No home phone Line with NBN FTC Question

Hi Guys,

I built my house 7 years ago and never got ADSL 2 , I’ve been using 4 G the whole time. Just got a letter from NBN Fiber to Curb is avaiable, I called a few telecos and they said they could not sign me up as I don’t have a phone socket in the house. They suggested to call NBN which I did and they said they will install it for free but the teleco needs to sign me up. So I called Optus, IiNet etc and they all go I can’t sign up since I don’t have a phone port in the house and that nbn don’t touch anything in the house. Has anyone experienced this ?

I have checked on the side of the house and can see the phone line out of a plastic pipe on the side of the house but it just needs to put put inside the house with a new phone socket. Any ideas what I need to do? Or contact that would do it ?

I know in the past Telstra used to do it , I even tried signing up for belong ADSL 2 so Telstra can put the first socket but apparently they can’t sell me the service anymore.


  • Get a landline with tls first.

    • Can’t telstra won’t do it anymore

  • Go Mungi, they provide this service for you but you will need to pay for the cost.

    • I’ll give them a call

  • I had the same issue when I built a new home recently and wanted an ADSL connection (naked) - it could not be done until I had a land line phone number provisioned, which I then had to get disconnected, but as Telstra are the only ones authorised in my area I had to get a line installed with them first. Its a circus of a system, my only advice is that you need to act fast as there was a 2 month wait for Telstra to attend my property to run the feed in from the street to my house and then connect from "the plastic pipe" on the outside of my home to my internal wiring - i'm not sure on the current wait times but I'd almost be certain you'll be waiting a while.

    • Telstra won’t do it anymore as my area is NBN ready apprently

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