to do with your teeth btw

    Chewing Gum, rich lollies (like skittles, Minties and M&M Candy) don't retain the pleasant fragrance for long and become a plastic like material that takes extreme smelly effort to decompose in the belly

    That can tend to seep out with air.

    Try quitting all gum and chewy treats

  • Just found some "Colgate Total Pro Clean Breath" at our place. I quite like it.
    7/10 hot IMO.
    Whitening? Too soon to tell.

    Did a search to see if still available. Currently $3.50 (50% off) at Woolies:

  • Colgate usually.

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