I'm buying a new mattress from Ikea it's $1000, can you haggle a bit on the price or is it pretty set at ikea?
Can you haggle on big ticket items at Ikea?

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Although nothing is a pretty set in Ikea
Aww come on I love ikea furniture and pretty much everything else.
Until one drunken night you forget to use a coaster and seat a cold one directly on the coffee table and the condensation seeps deeper and deeper into the pressed fibreboard, expanding as it relentlessly devours the moisture with absolutely no regard for the overstretched and now cracking wood veneer.
You call it pretty. I've seen pretty. This isn't pretty.
Did you put it in the exact same spot everytime?
Seems like it would need a fair bit of water to do damage@Hirolol:
Well see, there's this circular mark on the coffee table. It wasn't there when I bought it. I sat a nice cold brew down on a blistering hot day. The details are a bit sketchy on account of the beer and the heat and all.I saw the most peculiar faint circle on the table after that. Couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was trying to tell me. I had to call in all my favours - horologists, cryptologists, general internet know it alls. They were stumped. Didn't even respond after I sent them the photographs.
I mulled over it for hours. Then I got thirsty so I cracked open a new bottle. Sat it down somewhere on the table, probably the same spot given I was in the same seat but what I saw was nothing short of life assuring. The circular marks got bolder. It was as though the table was trying to tell me something.
This circle, from hence forth, shall be where your beverage of choice is seated.
Didn't make any sense to argue. It would look pretty silly too, arguing with an inanimate object. The good Lord knows I'm no fool so no siree, I wasn't looking for words from a piece of reconstituted wood. Just did what felt right.
Over the next few months, I proceeded to place my drink, carefully curating the union of my brew to its wooden pedestal. Always in the same spot. Always in the circle. Always.
TLDR - Yeah.
@tshow: +1
You should consider writing a book. I'd be all over that sucker like broden to a discount.Thanks.
I already have the adventure of a lifetime for inspiration.
Road trip to Mt Druitt, anyone?
They have some pretty incredible kitchenware though. I couldn't recommend the 365 series more.
You should try some bed in a boxes first.. It'd probably be better quality than an IKEA mattress.. And if you don't like it you can return it and buy the IKEA one!
I did just returned the ecosa, I would have tried one more but the wife was getting sick of it.
Fair enough.. I mean I heard the ecosa is fairly hard but at least you tried something!
Yeah it is pretty hard. But I also found it quite hot which is a problem with many of these type of mattress.
I would like to have tried the koala especially as the ikea king size is 5cm narrower than a regular king.
Try one more wife
There was an AMA recently started by a mattress sales person … he said the IKEA mattresses in the firm range were actually very good.
I have tried a Sleeping Duck mattress. They are fine if you like pocket sprung and don't mind not having a rigid outer "edge". However, having always gone with Sealy Posturepedic firm mattresses, these come no where near as firm/solid as you'd hope. I would be more willing to try an IKEA mattress before trying a roll-up / boxed mattress.
What did the ikea sales people say when you asked?
"Hmm I'm not sure if I can do that, but double check with OzBargain."
Pretty set.
Although nothing is a pretty set in Ikea.