Quick poll, would you or would you not continue purchasing a high end graphics card if you knew the fans in the card would fail after 2 years and prevent you using it due to heat and noise? Even if the graphics card has a 3 year manufacturer warranty?
I am in exactly that boat with a Gigabyte GTX 970 I bought two years ago, used in my home PC. In understanding my ACCC rights, the main sticking point around refunds and repairs seems to be whether the issue is "Major" or "Minor".
My issue is waiting for a repair/replacement could take many weeks and I need a replacement asap so I can continue using the PC, so I've been forced to buy a replacement from my own money for the PC to continue working…
According to ACCC:
If you have a minor problem with a product or service, the business can choose to give you a free repair instead of a replacement or refund. When you have a major problem with a product, you have the right to ask for your choice of a replacement or refund.
A product or good has a major problem when:
* it has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying it if they’d known about it
* it is significantly different from the sample or description
* it is substantially unfit for its common purpose and can’t easily be fixed within a reasonable time
* it doesn’t do what you asked for and can’t easily be fixed within a reasonable time; or
* it is unsafe.
It could b an issue. But I'd still buy one. Have you overclocked? Only a select few brands warrant overclocked GPUs.
See what they replace you with.