• long running

Free 1,000 Qantas Points When You Try The Switching Assistant on Qantas Assure


Got an email with below text

Want to find out how rewarding Qantas Health Insurance could be? Try the Switching Assistant, it’s an easy way to earn 1,000 Qantas Points and you could find yourself a better deal~.

Tell us about your needs
Just tick a few boxes to help give us an idea of what you want from your health insurance. Then leave it to us.

Take the call
A team member will ring you to discuss some ways in which Qantas Health Insurance could help meet your needs.

Get the rewards

Referral Links

Health Insurance: random (79)

5000 points for referrer and referee on select products. Details

Qantas Wellbeing App: random (521)

150 Points for the referrer (up to 20 times) and referee for signing up to the app.

Related Stores

Qantas Insurance
Qantas Insurance


  • +18

    Annoying hard sell call ,thnx but no thnx

  • They were giving away 110,000 points till yesterday…

  • +1

    aka $5 of Qantas points

    • +1

      Closer to $10-12

      • +4

        More than that if you redeem them on business class airfares

        • +1

          More like a 5min Business class tour.

        • @tota0921:

          Maybe they'd let you sit in the chair for 5 mins before the plane takes off.

  • Qantas: Stick to what you know.

    PS: Your battery rules are different to other airlines and its frustrating.

  • +9

    Once again as someone who works in the healthcare industry I will do my usual community service announcement.


    Just search for previous Nib deals and you’ll seee how bad of a fund they are.

    You have been warned…those Qantas points will be VERY expensive once you see what your out of pocket fees will be with Nib

    • +1

      I signed up and will be cancelling after the 60 days, so no worries for me.

      • *Unless you need to claim within 60 days

        • +1

          Did…did you just threaten nauter?

    • What fund do you recommend then? With my dental and glasses for extras I get a pretty good return with NIB.

  • Just got the call and they asked if I had looked into changing and I said "no, not yet", they said "cool, we'll transfer you the 1000 points now, if you have any questions give us a call". Easy.

  • Can you negotiate with the Qantas sales rep for a higher number of FF points? i.e. tell them you’ll walk away unless they can sweeten the deal..

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