It's back again. Guaranteed sell out if you sleep in!
Being sold on weekend this year rather than a weekday, so it could be more competitive
ALDI Convertible Rocking Chair 7th July Special Buy $199

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because people nowadays have FOMO
You are confused, it's JOYO now, the reason you haven't got it.
You mean JOMO?
It's perfect for breastfeeding mother apparently.
But why would I want to breastfeed my mother?
To bond and build a better relationship.
Doesn't have to be your own mother
Long tailed cats do not care for this chair.
It looks similar to an IKEA chair (strandmon) and is $50 cheaper. I think the IKEA one used to sell for 350 and then went down to 250 after aldi sold this chair last year. also rocking chair= ideal for new mums apparently.
Is that this one?…It's $50 more.
And I can't see any rocking feet.
7 News is ready for their Saturday Night News broadcast about this chair and people snatching them.
When I first noticed this deal, I was picturing a bunch of elderly women battling in line at aldi for the rocking chair, dueling with their walking sticks 😆 . Lol.
Unfortunately, the rudest of people I have ever seen in aldi cue outside, was this 1 elderly female who arrived about 5 minutes before store opening, then she just pushed through past all the people who had been patiently waiting for about an hour in line.I was imagining a bunch of preggos having it out
Say it out loud and it's almost $199 for an Audi convertible!
I read it as "Convertible Racing Chair" :(
Sounds fun . Put some wheels on it, then maybe a go-cart engine, remote steering controls with a ps4 controller to steer with… Then add some drone style collision and obstacle avoidance tech, (for when the oldies in rocking chair take it out for a spin) .
Perfect to jump the queue at the Aldi Ski sales :)
Bought one last time around. Was so damn uncomfortable. Sold it off a month later.
Has anyone else sat in one of these and care to share their experience?
i find them comfortable.. may vary from people to people i guess. we bought 2 the last time :)
each to their own. mrs vietbargain loves it.
Why’d you buy it then?
Mrs entropy got a chair like this when she had our first baby. Turned out I used it a lot for bottle feeding in the wee small hours after Mrs entropy convieniently discovered trouble breast feeding.
Anyway, the youngest is now almost a teenager and the fricking ugly thing is still in my bedroom. One day I will develop the courage to get rid of it.Edit: to be absolutely and totally clear, the “fricking ugly thing” I was talking about is the chair.
based on the edit : this guy ozbargains.
Are you selling yours?
“the fricking ugly thing is still in my bedroom…”
Are you talking about the chair?
nah he's gone over game of thrones and still bottle feeding the kidult
Is there a way to know which stores that have more stocks than others?
yes. Walk in the various doors. In all seriousness phone 13ALDI and they will tell you (but maybe after the offer goes live)
It would be too late by then..
Saw 2 mums flog the snot out of each other over the last chair in my local Aldi
One of the mums grabbed a spatula and started smacking her opponant in the face so the other mum grabbed a frypan from the clearance section and cracked it across her head - KO
pics or it didn't happen. You took pics, right?
This didn't really happen, did it.
I didn't take any pics unfortunately. It was quite a scene with Aldi staff trying to manage the whole situation.
In the end there was stock everywhere and people were going mental at each other.
It's funny how people behave in these types of situations.
I'm lucky I'm very strong, I just shoved a few people out of the way so I could leave
BS story.
Not sure why people are so suck into Aldi Special Buy and can line up for hours. For instance when they had the Dyson V6 on sale, I have the same one 2yrs ago for the same price with 20% off at TGG, thanks to OzBargain of course.
Sometimes it's worth it, like for the snow gear sale. Got some pretty good stuff for cheap.
…The perfect companion to go with your bargain Oujia Board.
I wonder if I will get myself into a brawl with a granny when I go get this chair in 5 days time?
This is an extreme version of musical chairs.
is this comfortable enough to be used instead of a bed?
My wife got herself one of these last time they were on sale, it's worth noting that at least on the chair we got that it's difficult to get a good rock up on it. It seems as if the rockers are poorly positioned for their job. A browse around on the various mum's forums seems to show that a few other people think this as well and have remedied it partially by putting the rockers on back to front. I personally don't get the hype, but it's an OK chair with the normal feet on it. Terrible rocking chair versus those metal glider chairs although those wear out quickly.
It probably rocks because of the inconsistent ALDI quailty. They just found a way to market it.
I went in to buy a baby gate from aldi last year and remember when this on sale chair on sale. It was absolute chaos but the funniest thing about it was when people wheeled the chair back to their car realising that it wasn't going to fit haha.
So just a word of warning make sure you have a massive boot (suv/4wd) or Ute cos the box is huge.
bahahaha I can just picture it!
Out of curiosity what was the weight of it?
Imagining people(weak people) getting home to their apartment that only has stairs
26kg from what I saw online
$200 will get you a la-z-boy from gumtree, probably in leather if you look around. Yes 2nd hand, but still a better option in my opinion.
I want to NEG this post because a chair is not a bargain when the REAL COST is actually significant:
- $199;
- Early Saturday morning sleep in / cooked breakfast day to line up for it and a lot of time than its worth;
- A borrowed trailer or vehicle to get it home; and most expensively:…
- All your dignity as you are seen fighting a pregnant lady and an old guy for the last one!Plus its plain and simple Bait Advertising as usual from the "
GoodBad Different" Germans Again.Who'd spend $200 on a chair they can't try first?
Who'd spend $200 on a chair that is so damn ugly that it's not even suitable for top of Jed's truck.
Well you can return it no questions asked.
this will sell out faster than a liberal party member at a gina rinehart dinner
In general what's the timeframe for catalogue publishing at Aldi? What day of the week are they available? How far in advanced are they? (Up to a week and a half?) Is there an online PDF?
Go to the Aldi website and sign up to their email list and you will get it every week, usually a week early
looks ok, but wanna to try;
Store’s going to open in 15mins and there is not another soul here (mid north coast)
Got one of four available.
Our store in VIC appeared to have about 8-10, all gone in a matter of minutes.
We went for the veggie steamer/blender and there was a few of those
Close to 30 people in line 10 mins before store open
Kangaroo Flat Bendigo had 50 in stock out back the guy said… Waste of my time lining up early then :P
My GSD loves the chair, my wife will get a go if lucky. Quality is average but for $200 can't really complain. Struggled to fit huge box in Hyundai Tucson though! After photo, cut the box down to make a wedge and brute force got it in. A ute or trailer would have been preferable.
There was one joker with a falcon that bought two… Pulled them out of cardboard boxes, didn't no where near fit, then turns to me and says "called me mate for a trailer" hahaha.
Does any body have the box dimensions? Friend manage to pick one up for me and wonder if the box would fit into a VW Passat Wagon MY2018? Might have to take it out of the box to transport it i think.
I had the same trouble as @camshandez; only just got it squeezed into my ‘17 Sportage. Dimensions are 73cm x 107cm x 78cm
My boot was 20mm too short in terms of height to fit the giant box. Unpacked the chair from box and was able to easily fit in the back of the car.
There’s still two of them sitting in the Forster store (mid north coast NSW). Mustn’t be as popular here.
Maybe it's just me. Why does everyone care for this chair?