Are There Any Good Reasons to Check in Online 24h before The Flight?

Hi guys,

In a few hours the online check in for my flight(s) will open. I have always done it online, but never thought why.

So if i have already chosen my seats and meals while booking the flight, why should or shouldnt i check in online? Because eventually i would still be standing in queue to drop off my baggage.


  • +3

    In case there are better seats available than the one you currently have.

    • I had a window seat when I booked my flight, but got the windowless 9A when I checked in …

      • So this doesnt mean anything to them when i have taken time to choose the seats i want, they can override it whenever they want to?

        • Pretty much. They’re supposed to tell you if they change your seat but Virgin didn’t do so … Had a baby next to me too …

      • Not all the seats are aligned to a window unfortunately.

        • Yeah but the point I was making is that you can get a worse seat than the one you were originally assigned to when you check in

  • +1

    Check in early so you don't get bumped off if they overbook.

    • This is Australia mate…… Not the USA. We rarely oversell flights here. Simply as most tickets are too bad so sad if you miss your flight. So the airline gets paid regardless

      • Why don't they just do that in USA…

        • +4

          Why don't they just do that in USA…

          They are too busy firing at each other..bang bang!!

        • I didn't realise that if you missed a flight in USA you could get it refunded. I just assumed it was a case of too bad so sad, but the carriers over there decide to try it on and make tiwce the money for some of their seats.

      • I got bumped off a Qantas flight once, bastards! They’d overbooked it by at least 2 seats and everyone actually rocked up.

  • +4

    Well apart from choosing your seat, etc., I've always found that there is a queue just for bag drop, and it's much shorter than the snake waiting to check in. 5 mins vs 1 hour wait.

    Mind that's usually for international flights.

    • Ditto, shorter queue if you've checked in online. Or sometimes other people who have checked in online don't even realise there's a separate line because the sign hasn't been obvious and once I walk straight in to wait there, people start moving over as well.

      • -2

        That must be me then :D
        I have never seen a separate queue just for the baggage drop.
        Or maybe it is the case with domestic flights/low cost airlines. I havent done these in ages.

        • +1

          Most of the time you can just check the screens above the check in counters and look for one that says "Bag drop" or "Online Check In".
          Sometimes there are signs that are obvious and some less so.
          I've mostly been on international flights lately but can remember doing the same for domestic too.

          Can't speak about other airports but Melbourne has kiosks with self serve baggage drop too now. I'd take a guess that others have this too since we're usually behind the times haha.

    • This, was about to reply with this.

      They have your details, so there is less checking, just verifying. This queue is often shorter and faster

  • Not sure if its true but apparently you aren't confirmed for the flight unless you are checked in as far as I know. I think this means they could exchange your seat with someone else who wants your flight if they wanted to?

    In saying that though, I've never seen it happen, especially when you've already prebooked the seat as well, I personally have never seen or had any issue with checking in at the airport before my flights. I've also never seen or had anything better when I've checked in earlier either, to be honest I prefer checking in late as sometimes I get to rechoose my seat (Qantas I think?) and I can find one where I can be by myself.

  • why should or shouldnt i check in online?

    I never understood it either if you have bags to drop off. Even less if you have a seat selected and a meal booked.

  • So you don't forget - you do things earlier if you can, so that if other things pop up later, you'll be freer then.

  • +4

    to skip the queue. usually there is a different queue for web check-in.

  • +1

    Depends on airline, sometimes you can select seats if you were not able to prior to check-in.

    Other benefits is different line for online checkin customers, once again depends on the airline.

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