Dual OS NAS system.. 6 bay, pretty neat.
Cheapest I found on staticice was $1019.00 https://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=QNAP+TS-653a&s…
Original 25% off 51 Sellers for eBay Plus Members / 20% off for non-eBay Plus Members Deal
Dual OS NAS system.. 6 bay, pretty neat.
Cheapest I found on staticice was $1019.00 https://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=QNAP+TS-653a&s…
Original 25% off 51 Sellers for eBay Plus Members / 20% off for non-eBay Plus Members Deal
Mine shipped today! But looking at the benchmarks it performs a lot better than the cheaper 2 or 4 bay qnap units even with encryption enabled.
I've been using hp microservers for a while they are getting a little old now. So looking for something a little smaller maybe?
Are you after particular performance metric or benchmark?
What do i do with this?
Buy now and work that out later lol
Place under your desk at work.
Will keep your feet warm.
Can't see the benefit of karaoke tho
can anyone recommend me a very simple nas (1 or 2 hdd will just be fine).
the cheaper, the better, I am not looking into something crazy fast. Cheers!
What are your main uses for the nas…data backup, media server etc?
Cheers cheaponos! I just want to have my photos, videos and files in general on the home network and possibly stream divx.
Main reason is because i have my laptop and work laptop. it is quite annoying to keep using external HDDs
Can I piggyback on this guys question? I've considered getting a 2-4 bay one for Kodi streaming, Sickrage/Sonarr, Couch potato etc.. and if possible a MythTV backend would be awesome.. or if there's another easy to use program to setup a DVR
I have had a 2-bay Asustor for the last few years, got great reviews and I haven't had a problem with it.
to my very low IT knowledge looks good. Does it need two HDD or can just work with one?
wow, that's super helpful!!!
just a question… how do you compare with this one? cheers
how do you compare with this one?
I'm biased… I always use QNAP.
Very flexible, great interface, lots of add on apps etc…
@ets27: That's a lot for a 1-bay NAS. I'd recommend the QNAP suggested by @jv paired with 2 x WD REDs
Cool! Last question and I won't bother you anymore!
Do you guys know if there is a way either to
1 - Have the Lightroom Catalogue on the NAS and access it from each computer
2 - Have the Lightroom Catalogue saved locally on each computer, backed up on the NAS (similar to what one-drive or G drive would do) and updated locally each time one laptop is turned on? (uhm… does this make sense??)
Thanks again ;)
@ets27: Re #1 - Lightroom says you can't store the catalog on a network but can store it on an external HDD. So depends if Lightroom recognises a network mapped drive or if you'd have to have a iSCSI setup.
Currently it is on an external HDD… i guess i have to give it a go. cheers!
EDIT: Adobe is so greedy… just because they want to sell their useless and expensive cloud!
@ets27: Recommend you go with jv's option, and put it in RAID 1 if you dont need the extra space. Parity is helpful for redundancy
Not a fan of NAS with the hard drives positioned on their side. I had 3 HDDs (Seagate SV35.5) fail in my NAS over a period of 1.5 years. The same brand and model of hard drives in the horizontal position in my main desktop had no issues and is still running fine after 5 years.
turn your NAS on it's side?
That's how most Gome with no issues probably more the hdd then the NAS
Sounds more likely a bad batch than hd orientation to me. I've never heard anyone else warn about this, and pretty much every consumer NAS product, besides rack mount ones, have hds in this orientation.
Just curious, which brands of NAS doesn't position the HDD on their side? As far as I know, only those that fit inside server racks would be mounted "flat".
most servers and nas over the years i recall the disks being on their side also.
I even recall that disks are best operated on their side due to the affect of gravity on a horizontal object rotating at thousands time per minute?
NAS being on all the time in high density vs desktop off on with vibration compensation is not equivalent comparison
Its not an accident that Seagate and WD make NAS specific drives.
PS why on earth does Surveillance SV35.5 drives live in your Desktop PC?
It's time to do away with unreliable spindals. The form factor/footprint of these qnaps and synologys can be reduced. SSD all the way, prices are dropping of late and it's becoming viable. Spindal drives - just say NO :)
Unreliable you say? SSD whilst having no mechanical parts when prone to failure, means you have zero chance of data recovery. Mechanical or SS shouldn't be a deciding factor, redundancy should.
Any one used this and how does it perform