This was posted 6 years 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Controller $48 (RRP $90) C&C (Or + Delivery, Free with eBay Plus) @ EB Games eBay


Normally $89.99, EB Games have a managers special bringing it down to $60, and then a further 20% off can be taken using the PLAYHOUSE code for a final price of $48 (with free delivery for eBay plus holders).

While still not as cheap as getting it from Valve on a Steam sale for $33USD, this is extremely close and possibly the lowest price it's been in Australia.

Original PLAYHOUSE 20% off selected retailer eBay Deal Post

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Great controller for people like me who cant master the xbox controller. Special, i know.

    • +4

      Also a great controller for me who has mastered the xbox controller, but wants to play Civilization on the couch with the big screen and not a cumbersome wireless keyboard and mouse.

      • I love the xbox controller and play with it on XB1 or PC (mainly BF1/4)
        Does this controller gives you better experience for gaming on PC or if it is for games where mouse input is required?

        • +1

          It comes with software that allows you to emulate an xbox/ps4 controller, or a mouse/keyboard with the ability to map the buttons to what ever you like.

          I'm getting it to emulate mouse/keyboard for when I hook up the gaming PC to my 65" and want to play on the couch games that aren't supported by my xbox 360 controller. From reading quite a few reviews, when set to mouse/keyboard controls the aiming can feel a lot better and more accurate than a joystick. That's subjective though. I'll be finding out soon enough.

        • +1

          I play the Witcher 3 casually from pc and Steam link. With xbox Controller, Steam controller or keyboard/mouse.

          Best experience I find is the xbox controller, I suspect the xbox will usually be better for FPS and 3rd person casually.

          I also play more split screen games with the family like Overkooked, there's a difference in the "micro-steps". I'm not sure how to best explain it but in Overcooked you have to place food on a square and the xbox remote feels very smooth where steam remote may go a micro-step step too far (difficult for the 4 year old).. It's manageable and I usually take the steam remote as the more experienced player. This could possibly be fixed with software though, I've never looked into it.

          I'm a huge rts fan, and I haven't actually tried this on any rts games yet because keyboard is king and my family don't want to see that on the living room tv. But I'm interested in checking it out some time.

        • +1

          @c0balt: It can be more accurate, but also slower to do simple things like looking around. There is no bring back to centre so makes things very awkward from a third person aiming/first person aiming perspective.

          I use the steam controller for RTS, xbox for everything else (sidescrollers, RPG, FPS, Racing etc etc).

          I tried using the steam controller for Mirror's Edge and it was a joke.

        • +1

          Only use Steam controller it for RTS, not designed for anything else.

        • @ph88: Man I wish I had a controller for tw3, I have 110 hours in the game yet I still get annoyed by the crappy controls sometimes.

        • @OnlinePred:

          OK so after playing around with it a bit last night, I can say that in mouse mode the trackpad does return to center, because there is no center. Where ever you place your thumb is the new center, and any movement will be relative to where your thumb was last placed. In trackpad mode it works as you described and yeah it's not great and a known problem of trying to use a trackpad to emulate a joystick. Did you try playing around with the config files and community uploaded profiles?

          I've already found trackpad aiming significantly better for aiming than a normal analogue stick on a controller. The movements aren't that slow continuous movements that make it hard to aim at a moving target when using an analogue stick, it's more jerky and precise like a mouse.

          The analogue triggers are shallow, but they do click when fully depressed which makes it much nicer for firing weapons but not great for acceleration/braking when driving.

          Being able to use it as a HTPC remote is awesome also. Something I didn't think would be so useful, but I will now be able to take away my wireless keyboard with trackpad from the coffee table and place the Steam Controller in it's place.

          Another amazing thing about the controller is that I didn't know there were 2 additional paddles on the back that can be set to be what ever. At the moment I've set them to be modifier keys so I can quick save/load Fallout by holding a rear paddle and pressing left/right on the d-pad.

          It's not a controller for beginners, the software is cumbersome and a bit too indepth to work with if not using a default or community uploaded profile. Steam really needs to release a stand alone software tool that works in the OS rather than needing Steam Big Picture mode to do all the configurations. Currently the only way to have custom controls working is through Steam Big Picture mode, and Steam must be open to use even the basic desktop functions like bringing up an on-screen keyboard.

        • @c0balt: Nice! I used it with my HTPC before I bought the little HTPC keyboard/mouse things. The battery never lasted very long for me when I used it as HTPC control, and couldn't type anywhere near as easily as an actual keyboard either.

          I meant the return to center more that your thumb literally isn't helped being pushed back to centre, so you swipe over the pad constantly, whereas a joystick your thumb doesn't move over the joystick but you move the joystick if that makes sense. After an hour of Company of Heroes my thumb tips were getting fatigued from so much swiping.

          Yea big picture mode to get the configs sucks, it's been that way for years with no change, I don't think they got enough sales of the steam controller to properly support it.

          I used to use the controller a lot for Company of Heroes, and man it was great (compared to any couch alternatives). Glad you enjoy it mate.

    • -7
      • +12

        How dare these people have different opinions

        • -4

          problem with the controller is the right trackpad is is it hard to get dead centre since there is no thumbstick
          that naturally goes to dead centre, when you take your finger off.

          so when you rotate the camera e.g to the right alot

          you need to slide it across to the right
          then move your finger back the centre then slide right again

          with a proper right thumbstick you stuck need to hold it to the right

        • @pinkybrain: the Steam controller is not designed to play third person / adventure / fighting / platforming games. You are supposed to use it for RTS/4x strategy/FPS/puzzle games where the mouse is ordinarily used. Although it can emulate gamepads it's really not designed for that and is horrible experience to use it as you point out :)

        • @pinkybrain:
          That's how track pads work on a laptop or wireless keyboard, I wouldn't expect to hold my thumb down on one.

        • +5


          They can actually be set that way (to emulate joysticks), but Pinky watched a single incorrect video on the topic and now loves repeating to everyone incorrect information.

        • +1

          Yeah I was going to put that it seems like the software lets you configure it anyway you want to really.

      • +7

        Can't take anything IGN reviews literally. They score devices on how much they are paid in ad revenue, and Steam won't advertise with them.

        Look at how many downvotes the video has, more than upvotes..

        • -6

          instead of just saying IGN or gamespot etc..

          I look at what he said if it makes sense

          the point he said about not easy to find dead centre on the trackpads is correct.

          It means for games like FPS, racing games, it will not be easy to use

          And games that require rotating the camera will feel weird, cos you can't just leave your finger press on the right to rotate like thumbstick to the right continously

          You would need to a slide to the right, lift your finger back to middle of the trackpad and slide to the right and so etc..

          This would mean the camera rotation on screen would not be smooth and will look awkward.

          do you have the steam controller?

        • +8


          Look, 2 days ago in the other thread you were asking me about the controller.

          Yet now you seem to be an expert, without owning one yourself? I also have looked at the negatives people say about the controller, but unlike you I also found a lot of positives about it and decided I actually want it.

          You only spoke about the controller emulating mouse controls. If you did further research you would have known that it can also be set to emulate an xbox controller where you can just move your thumb in a direction relative to the center and it will continuously move that way. The ability to change between modes is a positive of this controller, hence why the IGN video has so many dislikes, because that guy has no idea what he is holding in his hands.

          If you want to go on a crusade against the controller, perhaps have some experience with it first rather than relying on the personal experiences of one underqualified, underpaid and dodgy business practicing IGN reviewer who's dress sense and excessive use of facial lotions should say a lot his experience with gaming.

        • +4


          And games that require rotating the camera will feel weird, cos you can't just leave your finger press on the right to rotate like thumbstick to the right continously

          This is only a half truth as you can set the touchpads to emulate a variety of functions

        • +5


          So now you downvote my posts for proving correct information.. that's a really scummy thing to do. I was providing actual information that countered what you got from the IGN video, it would take a real trashbag to take that as an offense worthy of downvoting. I won't downvote yours, because I'd rather they don't get hidden so people can see how incorrect you are, and how you are just pinky and not the brain.

          I did refute what you said and provided the exact reasoning (i.e. the stick movement). You still don't understand what you are talking about.

          The only take away people should have from your posts is that you don't read, and you don't bother to get an opinion of something after you watch a single IGN video.

        • +5

          Owner of one steam controller here: i used it for CiV5, Dark Souls 3, rocket league, and many other games.

          I like it.
          Even lovin it with games like civ5.

          I agree with Cobalt, that ign review is garbage. I think that guy just used it for 30mins and decided to video a review.. or steam didnt send money their way.
          Either way, i say i works. Not for all games, but at least the games i run.

          And i own 7 other controllers xD

        • -6


          the only takeway from your post is that you got something against IGN or other professional reviewerers
          and you are so sad that some reviewers are saying your purchase is shit
          or the controller is mediocre and has a cheap feel.

          people can search on many other videos on youtube for reviews and watch as those people use the controller.

          In one the video from another user, he said is not good for FPS type of games like Counterstrike or Overwatch etc..

          If you think this is incorrect then you should contact him.

          I just put out some reviews for others to watch and decide for themselves
          instead of the masses just buying without knowing anything
          and then when they get it find is not that great.

          You seem to have issues with other reviewers giving their reviews of your precious purchase…

          If you got complaints go contact them.

        • +5


          1) If people searched for another video they would have found out all the BS that you kept saying about the trackpad is false.

          2) Now you are giving a subjective opinion rather than incorrectly saying what the hardware is capable of. Should I take that as an admission that you realise you had no idea what you were talking about if relation to the hardware, so now you are going to shift towards subjective opinions?

          3) Every gamer has an issue with IGN. I have an issue with you, personally, making false claims about what the hardware is and when pointed out that you were wrong - you downvote the correct information and try to shift the argument away from where you were proven wrong. You don't seek to be helpful to thers by providing correct information, you seek to impose your thoughts on others based on subjective opinions rather than evidence.

        • +7

          @c0balt: I bought the steam conroller based on users reviews. It was a complete waste of money for me. It's the most difficult controller to setup, requiring you open big picture and load a user created config and hope that it suits you before you even play. This is not a plug and play controller. It is a controller for advanced gamers willing to put in effort to get it to work. It's a fantastic piece of tech as a controller, would I recommend it to avg gamers - NO - a xbox controller is plug and play, and works with more games natively and is more widely supported. I know it doesn't work the same, and you can't play certain games that require mouse/keyboard etc with xbox controller, but for that, you can get the steam controller. Everything else xbox.

        • +3


          Pinky, i think you are the one with the issues here bro. Take it easy, friday is almost here :)

        • +2

          @pinkybrain: you came off really badly in this exchange. Would suggest forming your own opinions instead of taking ign as gospel.

        • +2


          Yes its not suited to FPS because its not supposed to be a direct substitute for a M+KB. You will always get greater accuracy and control with that setup. It is perfectly fine for everything else such as Rocket League, Civ, 3rd person games etc. I played 80 hours of AC Origins with it without too many hassles. The only hassles I had were with the haptic pad acceleration which made it a little bit more difficult to aim the arrows. I tweaked this and it worked fine since I changed it. The Steam controller also has more buttons that an XBONE or PS controller with the underside triggers. Dont forget the in built gyros as well which can also be used for a variety of functions (i.e. aiming, turning etc). The learning curve is steep but it is much more versatile once you use it long enough.

        • -4


          I just read through this pointless argument and this is the impression I got from both sides:

          Pinky: Hey this controller might be bad check out this review
          Pinky: There are more bad reviews here. I think people should know this might be a bad product.
          Cobalt: YOU DOWNVOTE ME??? I HATE YOU TOO!!!
          Pinky: Hey everyone is entitled to their opinion. Maybe take you issues up with the reviewers.

        • +4


          Strange, everyone else looks at my other posts recommending the 360 controller over a Steam controller and how I was only ever pointing out the incorrect information that both IGN and pinky were saying as false (and giving justification as to why IGN makes these sorts of mistakes time and time again).

          In fact the mods even had to remove multiple posts of his for personal insults, yet you are going to portray pinky as the pragmatic one?

          Very odd you would see it that way.

        • +3


          The main difference between Pinky and the other people giving opinions is that Pinky hasn't actually ever used the controller and is using IGN to form his own opinion. OnlinePred, C0balt, and Nivlac have all used a controller. They have differing opinions, but all their opinions are informed and have worth as a result. Pinky's opinion has no worth because it's a subjective view based on a subjective review.

        • +3

          @c0balt: I've stopped taking comments and voting here to heart. There's no point.

        • @dpr: Yea… Not the way i read it

    • These look scary, wonder where i can get my hands on one to try out for a bit…

  • +1

    You can now also collect instore for free for those who don't have eBay Plus.

    • +2

      True, I edited the title.

  • 20 sold in the last 20 minutes. Better get in quick the way these things are selling if you are on the fence!

    • It won't sell out for a while, there's a ton of stock available for C&C nationwide

  • +1

    Well, now I'm mad that I bought this from their website for another $12 on Tuesday (ebay was still at full price)

    • I saw that. The next day they dropped it to $60 on their eBay store but I still didn't bite with the 10% off.

      You could have been worse off, there was someone who purchased 2 of them for full price on the eBay store a day before the discounts. Poor fella.

    • Same here :(
      Bought the no no kuni 2 kings edition along with steam controller.

    • didn't ebay just have somthing recently about price matching within 48 hours?

  • Any wired PC gaming controller you guys recommend? I do not have an Xbox and don't plan to get one

    • +4

      Good controllers tend to be wireless as that's what the market wants.

      Cheap wired controllers tend to have awful buttons or horrible analogue sticks.

      I've been using an xbox 360 controller with a $15 dollar USB receiver for many years with my PC. Steam already recognizes it as an officially supported controller (no need to faff around with xinput software if you want to emulate it, as it is the most popular controller and lots of games support it). It's a great controller and would recommend it especially if you have some already, you just will need a receiver.

    • +3

      Past deals on XBox 360 wired controller - apparently it is pretty good. Positive feedback from c0balt.

    • I like the dual shock 4 via USB. The track pad can be used as a mouse as well and the gyro works in Cemu so you can get through the zelda puzzles which require rotating the controller.

      The Xbox 360 wired controller is very good as well for general pc games.

    • PS4 Controller w/ micro USB cable is my favorite since you can also use the touchpad as a mouse comes in very handy for games with partial controller support or while using an emulator to change ROMs and it has a great DPAD.

      XBOX 360 wired controller is very cheap these days and is a fantastic controller except the DPAD sucks for fighting games or platformers that require a lot of precision.
      XBOX One controller w/ micro USB cable is better than the XBOX 360 controller except it is more expensive

      • So xb1/ps4/steamc/other

        What would you recommend for all kinds of pc usage and gaming from top down strategy games like age of empires or tower defense to fps to open world survival crafting to shoot em up rogue likes.

        Mainly trying to find the most versatile.

        • What would you recommend
          for all kinds of pc usage

          PS4 controller or Steam controller as they allow mouse emulation through their touch pads

          from top down strategy games like age of empires or tower defense

          Keyboard/Mouse easily the best option here since you can use the hotkeys and quickly click various things. Otherwise I suppose the Steam controller in mouse mode is more usable to play an entire game in this manner. The PS4 controller touchpad will work for this but it's not the most ideal thing since it's not overly precise.

          to fps

          For singleplayer gaming - Steam controller in mouse mode or PS4/XBOX Controller
          For multiplayer gaming - keyboard/mouse

          to open world survival crafting

          PS4/XBOX Controller are both fine for this as although they are first person you don't really need the precision of Steam controller for any precision aiming. I'd lean towards the PS4 one since you can use the touchpad while managing your inventory.

          to shoot em up rogue likes.

          Shoot em up would be fine on any twin stick controller
          Rougelike I lean towards PS4 controller for the better DPAD

        • @Agret: Only reason I am thinking about moving away from a keyboard and mouse is for the use case scenario of gaming on a bed or in a position where keyboard and mouse is not usable. Otherwise definitely kb/m all the way.

          Hmm seems I need to get my hands on a PS4 or Steam Controller asap and try and decide which one will grant me the most usability for my use case scenario.

          I have accumulated a lot of games over the years both in steam and other sites ranging from almost any genre you can think of so I want to find the best all in one controller that can meet them all without any compromises.. if any controllers highly specialize in one form of gaming over another I may consider collecting them both just for the sake of not being at a handicap or disability.. also sometimes it might be nice to just own a collection of something maybe.

          I wonder if somebody has invented a decent handheld or device or contraption / controller with a nice working touch pad to simulate mouse activity and maybe extra programmable buttons or macros to support the lack of keyboard mouse input.

    • Plug in the Steam Controller with a microUSB cable and it's a wired controller.

      • But it's also the most expensive and least supported controller with perhaps the steepest learning curve.

        • It's supported by any game that supports the XBOX controller through the gamepad emulation profile.

          Yes it's not ideal for the majority of genres but it does work.

        • @Agret: Yes but the pad doesn't really map to a second joystick very well at all, so like you said far from ideal. There is no bounce back to center so backs anything but RTS a real pain.

        • @OnlinePred: >There is no bounce back to center

          Didn't we just get through arguing that this is false because it emulates joysticks?

        • @Diji1: Yes and although it can, it doesn't work as well, I still had issues with deadzones, actually not being able to feel where the center is quickly, and the texture gives me fatigue after a while as you are constantly swiping it. But bounce-back isn't emulated, as you manually have to swipe to the center to EMULATE it.

          So yea it can EMULATE a joystick, it doesn't do it well though. It sure is the jack of all trades, but it doesn't do a single thing better than others. My Steam Controller is sitting there gathering dust, while I bought a Logitech wireless keyboard and track-pad to accompany my xbox 360 wired controller. It's infinitely better in my experience - and cost the same as RRP steam controller.

    • Both PS4 and Xbox One controllers can be attached to PC with a standard micro usb cable (or directly with Bluetooth if it's a recent iteration).
      These are probably still the 2 best controllers available (depending on your preference of layout, weighting, etc.)
      Steam controller is a viable alternative. Depends on the games you play and personal preference wether you can live with touchpads instead of analogue sticks.

    • sorry forgot to add that I won't be playing any PC games/ steam games on my PC but playing old classics eg arcade popeye, wonderboy, original Donkey Kong etc

      eg Wonderboy he needs to jump, and shoot (throw axes)
      remember playing it on the C 64 where shoot was the red button, and jump was pushing the stick

      with the keyboard, I am struggling with direction keys, jump is CTRL, Shoot is ALT
      (end up pressing the wrong button eg shooting when he should be jumping)

      that is more than two things I need to concentrate on

      Will I be able to configure the Xbox controller you guys suggest, for those basic things

      (ps the nin switch controller cannot)

      • Generally, the emulators have good x-input support, as well as good support for generic controllers. Any controller you get will work fine. It's just a matter of finding one that feels good in your hands, and with a button format that you like.

    • PS4 controller V2 supports both USB which reduces the lag unlike V1 which only supports bluetooth.

  • Complete controller noobie here who has never really held, let alone seen the steam controller before.
    Ever since steam link functionality came to android tablets I've sort of toyed around with the idea of it though.

    Does the lack of right analogue stick become an annoyance, or does that (What I can only assume is a) mouse/track pad thing make up for it?

    • +1

      The trackpad can be set to be a traditional joystick with acceleration in the direction of where your right thumb is placed relative to the center or it can emulate much more accurate (IMO) mouse aiming.

      The Steam controller comes with really good software that allows emulating a mouse/keyboard, xbox or playstation controller.

      I think if you only could have 1 controller, that you should consider an xbox controller before a Steam one unless through further reading, decide that maybe a Steam controller would be a better choice.

    • -2

      From the review I seen, it said that it is mediocre controller that tries to be everything but succeeding at none

      It is better to get an xbox controller that may not have the trackpad, but what it does it does really well.

      It is also is said to feel like cheaply made controller like those third party controllers.

      • +4

        If only we could all be experts on the controller after not knowing what it was 2 days ago, then watching an IGN review video with more dislikes than likes, like you.

        • -2

          sorry if you are getting pissed that there is some bad review about your new purchase
          It does not feel good if someone is saying your purchase is shit.

          if you want, you contact them to get them to change their minds
          or complain to them.

        • +1


          Dude you are resorting to personal insults after you got called out for providing incorrect information. It's actually really sad to watch now.

          You really should just leave rather than provide people with something they can link to showing how militant you are with spreading misinformation around even after it was pointed out that you were incorrect.

        • +4

          @pinkybrain: Unless you actually own one, your arguments are based on the reviews you saw. OP actually own one (as well as other controllers) and he wrote the below:

          I think if you only could have controller, that you should consider an xbox controller before a Steam one

          His suggestion that this shouldn't be your first controller makes sense and is frank. For games not supporting controllers out of the box, apparently Steam controller can be a good option. The included gyro support can be useful (unless you have a DS4). Some children like to play racing car games with a gyro based controller - dunno why, but they do, despite I found it harder to drive. While I doubt this controller is suitable for me, I would consider picking one up if it is at a bargain price.

        • Here's a better review with a similar conclusion:

          I'll still be getting one though.

      • +2

        From the review I seen, it said that it is mediocre controller that tries to be everything but succeeding at none

        This is true but the mouse emulation is actually good for FPS games and some puzzle & strategy games

        I can confirm the build quality does feel really cheap but it hasn't broken on me in any way, similar to how PS3 controllers feel really cheaply made compared to XBOX360/PS4 controllers but they still tend to last the distance.

        Steam controller is definitely not suitable as a gamepad replacement but as a mouse replacement for on the couch gaming it does a good job, it has a variety of emulation modes to try as a gamepad replacement but they are all pretty crap compared to just owning a gamepad.

        I think it's an okay product if you get it for the right reason. Don't expect to play games that you would normally use a controller for (driving, fighting, platforming, adventure games) as it's totally rubbish for those but if you get it for games you normally use a mouse for (RTS, 4x strategy, puzzle, point & click adventure games, FPS) then it's okay.

    • +2

      The SC is the best controller ever made. The touchpad gives accuracy close to a mouse with zero need for aim assist thumb pad contollers need.
      The software allows an insane level of customisation but that also incurs a learning curve although you can always download a control layout for most games from the community.

    • Thanks for the input fellas. Certainly something to think about.
      Seems cheaper than the Xbox controllers they have for sale at any rate. Hmmm..

      • +2

        I would go XBOX unless you need mouse/keyboard inputs on a controller. More of a fuss and less support.

        • Yeah that's the general consensus and conclusion I arrived at also from reading/watching all of the above.

          If I want to play an involved Mouse+Keyboard game then I'd probably be much more comfortable with the proper desktop setup than trying to make compromises with a gamepad anyway. Might indeed look around for a cheaper Xbox controller for adventure/platformers.

        • @Stoibs: Yep. I got a 360 wired PC controller for $15 from Umart a few years back.

    • +2

      I stopped using my keyboard and mouse after getting this. I love mine and it works great for games, because the left stick acts just like it does on a normal controller, and the right trackpad emulates the mouse, instead of emulating the right stick. This means way higher accuracy and gives you control that's way more suited to a trackpad. The addition of gyro support, when used well, means that this is by far the most accurate controller for FPS/mouse-only games.

      Most games have quite a few configs created by the community that you can easily apply. I even added Titanfall 2 as a non-steam game and steam showed me configs that other players have made.

      It's only 2d 8-bit style games (like Undertale) that haven't worked well with this controller, simply because of the lack of a real d-pad. If you're not worried about that, I'd highly recommend it.

  • +1

    Lol that controller looks so ugly

    • +3

      It's what's on the inside that counts :)

      • +3

        I've been telling myself that for years and still women hate me lol

  • I see EB jacked there prices for the sale, most Xbox controllers picked up a minimum of $10 each overnight.

  • Would this work on the mibox or any Android device?

  • +1

    Much better long term review than the link above:

    Although this is a good price, I wouldn't buy one for myself as the use case is very specific.

  • Keep getting "This code can't be applied to your order"…. eBay Plus n all :-/

    • Did you switch your account from USA back to AUS?

    • Your choosing PayPal as the payment method?

  • I just realised it can be paired with my Nvidia Shield K1 tablet too. Thanks OP.

  • Wow, I just bought it and it's available for pick up in under 15 minutes.

  • Xbox elite controller have any good bargains?

  • I went to pick it up from EB Games Mt Barker, they are having a 20% off store wide for members sale. This was applied to the marked price of $60, so $12 refund. Total cost = $36

    • They gave you $12 out of the till, after you paid $48 for it online with eBay?

      I should try that myself..

      • Yep, literally $12 cash

        • I tried my luck and had none.

          There was no additional 20% off at that store either from talking to the clerk at EB. You must have had a person who didn't understand what they were doing, lucky!

        • @c0balt: At Mt Barker SA? Guess I was lucky then!

  • Connected my wired switch controller and I managed to play my ROMs.

    Does anyone know if the reverse is possible
    if I buy a wired Xbox controller/ Logitech wired game controller will it work with the switch?

    Reason for asking is I need another wired controller for the switch. Big W sells them for $35, and I can use them for my ROms.

    A Logitech controller is cheaper. Trying to kill two birds here

    • You can use a Wired Xbox or PS4 controller on the Switch yes, you just need to buy a dongle and use the Switch in Dock mode.

      I got the MAGIC-NS and use it with PS4 controller to play Mario it's great.…

      Costs about $35

      • thanks mate, but it won't work for me

        I need an extra wired controller for the switch, as a bonus it will serve my purpose on the PC, available at big W for $35

        I was hoping that an xbox wired controller for around $25, would save me $10 if I could use it on the switch

        but the $35 dongle is a deal breaker :)

  • I own one, cannot say I have put it to much use. I was exploring the possibility of using a spare PC as a Steam Machine, but in the end I put Dolphin on it, and since then it has been pretty much a full time Wii Emulator.

    I was able to play CSGO with the SC, but definitely prefer the KB+M setup.

    Good price though

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