Hey guys,
i recently had this new manager appointed to me for work. My work that i do is mostly based around an individual startup project and therefore i work alone most of the time. This newly appointed manager that i have, has a had steep learning curve in understanding what work needs to be done. Currently the tasks for me to do at work is assigned by me and checked over by her.
So later last week she had an informal conversation to me about issuing me a warning letter with an effective termination date for having personal conversation during worktime. So this is the letter
Dear ……,
i am writing you about your conduct during your employment with ………..
Today you met with myself and at this meeting you were advised that your conduct has been unsatisfactory, and that immediate improvement is required. in particular you were advised that you have been having personal conversations during worktime that have become distracting to other staff members.
in this meeting you were asked if you had anything you wished to say or to respond to the situation and you agreed that you would keep personal conversations to a minimum during working hours.
After considering the situation it is expected that your conduct improves and specifically that if you have something to discuss that requires a ten minute break from you work, please save that for your personal break and do not distract other staff while they are working.
this is you first warning letter. It is expected that your conduct improves immediately. Your employment may be terminated if your conduct does not improve by a week from now.
I propose that we discuss this again to review your progress at our next one on one meeting on a week from now. If you wish to respond to this formal warning letter please do so by arranging a meeting with me or by replying in writing.
END of letter
So the summary of the one on one meeting. I said " when i first started i was encouraged to get to the know the rest of the company and in good faith i did so as requested". "However this is the first time i am hearing about me actions in relation to disturbing other peoples work, if it was a concern why wasn't it ever mentioned to me till now?". She replied it is an issue now and it needs to be rectified. "i than replied with you realise your telling me that from this letter that i am only allowed to talk to you and you only. She replied with yes you can always talk to me.
thats the end of the one on one meeting.
Other notes not mentioned in any of the convo
- i get in early and always get my work done to the deadline
- if i have work related matters i chat to them directly
- the personal conversations only revolve around the kitchen and if someone comes to my desk and chats to me
Really need some advice
** UPDATE **
- i work for a developer who likes to build all sorts of things
- my job is a start up for a new project / department
- the other thing i didn't mention is that i get along pretty well with everyone, so my colleagues usually come to my desk and chat with me. While the same doesn't ever happen for her
I have booked a meeting with a senior manager tomorrow, i'll see how it goes and keep you guys updated here
You should have to sign to accept the warning, if you feel its unfair refuse to sign and ask for a review by someone more senior than her.
I had a similar issue, refused to sign and when reviewed the warning was withdrawn.
If you feel its unjust you are entitled to stand your ground
Also if they are using a warning system, they need to give you 3 warnings, they cant sack you 1 week after giving you the first warning
Not sure what industry you are in, but you can call Fair Work Australia for some advice and to check the legality's of the warning.