This was posted 6 years 8 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazon Music Unlimited - 4 Months for $0.99 (Usually $11.99/Month) @ Amazon AU (New Subscribers)

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Amazon Unlimited Music service has a 4 month for $0.99 offer for Australian users. Usually $11.99/month, remember to cancel before your 4 month promo finishes if you don't want to continue, or you'll be auto charged $11.99.

Amazon Music Unlimited:Amazon Music Unlimited is a music streaming service offering the biggest catalog music library in Australia. With over 50 millions with new releases from today’s most popular artists plus thousands of curated playlists and stations available to listen to. Listen ad-free with unlimited skips. You can also download for offline listening

Individual Plan
4 months for $0.99
New subscribers only. $11.99/month after. Cancel anytime.

This is a limited time offer exclusively available for new Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers. The promotional offer of 4 months for AUD $0.99 is valid from 12:01am PT July 2, 2018 through 11:59pm July 17, 2018 and redeemable towards an Amazon Music Unlimited Individual Monthly Plan. After 4 months, your subscription will auto-renew for AUD 11.99 per month - cancel or change anytime by visiting your Amazon Music Settings. Digital content and services may only be available to customers located in Australia and New Zealand and are subject to the terms and conditions of Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Offer limited to one per customer and account. Offer is non-transferable and may not be resold. If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.

Note: Ensure your country is set to Australia in the top right corner.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Do they have HD audio?

    • -3

      Does it matter? Anything greater than 256Kbit VBR is virtually undetectable.

      • +10

        My FLACs beg to differ.

        • +44

          FLAC you.

        • +1

          @starburstyellow: Thank you.

        • +11

          yeah, 256k doesn’t sound great ….ok for people that are happy to listen to stuff off you tube on a phone, but sounds dreadful in a lounge room with good speakers and an amp.

        • +1

          @starburstyellow: Thank you. May I have another!?

      • Sarcasm, I hope.

      • +2

        The reason I like FLAC is for transcoding purposes more than anything. I.e. long term storage is FLAC, and then transcode to any format you like for smartphone storage. Although probably not relevant on Amazon Music because presumably there is DRM.

      • +3

        virtually undetectable

        Not virtually undetectable, there is no percieveable difference in blind tests.

        Millions of audiophiles that have either not understood confirmation bias or just decided it doesn't apply to them because they have magical ears disagree of course.

        • +2

          I agree completely, I think most audiophiles don't bother running blind tests on themselves to confirm their powers of perception.

          That said, I have no idea what bitrate, codec etc. Amazon's stream uses.

      • It does, if you listen to albums that were properly mixed and mastered.

        If all you listen is records that have heavily compressed samples and instruments then I agree with you.

      • Those silly recording studios have now gone to 384kHz mastering now that technology allows it over the previous 192Khz sample rates. What a waste when they could simply be recording 320kb mp3. Seriously, for multitrack recording there are other reason for the high resolution though.
        There is a difference to me and with one particular Emmylou Harris 24bit 96khz album it is more night and day. I have tested the album with half a dozen people who have identified the higher quality version. The music type and original master are obviously going to pay a part in the end result. The difference from 96khz to 192khz and above is probably pushing the reality a bit.

        An analogy to look at is how some people seem fine with the horrid DVB mpeg2 we are now offered compared to 15 years ago, on free to air. Even on SD, once there is a complex picture, with say moving water, it all goes to crap.

    • -1

      If you care about audio, you go for lossless digital music. Analog music (polyvinyl chloride)is for pretnetious hipsters, and doesn't sound better than properly mastered lossles digital (by properly mastered I mean that the dynamic range hasn't been murdered by limiting and compression). Cds have a dynamic range of 96 Db, vinyl only about 50 DB.

      Mp3s are are for people who are indifferent to quality and happy to listen to 'any old noise' while using their cell phones.

      • -2

        …and lossless music is for pretentious tossers who'll also spend the extra on Monster cables at the recommendation of the Harvey Norman sales staff.

  • +1

    wouldn't this be part of amazon prime 0_o ?

    • +4
      • +5

        that is shit

        also amazon prime will be a lot more expensive after first year finish
        $6.99 per month = $83.88 per year

        • Pretty sure you can pay for one year straight up for $60, might be wrong though.

        • +1

          @no not me:

          Yep $59 for the first year outright

        • -3

          @no not me:

          $59 ie $4.99/month is introductory price

          after first yr, it will be $6.99

        • +2

          @pinkybrain: If you keep paying monthly the price goes to $6.99 a month. But there is an option to pay for the year at $59.

        • +1

          @pinkybrain: yups $6.99 monthly or $59 annually as doweyy mentioned.

          'Prime is $59 a year or $6.99 a month.'

          'For a limited time, Prime is $4.99 a month through 31 January 2019.'

        • I think it's worth it.. I have already used prime for 3 items this week people will complain about anything.

        • +2

          add it to a long list of things I’m paying just $59-99 a year for. It adds up fast.

        • @reece86: Is it the postage that you see the value. I had a look at their movie/tv selection and apart from The Grand Tour there was not really anything of interest to me. Even if there is for some, considering the limited number wouldn't they be knocked over within maybe even 6 months. Do they rotate movies into the catalogue?

      • Da fuq? And I was at a friends place today and I couldn’t stream my amazon prime video from my iPhone or iPad to their chromecast, even though Netflix allows it. I haven’t checked if there is an Apple TV app for amazon prime, but I there isn’t I think I’ll be cancelling it. And why isn’t there a Foxtel Now app for Apple TV. What the hell is going on, I’m trying to give up piracy and give these guys my money but they are making it so hard.

        • Apples content is currently on netflix so there is no conflicts there, amazon is a direct competitor, so of course apple isnt going to allow amazon prime to work on their products, since they have a deal with netflix.

        • What a pain in the ass. I’d leave a laptop plugged into the tv just for prime but it’s already a hdmi jungle. Or is there an amazon tv box just for prime video?

          Holy cow there is a little device for prime video.…

          Surely Apple isn’t blocking amazon from releasing an app for exisiting subscribers?

        • +2

          @garetz: There is an amazon prime app on apple TV.

          Its google/amazon that have a disagreement. Amazon doesnt allow casting the app to a chromecast as a result.

        • @garetz: > so of course apple isnt going to allow amazon prime to work on their products

          Wow, people just accept this bullshit? Glad I don't live in a walled garden.

    • I've been using prime for a while whilst living in the UK. Amazon prime music has two tiers , Prime and Unlimited. Prime is free for prime members, smaller library and lesser quality.

  • +7

    Thanks Hamza, just signed up and will be downloading all your hits.

  • Thanks OP. Will give it a whirl.

  • +20

    Ugh. Signed up and signed in, first thing I see is Drake. GTFO

    • +8

      Gods plan.

      • +3

        I only love my bed and ozbargains

    • +1

      Sounds like you're upset.

      • Who would be upset at Nickelback?

    • Same as Spotify has been plugging last few days

    • Drake is also showing in my Spotify!

    • He is what most people want though. Most young users would be annoyed if drake wasn’t one the first thing they saw.

    • Learn from Kirby

  • +9

    If you sign up and cancel straight away, can you still access the music for the duration of 4 months trial?

    • +11

      Yes you can. It just stops the reoccurring payment from taking place in 4 months time.

  • +1

    What's their library like compared to Spotify's? Shits me when I want to listen to certain albums or songs that are greyed out thanks to scumbag record companies. Then again, probably affects all streaming companies…

    • doesn't seem so bad, looks like a wide range , including soundtracks and playlists

      • Do they have Florence + The Machine's album that was released in the last week?

        • Yep High As Hope is on there. I just checked.

    • ShitsMe2.

  • +1

    How do you cancel?

    • -7

      Sucked in…

    • +1

      Never mind. I worked it out.

  • Does Amazon music have a feature to show you the lyrics while playing?

  • +13

    I'd consider it but with google offering YouTube premium with Google music sub I got no reason to change.

  • +1

    How does the music selection line up compared to google music?

  • +1

    Sonos doesn't support Amazon music…

  • +5

    Why does everyone come up with the same pricing? 11.99 per month. What makes them different from the other streaming services except for the library which I believe is almost the same for everyone except a few albums here and there. Any special features here?

    • +1

      most likely $10 USD (or close to $10USD) is what many have been paying for subscription like this.
      remember netflix also started around $9USD/month (now its like $13)
      It is not about how the service is different or unique, but what the market can agree to pay before dropping off to "illegal" or "freemium" services.
      For example, subscription game (per month) has been around $10-15USD/month , Free to play with "season" pass of $10-15/season (fortnite anyone?)

      Another reason why Foxtex is struggling to meet the market agreed subscription with their cable, and came up with Foxtel Now at much lower entry pricing point.

  • +1

    Sonos will support Amazon music if directed by Alexa (and setup in the Alex App) (New Sonos units that have Alexa built in) but it is not accessible via the sonos app yet in Australia. It is in other parts of the world and will hopefully be here soon. I'm using Alexa to use spotify so that it works with the native Sonos app. Will be good when they sort this out for OZ.

  • +2

    Why isn't it included with Prime? No thanks, even with the discount.

  • Family plan?

  • Worth a shot for under a dollar. I miss the JB hifi music streaming service, so this might be a replacement option.

    So far so good, audio quality is good.

    Thanks op

    • What was so good about the JB HiFi streaming service?

      • +1

        Subscribers received a neck tatt free.

  • +1

    How does it work? Do you need to download some kind of a shoddy app that steals all your, not so private anymore, settings while also having a music playing feature?

  • +1

    Pretty good review here They say from a quality perspective Apple Music > Amazon Music > Spotify. It looks like there is no download option for PCs, which rules it out for me.
    All I want in a music service:
    - easy download to PC - Spotify is unfriendly and Deezer has been saying for a year that it will be coming soon
    - High quality - Tidal or Deezer Premium+ equivalent
    - Great discovery, and great playing of my own music. For me I haven't found better than the now defunct Groove
    I'm sure people will disagree with me, especially the last point, but if you have something that I haven't tried that satisfies my requirements I'd like to hear your response.

    • +1

      Google Music/Play or whatever it's called or if it still exists did have easy download to PC…

      • That's only for music you own though, isn't it?

        • +1

          Nope, you can download any of the songs/albums etc.

        • @samcro:
          How? I'm using it and it doesn't let me download to my desktop, only to my phone.

        • +1

          Oh yes. For music you have bought on the Google platform. Sorry.

        • I think there's a maximum number of times you can download a song to an mp3. You can still download songs in the app as many times as you want for local playback within Google Music.

        • @flaminglemon: You can just download your entire catalogue on the computer though. Unlimited times if I'm not mistaken.

    • I like their suddenly one-sentence conclusion, that Apple Music is the best of the three. Even though it has 256kbps as maximum bitrate.

      • And no mention of Spotify's superior music recommendations.
        I've discovered a lot of music I actually like thanks to this, something Tidal and Google Play Music (or whatever they call it these days) failed to do for me.

      • Apple's AAC is superior to MP3s at 320kb/s. All newer lossy codecs provide better quality at smaller sizes.

  • Good work matey

  • -1

    Is the music in hi-rez? If it isn't, not interested at all even if it's free.

    • +7

      Yeah mate, it's all 4K UHD.

      • 3D if you listen with your wirelesz headset too :)

  • Will this work on Echo? The website is a bit vague on this…

    • Yep

      Supported devices
      Listen on any of your compatible Amazon Music devices:

      Android devices
      iOS devices
      Amazon Alexa devices
      Fire TV Stick Basic Edition
      Computers (via Amazon Music for Web and the Amazon Music app for PC and Mac)

      Stream on one device at a time.

  • A quick search indicates this does not work on Google Home? If this is the case I shall pass.

    • Yep, highly doubtful it would work with google home as Amazon would not want to support their competitor, it would most likely be licensed only to Alexa Supported products

      • +7

        Well then, they’ve just lost themselves 99c

  • +1

    when i go to the deal the only choices are the individual plan -the family plan-or the 30 day free trial
    No choice for the 99c offer

    • +1

      Me too.

      But I have an echo dot and signed up at that time for a 2 week trial.

      Think that means I'm not eligible even though I never paid.

    • +1

      Change the country to Australia in the top right hand corner.

  • -1

    Do they allow for outright barring of an artist… seriously can't stand all the Drake shit on spotify RO. Don't know the guy but i don't like his music…

    • -2

      You need better taste in music

  • Should i sign in via the 30 day free trial ? If so,is the 0.99 is charged from next month for another 4 months?

    • +1

      See above. Change the country. It's set to USA.

  • hi
    set to australia
    still no choice

    • Maybe try and change to another country, then back to Australia.( Mine was set to USA at the start) Side note I see Ireland has the same deal.

  • +2

    I'm fine with spotify. especially if it's a cluster (profanity) like prime video

  • Life is so simple now a day's. No copy paste from laptop, no itunes sync, no illegal mp3 downloads… Stream online babay.

    • The heyday of Internet music was when people could share or download media without fear of reprisal.

      Even the torrents were still good for exploring an artist's discography until the major torrent sites all got taken down one by one.


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