Hi guys, is above website legit?
Has anyone used it?
The gov makes me think it is, but there is no "https://" and the little box next to the web address says the "connection to site is not secure" and not to enter private details etc.
After seeing long lines at TRS on previous trips I am trying to pre-claim it this time
I believe it is legitimate, it obviously looks that way, and it would be quite hard for somebody not a government agency to register a domain name in the gov.au hierarchy..
HTTPS just makes the communications between your computer and the web server secure from interception (by encrypting it).
In theory, it also identifies the site owner has some legitimate relationship to the domain, but the mechanisms for establishing trust via the registrars are far from fool proof.
In any case, it is very poor form that TRS isn't HTTPS encrypted, but I think you will be fine to use the site.