The power of 83X zoom video samples can be found on YouTube.
Nikon Coolpix P900 (16 MP, 83X Zoom) - $551.20 + $8 Delivery @ The Good Guys eBay

Last edited 03/07/2018 - 02:34 by 1 other user
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BTW, this is the favorite camera flat earthers used to debunk the globe earth theory. this camera having GPS. :p I wonder how satellites work in their model.
Satellites aren't real according to flattards.
This is a very fun camera, for what it costs.
Be aware, you need a lot of light to get decent photos.Must be why so many people use it around the beach…all that sand, reflecting light and brightening things up!
Great surveillance camera - have used it many times and nothing is better for the $$$.
Buy this camera with 83X zoom and join the flat earthers who debunk the biggest lie in human history, the earth is not a globe, it is flat.
No, this is not a joke, and nobody is crazy. If you still havn't heard about flat earth in 2018, let me begin with the strongest arguement, there is no curveture on earth. Not on land, not in the ocean, and can not be found anywhere beside NASA video footages recording using fish eye lens.
The sun is not 695508KM in radius and not 149.6 million KM away from the earth. We will not have such seasonal change in tempurature if that was true. The moon is not 400 time smaller than the sun as scientist said. They look the same size because they ARE the same size, not because the sun is coincdentally 400 times further away than the moon.
The sun gives out warm light, everybody knows that. But scientist will not tell you the moon gives out cool light. Go out side at night and test it for yourself. The temperature is actually cooler if you are under the moon light than under the moon shade. The light from the moon can not be the reflection of the sun's light.
The earth is said as spinning at 1600KM/H on the equator but nobody can feel its speed. Flights from east to west take about the same time for return don't make sense. Gravity is a magical force that is strong enough to hold the entire ocean, yet its weak enough to let pollen, bugs and birds fly freely. If the earth is a ball and spinning at that much of speed, why do we have land in the equator and oceans on both poles? Water should gather around the equator and flood all the lands.
South pole doesn't exist, we are surrounded by giant ice wall around the earth. Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 to prevent anybody getting close to Antarctica in the name of to protect the environment. But there is no environmentalist in 1959. Nowadays 53 nations has signed this Antarctic Treaty and Antarctica is the only land on earth that is claimed by no nation.
You don't need to believe what I say, do your own research and change your whole life forever. BTW, this deal is the cheapest I can find for brand new stock, even cheaper than the used ones.
Nikon Coolpix P900 VS Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80
83x zoom VS 60x
Older tech 2009 VS recent
$559.20 VS $449.10Is the Nikon really worth the extra zoom? I've watched moon vids from both cameras and the Nikon is closer and better but not by too much from what I can tell.
Guess this is most likely due to the upcoming lunar eclipse.
They jacked up the price, now it seems it's $599.20 + $8.00 delivery.
How annoying I had it sitting in my cart to check out later on today.Snap.
I got caught too due to wanting some more time to prevaricate.
I think I'll put my money towards another lens for my dslr instead.
Suggestion. Get rid of the word store do you can use a $ on the price (assuming you skipped it due to space)
Also it looks like a good cam for people like me who want something close to a point and shoot - just watched this review