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[PC] Free Game - The Guild 2 Renaissance @ GameSessions


This months free game from Gamesessions is The Guild 2 Renaissance

For centuries Europe has been dominated by the church and nobility. On the shoulders of ordinary people the servants of god and the noble families justified their power and wealth. This was the incontrovertible, divine world order. A truly dark era…

In the 14th Century the world order is beginning to transform itself. Due to trade and commerce an increasing middle class obtains more and more power and wealth. Entire towns purchase their freedom and more privileges from the nobility. Reading and writing is no longer the domain of the nobility and the clergy and the invention of printing information may eventually be spread everywhere. This is the beginning of the renaissance…

To claim your free copy of The Guild 2 Renaissance, just log in to your GameSessions account and download your copy of the game. Play the game for 5 minutes to activate it and it will be yours to keep and play forever on GameSessions.

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closed Comments

  • -2


  • Thanks for posting :)

  • +3

    No such thing as a free lunch:

    “Every hour or so, an overlay will show in-game to get feedback from you and show information about the game. You might occasionally see messages from GameSessions and our sponsors, as well as a branded window that appears for 5 seconds after closing the game.”

  • +1

    Yay another GameSession game.

    Let's hope I win the lottery and this is one of the 50% of titles they release that actually do not crash.

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