• expired

[NSW/VIC/QLD/WA] Free Reusable Plastic Bags (Were $0.15) @ Coles


Just went to the self serves at Coles, scanned the bag and saw it come up free

Coles offer -$0.15

Asked the checkout assistance lady and she says take as many as you want while they are free. Saw one bloke who must be an Ozbargainer take 10-15 yet only bought bread and milk :D

Not sure if nationwide - scan the bag and see if it deducts the 15c. Maybe a Coles rep could chime in here?

My 100th post, kind of sad that it had to be this though :P

From Coles website

Until Sunday July 8, if you forget your reusable bags we’ll provide complimentary reusable Coles Better Bags at every Coles and at Coles Online in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. Excludes Coles Express.

Update: Extended indefinitely. (Thanks crazycs)

Now that this has been extended indefinitely, please try and remember your bags or at least reuse them. Don't just chuck them out, if you have too many you can recycle them at Coles.

Updated Update: Coles to end free plastic bags Aug 29…maybe.

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closed Comments

  • +20
    • -2

      Oh I'll get myself a chiller bag for $1!

      • Isn’t the chiller bags 2.50? How did you manage to get it for $1?

        • Chiller bags are $2.50 in my store. It says in the article "Coles will still charge for its range of Community Bags, which includes a $1 tote bag, a $2 shoulder bag, a $2.50 chiller bag and a $3 jute bag"

      • -1

        Which chiller bags are $1? My Coles store says $2.50

    • +14

      lol “help customers through the plastic bag transition”. what plebs.

      haha “plastic bag rage” incident "In one extreme case, a staff member at Woolworths in Western Australia was “strangled” by an angry customer"

      • The customer strangled them after receiving a free bag..

        • LoLz.

        • +33

          That will teach that 16 year old checkout girl for completely phasing out bags across the nation. What a bitch.

          …. Is that what goes through those people's heads??

        • @kasp: why didn't every bloke in a 50m radius kick the crap out of that scum…

        • +1

          @Seedy seed: Most people freeze during incidents like this.

        • @Diji1:
          I read that he attacked staff when they said he couldn’t use his bag from another supermarket

          That’s adding insult to injury

        • +2


          I thought everyone takes their phone camera out.

        • +1

          @Seedy seed:
          Because the customer was a "she" …

        • @thelastnoob: I don't condone the customer's reaction, but that's outrageous by Woolworths, if true!
          The article linked below, suggests it's not true: the customer was given a complimetary bag then grabbed the assistant when she came to aid him with a scanning error.

        • @HARSHREALITY:

          Great response rolls eyes If I shoplifted at the same store staff/security would intervene but hey if some crackhead starts pushing into you just do nothing.

        • Same customer was in the news previously for attempted strangulation .
          Though was an unsatisfied customer, after the old style (single use) plastic bag simply stretched and broke.
          Another reason why this paid plastic bag ripoff should end.. Staff safety in cases of strangulation by bag etc

      • +1


      • +2

        wow. thought it was a joke but real news

    • +2

      But no one at self-service counters told me about the free bags and no any customer seemed to take any woollies bags for free.

    • +4

      I went to Coles today and got a 15 cent bag and $10 of items and my total was $10.15. They're not free anymore.

      • +8

        Heard it started at 5 p.m. today

      • same I shopped there yesterday and paid for the bag. Thanks @kerfuffle for clarifying

      • I went to Coles at 2pm today (6/7/18) and they were free, it appears to be a various success for people

    • Woolies is only the states where de-bagging is starting now.

      • Is this really nationwide?
    • I just came back from Woolworths and their bags still scan at 15c.

      • +1

        Check to see if you got a discount on the docket for the price of the bags. They scan in at 15c then you get the entire amount refunded on the same docket.

    • Woolworths isn't for SA as far as I know.

      • I believe the wooloes ones are only in the states that have just changed to not using plastic bags

    • free indefinitely.

  • +16

    I guess the guy is a beginner ozbargainer. If I was him, I would ask the staff for a carton of plastic bag

    • +45

      You misspelled “pallet” :)

      • +5

        Get me a container!! Then I will make plastic bed base, bench top and shelves

        • you made my day lol

  • +4

    she says take as many as you want while they are free

    Username checks out

    • +6

      My 100th post

      No they'll up to update it to pennypincher100

  • Just heard it on the radio so in VIC too

  • +7

    Both Woolworths and Coles business is impacted as I have noticed many customers don’t buy $5 to $10 sort of impulsive purchases as they need to Spend extra bucks for bag.

      • +83

        Why would you need a bag for crumpets, are Woolies selling loose crumpets now?

        • +48

          @stirlo: I just bought two bananas, peanut butter and lime juice and carried them 20 min with no bag, it’s not hard to do

        • +42

          @burningrage: Kids are trapped in caves and some clown's moaning about the injustice of bagless crumpets? Yeah that's a neg.

        • +27

          @stirlo: 8 or so years without plastic bags down here in SA.

          I regularly juggle my small grocery loads within my fingers, arms and armpits when I forget to bring one of my envirobags with me. It's an art you'll come to perfect in the next few years too.

          Stop complaining about being inconvenienced.

        • +9


          Do you mean like the bag crumpets come in?

          I didn’t realise the existing plastic bags had a force field around them to prevent them getting squashed.

        • -5


          I regularly juggle my small grocery loads within my fingers, arms and armpits when I forget to bring one of my envirobags with me. It's an art you'll come to perfect in the next few years too.

          Stop complaining about being inconvenienced.

          So….. you are actually inconvenienced?

          I guess it's a matter of what price you place on that inconvenience, and whether you consider the price of your own inconvenience worth the potential benefit to society and the environment.

          I really hope it does not take all of us in the more advanced, er, more populous states, years to learn your juggling technique. Years? (And I just know that jar of pasta sauce will land on my foot.)

        • +1

          @da-ilks: Most people understand that bags are different and can be used differently to packaging. Clearly not everyone, though…

        • +1

          I do think I've ever heard of a problem that was more first world than this..

        • +1

          Try walking with five bottles of softdrink. 30 cents for two plastic bags are a joke. I'll just stop impulse purchasing, if they want a recession by stopping spending in the economy by all means. All you will do is get people to be less green when a recession happens because surviving is all that matters when you are broke.

          I bet the people who don't complain are the middle class who can afford driving to work with a bunch of reusable bags at the back.

        • +4


          Stop making excuses for companies who are profiteering on the transparent premise that they're helping the environment. In those 8 years how often have you been offered a free box to take your groceries home in instead of a paid bag? Those boxes get shredded and end up harming the environment either way, but now they're selling you a plastic bag that is much stronger and therefore much more dangerous to wildlife which will take a lot longer to break down, and they're pretending it's for the environment. How about you employ a little critical thinking instead of repeating whatever rubbish you get fed.

        • +2


          Kids are trapped in caves therefore you're not permitted to care about anything else?

          I've got news for you. A lot more than a soccer team's worth of kids die of famine every damn day. So does that mean you're not suppose to care about the trapped kids?

        • @burningrage: If you can't see why then you're part of the problem.

        • @soothslayer: pretty sure they got them out a while ago

      • +13

        Crumpets are $1 at ALDI.

      • +3

        15c bag for $2 crumpets seems like a high percentage for the transaction about 7% of the purchase is for the bag.

        … You realise the bag is reusable right? You'll get more use out of it than just carrying one bag of crumpets.

        • +2

          Can we all please stop saying ‘crumpets’

        • +3

          @Eeples: Crumpets.

          Also; Why don't they redesign the crumpet packaging to have handles?!?

      • +6

        Take a bag from the fruit section. BTW take a piece of kids fruit too in protest. It is not like they specify a age limit.

        • Gold!
          True OzBargainer!

    • +2

      Oh come on! Really, over 15 cents? Do you think the entirety of the Australia population is as stingy as the OZB community?

      Coles and Safeway are the only majors giving out these bags in the first place so as if you had a choice. If you crave chips and dont get it today, you'll get it from them tomorrow. Otherwise you can pay $1 extra and get it from a vending machine and still not have a bag

      • Coles and Woolworths are the only majors

        fTFY (not just the Safeway, but the fact they are the only two majors :-)

    • +1

      vr4indian: do you work in a supermarket? Even if you do, how do you know if a customer is one to make an impulse purchase for $5 or $10? You must make a mint being about to tell that for the supermarket chains…

      • If it's really been done, just data mine the rewards card swipes to see that smaller purchases for $5 or $10 have dropped since the bags were introduced.

        Doesn't mean they won't come back once people adjust to the reduction of bags.

    • Should we pity the bastards when they still produce 40 page weekly catalogues?

      You either go all environmental (no more wasting plastic and paper) or you can piss off with your virtue signalling crap.

      The plastic bag ban pisses me off as much as morons who claim to be vegetarians yet eat white meat.

      • Paper is renewable, you can always plant more trees ;)

  • +3

    They missed the boat here. Woolies were smart enough to offer free bags earlier and our local Woolies has been busier compared to Coles. People will be shopping at Coles now with Woolies plastic bags.

      • +20

        Yes. I’m gonna use my “greatest showbag on earth” showbag. That’ll show them

      • +1

        and you believe some media bull crap? Smarten up will ya

    • +41

      People will be shopping at Coles now with Woolies plastic bags.

      I have both Coles and Woolies bags in my car.

      To give them the shits I use their competitor's bags at each store.

      • +36

        The staff don't give a shit which logo is on the bag. The 'the evil supamarket wouldn't take mah bags!!' is just more media shit stirring.

        • I have been using reusable bags for years.

          Always a mix of brands etc. Only once did someone comment about it and it was a joke.

      • +1

        No ripping off handles for bags now that they are free, Scab?

      • -2

        To give them the shits I use their competitor's bags at each store.

        Some stores are refusing to use rivals' bags in the serviced aisles. It was in the news the other day.

        • +18

          That was an isolated incident and they've clarified that you can use them.

          Just an idiotic staff member on a power trip, if they tried that with me I'd make a huge scene.

        • +9


          Just an idiotic staff member on a power trip

          There's one of these in every store though…

        • +20


          Also forums.

        • -6


          Also forums.

          I rarely read the forums so I wouldn't know.

          Do you frequent the forums?

        • +3

          8 years now down here In SA, never even had so much as a comment for using rival bags.

        • Its like also refusing to sell we staff groceries

          I occasionally see staff shopping at rival stores in their uniforms

        • @jv: You get what you deserve, generally

        • @BradH13: haha I know right. This has been so funny to watch from the sidelines. It’s been the hunger games over reusable bags.

        • @BradH13:

          SA license plates slogan should be "The eneloop state"

          None of the other states apart from Tassie would want to follow SA path.

      • There was a post from someone saying they worked for the supermarkets.
        The good thing is staff don't have to check your bags.

        Speeds things up, reduces the headaches for staff, the abrupt interruptions for shoppers etc.
        It is a helpful thing that you do, so thanks.

        I think I have an IGA branded green bag from years ago and something from a council promotion.

    • My woolies randomly just took all bags away from the self-checkout at the start of the month. Not sure what was going on there.

      • -1

        My woolies randomly just took all bags away

        That does not sound 'random'

      • Must have been an ex-7 Eleven store manager ;-)

    • People will be shopping at Coles now with Woolies plastic bags.

      People have been doing that ever since they introduced reusable bags decades ago. Why would they care?

    • Smart ass to charge online customers money to unpack groceries packed in crates.

  • -5

    So just disregard the environmental argument then? Whinging shoppers get free bags lol

    • -6

      Someone's on a high horse, trying to save the environment.

    • +7

      What environmental argument is that?

    • +7

      The supermarkets are selling these bags in response to your environmental concerns, I hope your happy because I miss my grey "single use" bags.

      • +4

        I miss them too, used them multiple times.

        Now when I buy fruit I place them in several clear plastic bags and throw a few extra in each bag.

        Only problem is that I used the grey ones for picking up my dog's shit, kinda gross doing it with clear ones.

        • +2

          Oh I think a saw you on SkyNews via Media Watch?

        • +1

          Me too.

          I would wash and reuse my ‘single use’ bags.

        • you're
      • +2

        Same here.

        I purposely bought a small enough bin so that I could use those grey "single use" bags for bin liner.
        Now I have to spend money to buy plastic bags for my bin.

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