On sale at JB is the Google Pixel 2 XL 64GB with 15GB data and unlimited call and messages for $59 monthly when you port a number to Telstra.
Pretty decent deal IMHO
On sale at JB is the Google Pixel 2 XL 64GB with 15GB data and unlimited call and messages for $59 monthly when you port a number to Telstra.
Pretty decent deal IMHO
Title says $50 a month, description says $59 a month?
50 or 59
12 mo or 24 mo
The link takes us to an outright purchase
Can anyone confirm this?
Yep it's in the email they sent at ~12:30
Thanks, I used that to put in the deal for the OP.
This or buy outright? No more free Google Mini?
Just called a store, definitely still include a google home mini
Outright from JB = $1399
$59 x 24 = $1416
$17 difference.
You can easily ask for more data by reps.
5GB port in bonus
5GB welcome credit
5GB multi service (or Sim share)
15GB is plenty for most. I'd rather them take $10 off down to $49 like plenty of people managed last time round.
Some got both. Just have to keep asking.
I used to think 15GB was a lot, but then you start watching shit on Youtube and it eats up the data.
How is the colour representation of feacal matter on the screen? Does it have a blue tinge?
@D3m3ntia: I got the non XL version, so no dramas with the screen. I imagine shit would be slightly blue on the XL. ;)
@D3m3ntia: I hear the February and beyond batch doesn't. Mine does, but it doesn't worry me. Maybe I hold my phone at the correct angle? (And I use cf.lumen at night).
Howd you pull this off?
"Hi I just ported in, I'd like the current bonuses"
Too close to Pixel 3 release. Should be $49 or less by now.
You can get it for $49 if you are persistent with the reps.
He means it should be $39 after persistence by now.
It should be free if you're persistent.
@Munki: not sure how to get it down to $39 as that’s cheap, but I did manage to get it down to $49 with 25gb /month.
Can JB Hi-fi do it for $49? Has anyone got that deal?
$49 I would jump on it
You gotta go on Telstra chat and be persistent with the Port In offer. Got it after 3 tries.
@cosmickinect: no one else was able to get this by the looks of it. Any tips on how we can convince them to give us this deal?
Do I need to talk with JB Hi-Fi store rep for getting that $10 discount and extra data or should I talk with Telstra online sales rep after purchasing the phone?
Telstra online sales rep.
The JB guys can't do jack.
How does one do this?
Agreed. The $59 Pixel XL2 Telstra deal came out earlier this year. If that were to occur again for the Pixel XL 3 early next year (and I know we cant predict this at all), it would be a cracker of a deal. This deal would have still been acceptable if it were the 128GB model. My 6P on 64GB fills up too fast (lots of pics and videos of my kids etc).
Less likely to break screen :3
Is this better than the S9? Or Note 8?
Note 8 user, I setup one of these for my mum and far prefer the stock Android, camera is still awesome too. No Samsung bloatware is nice.
yes and with Android 9 (beta at least), the startup time is about 15s.
I think the Note8 has a nicer screen. But the Samsung compulsory bloatware is just annoying & does slow it down.
you can easily disable Samsung bloatware using package disabler pro.
The S9+ is a better phone than the Pixel XL
Better is debatable - depends what you want in your phone.
IMO Samsung S9 looks a bit nicer, screen has better colour and has SD card expansion. Also feels a little nicer in the hand due to curved edges. Note 8 has the pen too.
Pixel has better software and interface, less lag over time, faster and more stable updates, some nice freebies (eg unlimited image cloud storage) and amazing camera.
(eg unlimited image cloud storage)
Which is actually limited to 2 years for full resolution image uploads.
I agree physically the Note or any recent Samsung leaves the Pixel for dead. But most of that is irrelevant once it's in a case, with the exception of the screen…
Everything else, pixel is fantastic
I have a friend who is interested and currently with Telstra post paid but past 2 year contract.
If they wish to take this up….is the process :
1) Go get a $2 non-Telstra sim.
2) Port to Optus or Voda.
3) Run into JB sign up for this.
Is there a major lag between Step 2 and 3?
Sometimes they require you to be with another carrier for more than 1 month. But check.
I took advantage of this offer last time it was offered. I was hoping to just re-contract my existing Telstra plan but they flat out refused, but they did tell me I could port to an Optus sim then port straight back and get the deal. This was JB staff that suggested it, and they confirmed over the phone with Telstra reps. In the end it was easier to just port my wife's ALDI payg sim to this deal, I got the phone and she got my original Pixel XL.
yeah I think you'll find you need to port out for over a month, before you disappear off their DB.
I tried to port in with a new number & then swap my numbers between the plans, but they would't do it.
Then I notriced I wasn't get spam calls/sms's on my new number so just kept it & moved my old number to a long expiry plan.
Get a amaysim from groupon for less than $10 for 6, 28 day renewals…
Lag is from 15 minutes to 24 hours if everything goes ok. My wife's phone took a few days as they had to reapply the port for some reason. Another one I did in the same day.
I can confirm this does not work on this deal :(. I ported my existing Telstra postpaid (out of contract) number over to Optus prepaid, went into JB the next day to 'port' back into Telstra on this deal, and they won't allow it, contract says you have to be gone for 30 days.
HOWEVER, I went the long way around for the same result:
- Bought $2 Optus sim with new number
- Ported over number to Telstra and obtained JB deal
- Ported my original Telstra number, back from Optus, to a prepaid Telstra plan (skip this step if didn't do what I did at beginning of post)
At this moment you have a new $59 plan on new number, and your old existing Telstra number on whatever plan it was on
- Jump on Telstra 24x7 chat and ask for 'Change of FNN'. Repeatedly if needed
- Once you get through to the right team to make this change, tell them you need to change FNN to another number you own, not a random number
( they carried this out on chat for me, however for my partner she had to ring 132200 for some reason )
- They will ask why you need change of FNN, explain that you signed up to a new contract and did not realise you could upgrade your existing one in store. Say you need your older number, you use it for business, or long distance family contacts, etc
- They proceed to cancel your old number/account, then the number drops into quarantine. They then take it from there and assign over to your new plan
Now I did this process twice, once for myself, with the muck around of multiple ports cause of my stuff up. But second time for my partner. Took around 20 mins in store to port Optus/signup for new plan. Then took around 30 mins on chat/phone to change FNN.
*FNN = Full national number.
How can you get this deal for $49 per month??? I ported my number to Woolworth in June and if it is $49 per month, I would definitely port to Telstra again.
Basically hassle the Telstra reps on chat until they give it to you lol.
This means I have to take $59 plan from JB Hi-Fi and then hassle Telstra. They might not do it.
I am just off the chat with telstra rep. They are not helpful at all.
You need to give multiple tries to Telstra reps after you sign up. No guarantee that you would get it, but from the deal last time round I managed to get $49 / m with 25gb of data.
Don't forget to ask for a "Valued Customer Bonus" of 10/MTH on top of your $10/MTH "Monthly Mobile Credit" bonus. Plus make sure you ask for a 5GB "Multi-Product" Bonus Data Share + Bonus "Mobile Data Share Allowance" of
Bringing the plan to $39/MTH with 30GB allowance.
do you have a reference number or something to prove that the Valued customer Bonus is legit?
@TristanJ: did you just ask for it? i was refused and asked for a reference or something to prove im eligible.
@lowrider88: I simply stated that a friend on the exact same plan received it and they handed it to me no questions asked. Next time you chat just refuse to accept no as an answer and ask to speak to their superior ;) Use the chat service while watching your favourite TV show and don't give in.
Has anyone managed to get this other than 1 person? I mean the double $10 discount.
Screenshot or PM of any info would be good, I was only able to get the "port-in for Family and Friends" for $10
@TristanJ: I had a go and they kept insisting on a reference number or number of my friend. I might try using your screenshots and claiming that as evidence haha. What did you do? give them your friend's number?
@CheapskateKondo: no I didn't need to provide my make believe friends details. They just took my word for it that I had this friend with the magic double discount.
They keep asking for Reference numbers for me, any idea what I should do here? Should I just keep switching chats?
The guy hit me with a
"I would have already done that if it is possible.
Please help me with your friends number so that I can check. Because as far as I know, it is not possible to add 2 discounts of $10.
And it runs by system, system simply does not allow it so I just want to check how it is possible."
So I really have no idea how I should go about it
@njastar: I'm trying to find a way to use the above chat log as evidence but the chat doesn't allow image attachment, only copy and paste text. I might try to fabricate the log. @TristanJ do you have a reference number that you could somehow PM me and I can use? That would be very appreciated. :)
@TristanJ: Hey Tristan, I think this deal might be for accounts with multiple products or services on the one account. That's what they've been telling me at least. Do you have multiple products or services? I'm trying to do the same. Thanks for your help man!
YESSS I got $39/month second try after I ported in.
This rep didn't even put up any resistance. They were like "okay as good will I will give you another $10".
Keep persisting my friends, $39/month is soooooo worth it for this phone.
@CheapskateKondo: hey could you PM me like a reference number or something, I've tried like 4 times they keep saying it's impossible :(
Tell them you can provide your friends mobile number who received the double $10/mth discount. Do not actually provide anything, just tell them you can.
Whenever Telstra say they cannot give you the double $10/mth discount just respond by asking Telstra "how come my friend received a double discount, you want the same treatment."
Failing to get anywhere maybe ask to speak with their supervisor.
Failing all that, exit the chat and try again.
Speaking of persistence, it took me about 10 chats all up to get my included data increased from 15GB's to 30GB's. Each time I asked for a 5GB increased. Once I got that, then I went back and asked for another.
Once I got to 25GB's Telstra told me they couldn't increase an extra 5GB's , but after persisting that my imaginary friend got it, they eventually gave it to me.
I only have the one account with Telstra (this Pixel 2 XL).
@CheapskateKondo @TristanJ: PM of reference number would be appreciated, tried so many times with no luck on chat and even calling up.
@TristianJ and @CheapskateKondo i would love a PM of the reference number as well if possible if its not too much hassle. as i am definitely not having any luck after 10+ chats…
Update on the situation:
Okay so originally when I said I got $39, I wasn't actually getting it for $39 YET. What happened was that the Telstra rep probably meant the DATA plan itself was $39, on top of which there was another $10/month device charge, making it a boring $49/month.They treat the original plan as already having a $10/month credit due to being originally $69/month. She essentially only gave me an extra $10/month to make the $59.
However, I was smart in that chat. I got the rep to confirm with me two times that after the $20/month credit, I would only have to pay $39. She failed to mention any additional device cost. I saved that transcript and raised it to the complaints team, who was able to drop the TOTAL cost of the plan to $39/month.
I don't know how reproducible that is. Try to trap a rep into telling you it's $39/month then tear them a new one from that.
Good luck with it everyone
I got this deal a-coupe of months ago.
Once you have the phone go onto the Telstra online Chat
Ask for the friends and family discount ($10 off) might take a couple of tries (mine was on the first go)
Bonus Points,
Try for the additional 5GB a month (took me three trys)
How do you qualify for the family and friends discount?
Are phones still provider locked now-a-days or is that not much of an issue anymore?
Like if I took this phone tona different country with a different sim, would all be ok?
I am sure, phones on plan are unlocked.
Telstra post-paid handsets have never been carrier locked.
Pretty tempting, as my 6p battery is up to 4-5 charges per day, and Huawei nor Mobileciti want to know about it. "Have you tried a factory reset?"
But Pixel 3 can't be that far away surely?
Can someone refresh me on the ACL regarding mobile phones? I thought the ACCC decreed all phones have an implied 2 years warranty irrespective of the manufacturers opinion??
Really annoyed with the 6p's battery issue. Otherwise it was a beautiful phone.
And yes regarding the warranty, I do believe 2 years minimum is correct.
My 6P was warranty replaced with a Mate 9 after 20 months due to the same battery issues and also burn in along the bottom where the onscreen buttons appear
Yeah mine was replaced by a p10 a month before my contract was due, so 23 months. But that was with a phone plan which automatically had a 2 year warranty on phones.
Who did you go to? Huawei or retail? I've got the same issue. Sent an email to Huawei at 23 months & they came back saying go to Optus. I'm not even with them! I bought it from Mobile Citi.
I got my Nexus 6P fully refunded about 18 months after purchase (on a 12 month warranty). Had to return it twice, but eventually got Hardly Normal and Huawei to agree it was faulty (early shutdowns) and got my money back. Free phone for 18 months - best bargain I ever scored!
I am with Belong for more than 1 month. Am I eligible for this plan? It would be from Telstra to Telstra?
Only need to be with another provider for a day.
Actually less than a day, some people have ported to Optus in 15 mins and then back.
Depends on the deal, I'm also thinking of the P20 Pro deal they have going and they confirmed have to be with another provider for 1 month to port over for that deal, haven't found out what the deal for this is yet.
Great phone with exception of screen - blacks are very blurry when scrolling and creates a ghosting effect when brightness is turned down.
It's a hardware issue with the screen ( the pixels get turned off for blacks, but there is an input lag when you scroll so the colours dont get switched on quick enough)
Only way to troubleshoot is to keep brightness up about 75%, but that is horrible late at night.
If you were looking to buy suggest you have a look instore with light sensor covered and brightness turned down to see if you can live with it (eg Reddit app on dark background isn't great).
Have also had to lodge warranty claim as the headphone adapter failed on the phone (not just the adapter). Google were good to deal with for warranty claim despite using Toll delivery, though I got lucky and worked out in my favour as cracked my screen after a weekend out with Mayes, lodged a warranty claim for the headphone not working and got an entirely new unit sent out 😀.
Despite the black pixels being annoying and old issue now fixed with the headphone adapter not working really like the phone and would get again (especially with vanilla android on latest P release). Camera is excellent
Purchased on this plan last time, asked for extra data and discount so 20gb for $49 per month.
Description says $59.