Why the rigidity? I've many times been convinced and unconvinced of whether a deal is good or not by the comments provided by fellow OzBargainers. We should just be able to like, unlike or dislike a deal or a comment, as in any other social platform. No need for all the bureaucracy about revoking votes, not being able to unrevoke, etc.
Should We Scrap The Red Tape on Changing Votes?
Last edited 04/07/2018 - 10:25 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 40YES
- 5NO
"auto-neg-the-neg scripts"?? 😮
People are taking things here too seriously 😀
Tell me about it… becoming a bit like reddit and the karma whoring.
I've also heard accusations of multiple accounts and auto-neg-the-neg scripts being used by some
And sometimes people are replying to themselves and forgetting to change accounts. Hi Eastern!
I'm going to need proof.
Yeah, peterpeterpumpkin's right. Show us the proof!
We should also be able to vote on comments made by mods :-)
Come at me bro.
But not me.
I love you.
Old thread but I don't think you guys have ever been neg'd so….
Perhaps I just didn't understand the reason for all the bells and whistles behind the voting algorithms, instead of a simple on/off button. Would any those who voted NO care to explain their reasoning?
Asked here, here and a number of times in the feedback threads:
We'll be implementing something to allow you to change your vote within the first minute due to fat-finger pressing the wrong button and wish to correct the mistake.
However we will not implement changing the vote after that short time-frame or after revoking. A vote is not an indicator how you feel about the deal right now, where you want to make change depending on whether it's raining or sunny. You voted, and that's it.
This was implemented in 2015.
Right, now I see I'm not the only member asking about this.
Is this a technical limitation or a deliberate choice?
where you want to make change depending on whether it's raining or sunny. You voted, and that's it.
So… people only change their minds due to the weather?? 🤔
And here I was thinking the whole point of a public forum was to exchange ideas and help one another with decisions, sometimes even — God forbid 😮 — to change our minds…
This was implemented in 2015.
High time to revisit it, perhaps.
Opinions are always welcomed but we've discussed this internally many times and won't be implementing this. We get hundreds of suggestions and many we do implement but at this point we won't be making voting changes.
Right, now I see I'm not the only member asking about this.
I completely agree with your points.
This isn't the first time an overwhelming community consensus has been disregarded. So if you expect any better, you'll be disappointed.
Do you assume we are just a bunch of assholes who don't care about community opinion? or on some power trip?
We've discussed this including technical ramifications, previous voting testing and a number of other things. Even if we were to hypothetically do this, there is a pipeline of other fixes, bugs, and features that take priority. We don't want to lead people on with promises so we're being as direct as possible and saying we won't be implementing this.
It's just very odd, @neil, that what members are asking for is simpler than what's currently implemented. Extraordinary procedures require extraordinary reasons. Again, perhaps it's just a matter of explaining why the additional red tape we're not used to seeing in all other public fora on the internet.
We won't be making changing of votes.
There is no red tape just duct tape.
There are no auto neg the neg scripts.
Multiple accounts are not permitted and we detect them fairly easily.That last sentence sounds like one of those hack-us challenges…
Agree totally - many negative votes, particularly against things posted by those who for some reason have a fanatic cult following, are revoked too easily. I've also heard accusations of multiple accounts and auto-neg-the-neg scripts being used by some. I think it would make things a lot fairer.