Advice on iPad Pro Keyboard


My girlfriend recently bought a 12.9" iPad pro and since apple charge a small fortune for their keyboard cover, I was wondering if anyone had some suggeztions for cheaper options out there. There are loads of options on the US Amazon site but they have the big shipping price tag attached.

From what I can see, in Australia, there doesn't seem to be much available apart from the more premium options like the apple keyboard and logitech slim keyboard/cover.

Any suggestions? The price range we're looking at is not much above $50 (unless it's actually worth it).



  • I have both the apple smart keyboard and the logitech slim combo. I use the logitech one all the time.

    Only downside to the logitech is that the keyboard can't fold back and sit flat on the rear, so if you are using it on the lap you need to detach it. But the kickstand is excellent, it's the only reason I bought it.

    I bought it during an ebay sale for 160 delivered.

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