Where to Buy Used Monitors for [Melbourne]

Hi all,

Just wondering where I can pick up 2 cheap monitors for studying at home as I only have a laptop at the moment and I do a lot of document reading. Basic requirements are 1080p, 22 or 24" and no damage to the screen itself. Prefer a quick response time of 5ms and an IPS screen but not compulsory. Have a budget of ~100-120 for 2 monitors (I'm a full time student). I live in Melbourne and willing to drive around to get a good deal.



  • gumtree?

    • Taken a look but hard to find 2 for 100-120 :( Will keep trying, cheers!

      • I was lucky enough to find a 24" 1080p not sure the response time but it was used for gaming for $60 AUD delivered.. so was very happy with that.. rare deal though took me some time to find it and arrange it but the other person was a charm to work with. Definitely gumtree unless you can't wait then eBay probably next best thing or Facebook marketplaces.

  • -3

    Prefer a quick response time of 5ms

    5ms isn't quick

    • Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable regarding the specifications of monitors - I'm just using it work and youtube/occasional movie so I don't require a particularly fast response time. I hope 5ms is sufficient, but let me know if it isn't.

      • For that use case and most others it's sufficient.

  • +1

    Dell outlet

  • -1

    ebay, gumtree…… they all have search functions.

  • -1

    Do you really need 3 screens for document reading?
    Is your laptop able to connect to 2 extra screen?

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