I was just wondering what sockpuppeting means?
What Does "Sockpuppeting" Mean?

Hey sam, do u also hang out on a PC over clockers forum? - I've seen you gr avatar somewhere else..
he hangs out at WP as well
yup I'm everywhere.
sockpuppet http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:sockpuppeting
Some examples:
A person posts a deal pretending to be a customer when they are actually the business owner.
A friend, family member, or employee posts a deal without declaring affiliation.
The OP creates multiple ghost accounts which then vote or comment on theYou wear puppets as socks. So hott you'll get banned for it.
I think this is a better example. OP casually mentions a new website he has come across for comparing deals, but Google exposes the relation that the OP has to the site:
haha yeah that was a good one
Haha, yeh… Neil owned that guy :p
@tomsco — it is NOT sockpuppeting when you actually declare that you are a representative of the said store, or are affiliated with it, as in the case that you are linking to.
Or do you mean any of the comments are sockpuppeting?
The latter. All the account that were a few days old and only voted on centrecom deals
I'm guessing something to do with using a sock to make a puppet ;)