• expired

[NSW/VIC] $20 off Your First UberPool Ride


$20 off first uberpool trip using coupon code
TRYPOOLMEL expires August 1st 2018

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (213)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • It said valid only in Melbourne

  • +5

    Trypoolsyd works for Sydney. I assume there's a code for all states.

  • Worked! Thanks op!

  • +3

    Has anyone used uber pool? How is it? Does it differ much from the normal uber experience? Do you have to have awkward conversations with the other passengers? lol

    • +1

      mine was ok. The other person didn't make any conversation and the route was only a slight detour (about 1 or 2 minutes) but saved about $7 on the trip versus x

    • +2

      Used it a couple of times, first one took forever because the dude lived somewhere in what was apparently the worst traffic congestion in Melbourne, which added about 20 minutes to the trip for me. I got in the car and he looked at me then pulled his hood over his head. Driver turned off the pool part though mid trip which meant it took me straight to my house rather than a general area.

      Second one, tonight, the girl talked loudly on her phone for the whole journey (in Italian) so the driver and I couldn't really talk to each other. However it was incredibly quick and weirdly only cost me $6 (it was a 25 minute journey). I have a $3 off for 10 trips at the moment, so actual payment was $3, so pretty happy with that (it would have taken me an hour on public transport and I still would have had some moron talking loudly on their phone). Car had suspension so stiff it felt like someone had set it in stone though, so I couldn't even read on my phone for the trip. But that's your usual uber luck of the draw.

      tl;dr version.
      Pros: Cheap.
      Cons: I live in Melbourne so I had to share with other people from Melbourne.

      • Did the 20 minutes congestion for the first guy's stop add much to your fare? Or does it recognize that it's not your destination and adds only to his fare?
        Also, where does it show up in your app? I can't find it in the section where UberX/Black/Select is (Melbourne area)

        • Added nothing to the fare, it actually pre-calculates it and doesn't change it. Additionally you get a promised arrival time in a range, I presume if it's outside that time it's free. That trip was free for me anyway (it was my first ride in the promo week for pool), so I don't know what the charge would have been.

          When I put in my destination I get three different groupings, popular, premium and more, under the first is Pool, X and XL, premium has Select and Black and more has Assist.

          Dunno why I get so many options, I'm on Android though and use it a lot.

    • +1

      I've used it locally and overseas. It's annoying having to wait for two minutes for you to find another passenger.

      One time I got into a Pool, the driver said the other passenger got out early and took the tram as the trip was taking him too long.

      Despite this, the driver and I still had to waste time in city traffic going to the destination of the original passenger as the driver couldn't end the trip early.

      It really put me off Pool. Some of the drivers I have spoken to are confused about it as well.

  • +1

    Has anyone tried uber pool? do u have to walk far or wait long?

    • they say a max 3 minute walk. For me i had to walk around the corner (off a main road) and estimated the walk was 3 minutes, but more like 1

  • If I have 2 uber accounts (on 2 phones) can I 'share' with myself and double dip the $20 credit?

  • +1

    Tried this today, its for first ride only. Also, since there was no one to pool with they charged me for UberX instead - around $15 and removed any extra credit left….

  • Dang!! I've rode on those free uber pools couple months ago?

  • +2

    They should call it UberBus.

    A driver would get paid more if he drove an actual Bus.

  • Would it work in Hobart?

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