Free ring sizing kit to find your size for the Bankwest Halo Payment Ring (or any other ring you might want)
Free Ring Sizing Kit @ Bankwest (Bankwest Customers)

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Even after being a customer of Australian Banks?
You know what they say… :p
Username also checks out
fist-bump the terminal
umm.. nope…
Spend all your money on a halo ring
only have $350 left in your account
need $10 for lunch, time to see the magic of the halo ring
Fist-bumps terminal
terminal shoots out $500
now you have -150 in your account
bank slaps you with a $30 low-funds fee
even more broke than before.mfw atleast i have a halo ring
I'm genuinely curious to know how many people wear a ring that their bank gave them.
I have one and I wear it all the time.
The only ring my bank ever gave me was suffer-ring
You win Ozbargain today.
i logged in just to give you an upvote.
same haha
I was given endu-ring, you need to complete the set kmish
I had one already. Banks have left it red raw.
I do. Got the black one, it's so handy when my hands are full carrying crap now that they've banned plastic bags here in QLD.
Handy to find how much you can pay through the "ring".
Id say the same as paypass. More than $100 would need a pin
Wish these rings are linked to credit card instead of savings accounts.
I rather people steal from the Bank than from me if I were to ever lose the ring…
Would people even know it's a payment ring? LoL.
Fairly certain you can deactivate it via the app or with a quick phone call anyway.
You can deactivate it online banking or thru the app
I rather still use a credit card as I get up to 45 days interest free + points. Save a few cents in interest… Ozbargain style :)
the ring costs $30.
email from BW today tells me I can get ring linked to my credit card.
But they want $39 for it.
Who are they kidding?I walked into the city store and they gave me one on the spot for free.
They had lots in the drawers.$39 is for the actual Halo Ring… The ring sizer is free.
I suspect there must have been some misunderstanding.
what branch was it?
I'm in WA.
It's on the corner of William Street and Murray Street.
On the side of the Raine Square building, where all the construction is.
I already know I'm size 0