Excellent quality shoes for the price. Found it in Costco Canberra. Must be available Australia wide.
Picture: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oNoP76qmUftrvfLW8
Julius Marlow Leather Shoes $69.95 @ Costco (Membership Required)

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That model is called Notion it was a replacement for a superseded model that has now also been phased out.
"Excellent quality"
Not so sure about that.
Julius Marlow wear out incredibly fast. They are almost mock ups of shoes that dissolve on your feet in 6 monthsYeah the only time I'll buy a pair of Julius Marlow are when they are <$30 shipped. I wear them to work and flog them out quick.
depends which ones you get if you are after durability then get the Crystal Sole ones they have a very dense rubber sole some have TPU injected into them so they last a bit longer. I tend not to get them cause they are big and bulky.
I've had good experiences with Crystal Soles over the years and I tend to be quite hard on my work/business shoes.
Excellent quality debatable.
If you get a year, it would be vfm
Do you know the model? I wonder if Amazon can beat it.