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[Amazon Prime] Star Wars The Last Jedi 4K $19.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Star Wars Last Jedi 4K

Great Price, not so great movie but it's Star Wars so it'll do.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2018

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  • not so great movie but it's Star Wars so it'll do.

    You must not have been on the internet recently.

  • +7

    Why did they kill of …. who was completely out of character throughout the whole movie!!!

    • +2

      Mary Poppins yo

    • +11

      Exactly, such bad writing. It's cool to be edgy and hate on old white men though isn't it.

      Bad movie.

    • +1

      I disagree with this, we haven't seen him for years. He is a Skywalker with a lot of baggage.

      • +1

        He was destroyed because he was a hero of the 80s and modern young people love to hate on the 80s and the 'bad people who ran it!!!' or some crap.

        Luke was positive / good / simple, a traditional hero in the cheesy way Superman is. Breaking him for some crappy sequels to make coin, is lame.
        The new movies are bad. Mark Hamil himself doesn't like the writing.

      • "Baggage"? Aka character development you mean? If they didn't want the history, they would've made stand-alone movies instead of setting it in the SW universe.

        • Baggage, he feels he failed Ben. He fears falling to the Darkside himself. He fears that the Jedi way it's not right. He is full of self doubt. Baggage.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: Yes, and again - aka character development. And all that was from TLJ. If they didn't want that, they could've just written him differently. It's entirely a problem of their own making.

        • @HighAndDry: Luke ended up winning, he came back to the force. He was at peace again I don't see the issue myself and I'm a life long fan who was playing with the original action figures back in the day.

    • +6

      To win a battle without firing a single shot exemplifies the Jedi code. A TRUE Jedi master

      • +1

        He had a lightsaber… pretty sure he couldn't fire a shot even if he wanted to.

        • I'm pretty sure shots were fired verbally

    • +1

      Cost cutting for future episodes.

      • +1

        Guess it worked, because not making movies costs $0.

        • Not making movies also brings in $0

        • It's not a surprise to be honest. Yoda died remember? Ben / Obi-Wan too. It's there to have the audiences feel the only hope now is the main Jedi left in the story. Otherwise, the "master" somewhat takes something away from the main character.

        • -1

          @netsurfer: That's a ridiculous take. Yoda and Obi-wan died because in the original trilogy the Jedi were literally a dying race. It's been about 20 years since the Jedi won! Why are they still a dying and threatened species?

          Plenty of movies have a 'master' type figure who doesn't have to die, or who doesn't get turned into some caricature of how the left sees old white men before they die.

        • @HighAndDry: Dunno why you were negged for the comment.

          Why are they still a dying and threatened species?

          Because the screen play writers were lazy and just wanted to re-cycle the same kind of idea? It's the same master Jedi sacrificed himself for the greater good. It's the same issue, the apprentice Jedi doesn't seem to exceed / overtake the master. Don't ask me why as I didn't write the story.

  • +3

    Leia uses the force in space 😬😳 soo dumb

  • +10

    Honestly, the outrage that this movie has caused has lead me to believe that there are many people with issues in the Star Wars community/fans. With exception of the pointless sidetrack that the movie takes (you know the one) I think it is a fine movie.

    Roll on the anonymous negs ;)

    • +1

      The backlash to this movie is exhibit A of everything that is wrong with fandom. Sure, it has issues. The level of vitriol that people have towards it is ridiculous, as if it is a personal affront. Grow up.

      • Absolutely, the way some cretins have lashed out at that poor girl is ridiculous.

      • Agree the response to the movie has been way over the top, however its a poorly made movie in its own right and has few redeeming features. But would agree theres plenty of other places to discuss the movie and not the bargain :)

      • No, this movie is exhibit A of everything wrong with the new liberal groupthink. Where everyone must shoehorn in ideology into everything.

        • +2

          True. OzBargain is obviously a haven for broke lefties. :=P

    • -1

      Out of negs, but yeah - fans get pissed if you piss over what they're a fan of. That's not really surprising.

    • +2

      The casino planet right? That was a big waste of time. I'd be happy if they cut that down to about 5 mins.
      Personally for me, it was the first time I've fallen asleep through a star wars film.

      • -3

        I don't believe you did tbh

  • -1
    • +1

      Hear hear.

      The double-standards on this issue are ridiculous. Make full women rip-offs of movies and you're supposed to be celebrated (Ghostbusters, Ocean's 8, etc), but changing women to men? Oh the horror!

  • Awesome, this will be my first 4K Star Wars!

  • how did you guys feel when it was revealed r2d2 was the last jedi?

    • +5

      Still a better jedi than Rey.

      • -1

        Plot twist: everyone dies except Kylo Ren who uses his past Jedi training to train Jar Jar Binks to be the last true Jedi. Jar Jar Jedi creates a Porg Clone Army armed with mini but supersonic blasters based on Death Star technology.

  • +5

    The Disc would make a great 4K Coffee Toaster, 19 bucks is a bargain !!

    • Is coffee toaster the long form of coaster?

      • +1

        I meant coaster my bad :D

  • +6

    Paying any sort of money for that movie is not a bargain.

  • +1

    TLJ = poop.

  • +3

    Far out peeps. It's just a movie right? I agree it had some cringe-worthy moments but it was entertaining enough and had some visually impressive scenes. So watching those visually impressive scenes in 4k would probably add to the value of the movie. I personally loved The Force Awakens and I reckon I (and most people) would of been less disappointed in The Last Jedi if The Force Awakens wasn't so good.

    • In other words, it was a really crap movie but had great special effects?

      Pretty much sums up most movies over the last 20 years. :)

      As a 13 year old kid when SW came out the whole thing was pretty big for me. I did a bit of a double take when the Ewoks arrived on the scene but because of the great action and 'special effects' I just accepted it as quirky but nowhere near as good as the first two in terms of story and emotion. I am old enough to remember when movies made you actually FEEL something, those days are long gone (for the most part). And then the 'prequels' came out and that was it for me. Though they did have one redeeming feature in that they spawned Mr Plinket's Phantom Menace reviews which was frankly 10 times better than the prequels themselves.

      Then I saw the JJ Abrams one (can't even remember it's name) and took a punt on Rogue 1 and after those two that was really it. SW is now dead to me. Oh well the river of life flows on I guess but I will not give them any more of my money, it only encourages them to make more crap. (Though I do have to shout out Adywan's fan edits of ANH and ROTJ, highly recommended for true fans. )

  • +3

    /Comic Book Guy voice
    Worst … Star Wars … Ever!

    • The comic book guy sounds so much like John Malkovich.

  • +7

    Wouldn't even pirate

  • +9

    Can't condone the people who bash the actors in the movie, they generally didn't have much of a say in things, hell, if Luke (profanity) Skywalker himself gets ignored at every turn, no actor had a shot at getting heard.

    What I can condone however, is people bashing Ruin Johnson and Krazy Kathleen Kennedy. Those two are particularly to blame for this movie, and their response to the matter has honestly been LEAGUES beneath pathetic and intolerable. Bringing (profanity) GamerGate into it this late after the mark for shit's sake, Jesus man, you REALLY have no idea or defense anymore, do you RJ?

    I look forward to Solo hitting Netflix. As a life long Star Wars diehard, who was at the midnight screenings for the last 3 movies, hell, I saw (profanity) CLONE WARS 7 times for shit's sake, it almost hurt me to skip seeing Solo, but you gotta vote with your wallet dudes, and that's what I'm doing now when I continue to allow my collection remain incomplete.

    • Solo was even shitter than TLJ lol

      • I find that VERY hard to believe.

        Solo only really had the opportunity to shit on Han and Land, TLJ managed to shit over Leia, (profanity) DESTROY Luke, and even (profanity) up the new protag's trajectory completely as well.

        I'll take Pando and Soylo over TLJ any day.

      • Not true, at all.

  • 100% claimed

  • Outta stock

  • +2

    I've had this on my rewatch list for months to see if I still hate it, I can't even bring myself to…

  • +5

    Movie was shit house

    F*** KK and F*** left wing SJW

  • +1

    Better off going to Kmart because all remaining copies of TLJ on blu and Dvd are down to $9-$12

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