Hi all. Ive been dabbling with mame for over 20 years but regrettably my ex wife has my old arcade cabinet. I was looking at building a new setup. My old joysticks could be setup for either 2/4/8 but not easilly. I recall reading about a setup that could be done on the fly. Any reccomendations as playing pacman on an 8 way is a pain. I would also like to put in a trackball and a spinner?
Arcade/Mame Joystick Recommendation?

BewareOfThe Dog on 09/07/2018 - 22:55
Last edited 10/07/2018 - 17:28 by 1 other user
Last edited 10/07/2018 - 17:28 by 1 other user
X-arcade Tankstick
I'm not an expert by any means but if your wanting to go a DIY solution and not wanting to spend much, then parts from Ali Express might a good start. A cheap/basic arcade stick like this will cost as little as AUD$22.00 delivered to get you started. You'll have to supply or build an enclosure to put everything in and no trackball. It uses the "Zero Delay" USB encoder and there's plenty of reviews/information for it online.
For more the technical stuff and building an enclosure, the guys on these forums might be of more help.
Maybe scrap the spinner. I just saw some of the prices.