I remember reading somewhere that there was a bonus points offer on Uber spend on the Qantas Premier Mastercard - but I can't find it anywhere. I've tried google search with various terms and keep getting the qantas tie up with uber for airport trips. I've also tried search ozbargain and my email in case that was where I read it.
I seem to remember it was something like 6 points per dollar spend upto 2500 points. The deal would have come out around the 15th of May as I swapped to spending my Uber rides on Mastercard on the 18th of May.
Does any one else remember this deal? Can you point me to the T&Cs - when the points will be paid and what the restrictions were?
Thank you.
Sounds like a Qantas My Card Offers promotion and it could be targeted to you. Login here https://www.mycardoffers.qantasmall.com/ or check the Qantas Money app on your phone.