scanner with auto feeder for photos and receipts

anybody out there know of a good scanner that has a stackable auto feeder for photo (varying sizes) and page scaning.

I have a lot of photos, A4 pages and receipts I want to scan but dont want to feed scanner one by one, would much prefer to stack the auto feeder and let scanner do the scanning one by one so I can walk away.

I have seen few scanners now but they are all A4 pages auto feeding scanners, none do small photos or receipts.



  • bump +1
    This is something I'd like.. but I don't need photo scanning.

    from what i've seen..
    my best bet is to investigate MFCs* with ADFs* as they get bargains.

    I've already got a nice mono laser printer so I'd be happy with a bubblejet.. so long as it keeps scanning if it runs out of ink. Just going to bide my time and see what comes up.

    (MFC Multi-function Centre, ADF auto doc feeder)

  • I just finished scanning 24 pages into a HP MFC, which then sends a PDF to network folder. Since it was a book, couldn't use ADF and walk away.

    MY GOD those things are slow. That is 15 minutes of my life I will never get back! Slowly scan to analyse the page. S-l-o-w-l-y scan again to get the content. S-l-o-w-l-y save the page. Repeat 24 times :-( Horrible!

    We do a lot of scanning type work gathering reports from building sites. The fastest method BY MILES, and what we always use… a good digital camera. Lay out about A1 worth (4 times size of A3), take a pic. Take home, crop. Save as JPG. Virtually INSTANT!

    • i've always wondered if that method could work.. now all i need is a good digital camera!

  • I have a canon 200 (now superceded by the 210)…

    No feeder, but good for photos as will do multiple pics at a time…ie put four photos/receipts on the plate, will scan and save as four seperate files. Still time consuming, but 4 times faster than one at a time.

    Runs off usb, so quite portable
    about $130 at MSY but OW do it, so can price match…
    some reviews….

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