Star Wars Battlefront @ JB Hi-Fi $29
Same price for both of them, $44.98 at EB Games.
The Evil Within 2 - PC $20
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - PC $20
Fallout 4 - PC $20
DOOM - PC $20
Star Wars Battlefront @ JB Hi-Fi $29
Same price for both of them, $44.98 at EB Games.
The Evil Within 2 - PC $20
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - PC $20
Fallout 4 - PC $20
DOOM - PC $20
This is for star wars battlefront 2 ps4 for those wondering where that link goes to.
PC/PS4/XB1 are all in the same link
is this delivered by post or sent by email?
Looks like post. I bought Crash Bandicoot last week and they sent a box with a cardboard disc that had a code on it. Pretty lazy really, why can't they just distribute them digitally
Ah the great loot box debacle. How did the game hold up? Any servers still up and running?
game is average, online is meh, new stuff whatever. EA can rot for all I care, they've ruined far to many franchisees for me now that I'll never give them coins.
RIP Command & Conquer 2018
:( sad sad day when they announced the Mobile game. C&C IS A FRUITKING MOBILE GAME NOW!@!@
@katz: Especially the way they announced it was really cringey (live mobile competition between two people with commentary) :P
@katz: I was waiting a long time for another Dungeon Keeper at it to was a mobile game. (profanity) EA… without lube.
Struggling to keep itself alive on pc at least, the content and updates are very slow and pretty poor. Loot box was never a issue as it was removed and bought back a couple months ago. I still enjoy playing it when i can find a full match worth it at $30 bucks
i haven't bought a physical pc game in about a hundred years - do these actually come with a cd or is it a steam/origin code in a box you use to download it?
With Fallout 4 GOTY t came with a CD (with about 5 gig of data) and a steam code (to install the remaining data). So these games might be the same.
So technically a DVD, as CD's wouldn't be able to store 5gigs of data.
$20 for Wolfenstein 2 is good imo, cheers
The digital version is also $24.99 @ Amazon if that's easier