Just received an email from eBay.
You're one of our most valued customers and we want to say thank you. Here is a voucher for your next shop.
Minimum spend: $20
Valid until: 09 July 2018
Just received an email from eBay.
You're one of our most valued customers and we want to say thank you. Here is a voucher for your next shop.
Minimum spend: $20
Valid until: 09 July 2018
then they don't need to encourage you to spend more :P
I demand $10 for a complimentary!!!
Somebody call Sgt Pepper because I just found Sgt Salt
You're the kind of customer everyone wants. Angry, complains on forums, but still forks over loads of money :)
I have no received anything from them :'(
I got one with no minimum spend. The T&Cs have a heading "eBay Plus Trial".
I guess it is for people who signed up for the Plus but did not make a purchase.
I have 4 accounts that on plus. Non received
OMG have I finally be targetted!?
Fak uuuuuuuu
a bit confused
since most of us do not get $10, why is this posted in the deals section?
(perhaps just to rub it in lol)
Pretty much, I don't see a point of been a deal, unless this encourage people go through their junk mail for possible targeted email. But if your ebay email goes to junk main, they you got issues.
I've ebay accounts with previous work emails (current at the time) , it reminds me to check :)
Yet to receive a targeted eBay promo. Time to start opening some new accounts by the look of it
where is the voucher?
Got a $10 voucher with no minimum spend on a less active account that recently signed up with eBay plus trial.
Yay, first time targeted!
wow…whats it like to be a valued customer? lol
Checked my account. Don't have this offer but do have '$0 Insertion & Final Value Fees' from 03/07 to 05/07.
Thanks OP for making me check my account. Never get emails even though that option is ticked on.
OP what have you done to deserve that huge $10 code.
same except that mine one expires 11/7
Fak you Ebay. For the last 4 days I spent $3000