This was posted 6 years 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

.AU domain $8.00 for New Registrations in July Only @


Hi All,

To celebrate the new financial year and the new management of .au domains, we have dropped the price of .au domains for new registrations to $8 for July. Any additional years after will be $11.50 per year.

.au domains available are,,,,

.au registrations are subject to eligibility criteria(below) and may require an ABN.

The domains can be registered from 1 to 5 years.


These 2LDs are known as "open" because they are open to the general public, subject to eligibility criteria.
For incorporated associations, political parties, trade unions, sporting and special interest clubs.
For registration information, please contact an auDA accredited registrar.
For commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with state governments).
For registration information, please contact an auDA accredited registrar.
For commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with state governments).
For registration information, please contact an auDA accredited registrar.
For individuals who are Australian citizens or residents.
For registration information, please contact an auDA accredited registrar.
For charities and non-profit organisations.
For registration information, please contact an auDA accredited registrar.

For full details on open 2LD eligibility criteria, refer to the Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs (2012-04).

All prices are GST inclusive.

As with many other providers, DNS hosting and Email forwarding is free. ID Protection for .au domains is not.

List of all domain pricing can be found

We currently do not provide off the self hosting but if you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact us. Web development services are also available, ranging from small to big projects.

GGregistry is owned by BAR INTERACTIVE PTY LTD is partner reseller of Synergy Wholesale.

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closed Comments

  • The domain search site's SSL certificate is signed by: Bad Server Certificate. Sigh…

    Another reseller for Synergy Wholesale.

  • Did someone create a course, how to start a web hosting business? There's no money in .au domains.

  • GGregistry - I was told by a colleague that GG is not a good name (to people who can understand Mandarin).

    • what does GG mean in Mandarin? I thought it was a common girls name for a while

      • +1

        It could potentially sound very similar to the male reproductive organ :-)

    • -2

      …and they shouldn't require an ABN.

      • +1

        An ABN is required for all *.au TLDs except for

        • -1

          How do they justify that? Cutting out community groups, and low turnover self employed people seems odd.

        • @Major Mess:


          It's an eligibility requirement set by auDA, not just this reseller.

          Self employed people should have ABNs anyway.

        • -1

          @Less Point: Why should self employed people have an ABN if they do not meet the threshold?

        • -2

          @Less Point: I have had a bit of a look around auDA and cannot find any major changes to the rules compared to 10+ years ago, apart from existing. I could find no mention at all of ABN's. A registered business name is still stated, along with other options.

          I could easily have missed it. Can you point me to the stated requirement to have an ABN.



          It is odd that this registrar even requires an ABN for's. I wouldn't have thought that auDA would allow them to make their own policy rules.

          VentraIP would have to be a better option than these possibly incompetent sellers.

        • +1

          @Major Mess: You need an ABN, Business Number or a Charity/Organisation number, end of story. It's been common knowledge for years and you can put any number in the box but every month the registry run a check and then policydelete all the domains registered inaccurately. Any registrar not asking specifically for an ABN will simply call it something different like registrant ID or Business ID.

          Anyone living in Australia can get an ABN within minutes, what's the problem?

        • @Major Mess: Business or Hobby. .Au domain is designed for businesses, not joe bloggs blog about fishing. If you want that then there is 1000 other extensions you could use, .com is a good one.

        • -3

          @RhysNZ: The problem is an ABN and Registered Business Name are two completely different names.

          I don't care about "common knowledge". For 1500 years it was common knowledge that christians existed in the first century CE. When the truth is there is no evidence of christians until the fifth century at the earliest, and all of our earlier artifacts evidence "Chrestians", the follows of Jesus Chrestos. That is, "Jesus the good". That "common knowledge" has lead to millions of deaths, torture, suffering of innocents, genocide, child sexual and other abuse, sexual and other abuse of women, and the end of science for 1400 years. Evidence and truth is self evidently a better way for us to live our lives by, rather than claims to know things you either don't or can't.

          How hard would it have been to have simply shown me the policy rather than an ad hominem attack?

          "You need an ABN, Business Number or a Charity/Organisation number, end of story."
          Your sentence portrays dissonance. Is it an ABN "and" or is it "or"? What is a "Business Number"? Why add confusion? What is the point?

          epistles by Mani (4th Century)
          "I Mani, the Apostle of [Je]su[s] Chrestos (xphctoc) and all the other brethren that are with me …."

          Exorcism Spell - "Magical Papyri" (4th Century)
          "Excellent rite for driving out daimons: Formula to be spoken over his head:
          Place olive branches before him,and stand behind him and say:
          “Hail, God of Abraham; hail, God of Isaac; hail, God of Jacob;
          Jesus Chrestos, the Holy Spirit, the Son of the Father,
          who is above the Seven, who is within the Seven………"

          SB XII 10772 - P.Oxy XXXVI 2785 n.2 (3rd/4th Century?)
          "through Sotas the Chrestian"
          "In this letter a certain Sotas is employed by the author to transport some money from Antioch to Oxyrhynchus"

          P.Oxy.XLIII 3149 (5th Century?)
          "I write to you, Apa Theon, I, Heras, a Chrestian, greetings in the Lord. I send your slave Heortasius. According to custom grant him anything that you have. This you will find from before the Lord."
          There is a cross beside the text. Not the later cross, but the type used by ancients to mark a margin to denote a particularly "good", or "useful" passage.

          Codex Sinaiticus(our earliest bible) 330-360CE.


          We have no early reference that refers to Christians.

          Sites with sources and references for Chrestians.


  • Wait, I can't register :s

    • .au top level domains available,,,, I will include this in the description.

  • July is title improvement month.

    • In future, please mention the store/retailer in the title.

    That's been fixed. Moderators and power users spend time fixing titles throughout the day and any help is appreciated. Thanks for posting!

    • Sure thing, thanks for the heads up.

  • Misleading title OP: This is NOT for top-level registrations. It's for second level registrations under the Open 2LDs

    • Thanks for the fix OP

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