Hi guys..
Is it normal for my dog to be super angry, growly and aggressive after surgery?? I.e. won’t even let you touch him… Please let me know your experience and how long they took to return to normal (if at all!!!) My story is below..
My dog had an operation yesterday to remove 2 internal lumps after we noticed he wasn’t as active and not eating much at all (he’s usually quite the hyper dog and will eat anything!)
We were able to take him home today after staying the night at the vet. However the incision was on his tummy area. Trying to get him into the car was a huge struggle as he wouldn’t/couldn’t jump.
We couldn’t pick him up because he would growl extremely aggressively and attempt to bite. Actually he would bite because we tried to wrap a jacket around and he caught on to that real strong with his teeth. Tried to put a ramp up to the car but he wouldn’t walk up, tried giving him treats, tried telling him we’ll go for walkers… We eventually called one of the vets out as my sisters and I had no other ideas.. the vet took the plunge and grabbed the cone around his head to pick him up while lifting his bottom to get him into the car. At this same time he was growling like crazy but the vet advised if you hold tightly around the cone you won’t get bitten and to take control.
The same happened when trying to get him out the car except this time there was no vet to help. We just had to risk the aggressiveness, picked him up and he’s now inside sleeping in his bed.
I believe 100% that it will be hard to get him out of it his bed now unless he’s really wanting to eat or busting to pee. We have to take him back to the vet after about 3-4 days and I don’t know how we will manage that….
Dog aggressive (growl and bite) post-op removing 2 internal lumps. Is this normal?

Crazy idea, but have you tried calling the vet and asking them?
Go ask the vet for more pain relief
He should feel better tomorrow already and definitely in a few days, but does he have enough pain relief?
He has a pain relief patch stuck on one of his back legs.
I’m really hoping he just needs some good rest and will back to normal in a few days too :(Im sure he will.
Not a same thing, but once we took our puppy to grooming, she was agitated half day after that and did not enjoy anyone touching her. Wife bought grooming set online and did it herself after that.
Your guy might be slow moving few days and I recommend not to go "play" with him and just let him be and sleep. After 4 days Im sure he feels better.
Funny that our girl was like nothing happened after we had her desexed, she did not even need the cone of shame :P
If doggo wants to sleep let him, don't disturb, but check he is breathing fine. A dog that is unwell may show paleness on the inside of the mouth if you lift their jowl. Don't do this if you think you might lose a finger. Unless you think he is in distress or showing other disturbing signs it's probably best to simply let him rest and recover.
He may be acting aggressive because of pain, confusion or affect of anaesthetic. If he is still like this tomorrow or deteriorates overnight contact the vet. Perhaps that patch isn't working effectively and he is in considerable pain at the surgery site. I haven't heard of a patch for pain, but they may provide you with antibiotic and a pain relief/anti inflammatory called Metacam.
Hope your doggo is doing better tomorrow.
Out of interest, did you choose to get the lumps removed analysed?
Thank you! Yes we will be getting results on the lumps to determine what they were.
Wrong dog.
Waiting for post - Dog ridiculous (hyper and eats anything) post op removing 2 testicles. Is this normal?
If you are tentative in picking a dog up, he'll sense it and try and bite. If you're quick and precise, like the vet, he won't bite you. He doesn't want to be picked up because he's in pain.
He'll probably be alright by 3-4 days. Just leave them alone if they want to be and check on them occasionally.
Dogs are amazingly resilient but the anaesthetic, iv line baggage and actual operation leaves them feeling crap afterwards.Read the title and came for the jokes about “I would be angry too if you removed my two lumps…” Leaving a little disappointed.
Operations are hard on animals. It’s hard to explain it to them, and they don’t really understand why they feel hurt, sore and sedated. Give it a few days for the healing to happen, keep them comfortable and quiet. On your next check up if you have to go back, and your pet is still upset, bring it up with the vet, they may have some ideas.
He's in pain, he's just out of General Anaesthetic and possibly confused as hell.
See how he is tomorrow morning when the effects of the GA completely wears off. Then again, he might not want to be touched given he probably will be in a bit of pain.