This was posted 6 years 8 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 1 Vinyl, Get 1 Vinyl Free @ Amazon AU

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Stock up vinylheads. It's buy 1 get 1 free vinyl time at Amazon AU.

Sign up for the free Amazon AU Prime trial for free shipping.

Buy 1 Vinyl offered by Amazon AU and get 1 free. Limited time offer. Offer expires at 11:59 AM (AEDT) on July 8, 2018

How to claim: Add 2 items from the selection on this page to your Shopping Basket via the "Go to Basket". When you're done shopping, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button. The Offer will be automatically applied to your total customer order value at checkout if you are eligible. The discount will show at the last step of the checkout.

Thanks to doweyy for spotting the deal.


These terms and conditions apply to the offer whereby customers who purchase two items selected Vinyl in a single order, as displayed for that offer on (“Qualifying Items”) will get a second Qualifying Item for free (“Offer”) subject to these terms and conditions. The Offer only applies to items sold by Amazon AU on Offers do not apply to purchases made from third-party sellers on (including Amazon US) even if fulfilled by Amazon AU. To redeem the Offer, a customer must add at least two Qualifying Items to their cart, then at checkout, the lowest priced Qualifying Item will be deducted from the customer’s cart total. If you do not add the required number of Qualifying Items to your Shopping Cart in a single order, the Offer will not apply. If you cancel or return part or all of your order for the Qualifying Items, the Offer will cease to apply and, if applicable, you may be charged for any items retained that no longer meet the relevant offer terms. Offers cannot be used on pre-existing orders. Offer does not apply to orders placed with 1-Click. Each Offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn or amended without notice. Offers are not redeemable for cash. Offers are non-transferable and may not be resold.’s Conditions of Use apply. Delivery will be applied to each item in accordance with Amazon AU's standard delivery rates and policies. Discount will be applied at checkout. A limit of 2 identical Qualifying Items per order applies. Offer ends at 11:59 PM (AEST) on July 8, 2018.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Also, from what I can tell, it's cheaper to check out 2 records at a time and place your closest priced ones together, otherwise if you put a cart full it seems Amazon doesn't always choose the best free one for you.

    • +1

      I bought so many that it probably averages out well to not make much of a difference

      • I will do the maths soon though ha ha

    • +1

      They use a very simple algorithm. Just load the prices into excel, do a sort by prices and every 2nd most expensive vinyl will be free. Worked on all my orders.

  • +2

    This was awesome with the AMAZON20 code. Got 6 vinyls for $75!

    • +1

      How? Hasn’t AMAZON20 expired?

      • +2

        There was another BOGOF vinyl deal a few months ago.

  • +5

    Amazon nailed my 4 order: $44/$44.64/$31/$27.32 = paid: $75.64 (44.64 + 31) which is the most expensive of each pair only.

  • +2

    Thanks for deal. Got two vinyl titles for $44.99 and as I added a $9.00 6pk 1.25ltr coke colas to my order I got free shipping. As free shipping on all coke cola products for world cup. I forgot the amazon20 code, I'm happy though as one vinyl a double.

    • +1

      No loss, AMAZON20 expired before this deal anyway :)

  • +2

    The range available on the AU site has definitely improved over the last few months; still not as good as Amazon UK and US though. Just picked up the Planet Earth II soundtrack and Damien Rice’s ‘O’ from the UK site before the July 1st cut off and neither of them are available here anyway, so no regrets I suppose. Really sucks we don’t have the option to ship from those international sites in future though.

  • +4

    Ooooo yeahhhhh. $227 well spent #eclectic

    "Awaken, My Love!"
    2ND LAW, THE (180g Vinyl)

    • +2

      Not sure why you got negged, great buy :)

      • +3

        Went back for seconds…😏

        Pure Heroine, Lorde
        Brothers, Black Keys

        Now it’s ramen for the next week, but at least I’ll have some sick tunes while I slurp them down.

  • +1

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Deluxe edition and Baby Driver OST for me.
    Been keeping an eye out for good prices on these for ages.
    Thanks OP!

    Prices seemed on point with JB Hifi, for the 2 I got.
    Damn Amazon AU is bleeding me dry.

    • +1

      Who is negging on this thread, and why? :S

      • +2

        Maybe purists who think compilation albums are an abomination?

        Not that I’m saying that, but the opinion exists and could explain the negatives.

  • Surprised to see Lorde's Pure Heroine so cheap on there. Have wanted to buy it for so long but everywhere seems to only sell it for $50+. Ended up spending a little over $100 and got 6 records from this bargain.

    • +1

      Fantastic album!
      I couldn't count how many times I've listened to it, not on vinyl though!

      • +1

        Couldn't agree more. Lorde is such a great artist and I have wanted to add that album to my vinyl collection for the longest time. I was hoping that Melodrama might be part of the BOGOF deal, but no luck sadly.

  • +3

    Argh, they cancelled my last order for the best of Wu Tang Clan as it couldn't be supplied yet now it's in stock again!

    I shouldn't buy more, but most probably will.

  • It's a great deal, just keep an eye on the order, they cancelled one of my orders last time round due to no stock, but left the full original charge (ie 2 for 1 system doesn't deal well with order cancellation). When I complained they organised a new alternative as a $0 make up order, but then subsequently cancelled that too (with the email saying dont worry you have not been charged for this order!) They eventually refunded my full original cost when I complained again, ie free, so that was good though, bargain! :)

    • +1

      My last 2 BOGOF orders had items that they then could not supply.
      Amazon billed the full amount for the corresponding items.
      I had a little word and they ended up only charging the price I would have paid had the other item have been there.

      I saw one of them pop up three weeks later for $50, not the $15 it was when they removed it from my order.
      Again, following a chat, I paid $7.50 for it.

      And Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain by Pavement + Songs of Love and Hate by Leonard Cohen for $19 with cashrewards.
      My pleasure.

  • Wish i didnt see this spent $300 last time and i still have about 10 albums in my wishlist.

  • Is it just me or in the middle of making my orders did they change it to buy TWO get one free?

    • I think it means, add (buy) 2, and get 1 of them free.

  • Pretty good deal!

  • Tried to get one lp (all four in total and valued at $80.99 + shipping) which is in a pre-order state. I'm paying the shipping, is it because of the pre-order?

    • I'm guessing only 2 of your 4 are being counted as part of the BOGOF, while your third BOGOF is at full price. I think the underlying criteria for BOGOF (apart from being part of the 2980 albums in the promotion) is that it's in stock at the Warehouse. May be wrong there though…

    • Not every album in their inventory is eligible. Doesn't have to be in stock, just included in the promotion.

  • -2

    can anyone find Adele (Not 21 and 23 albums - go them from last amazon deal), and also afer Michael Jackson (blood on the dance floor / Thriller). Bryan adams as well.

  • +3

    OMG i feel old
    like the entire universe rotated around to the 1920s

    Vinyl in stores, light bulbs with visible yellow filaments, clothes with gaping holes in the fabric, cars with push button start

  • @carwashhair

    But it says under the lp description that it's eligible for free shipping over $49. Oh well, still good value I think.

    • who wouldn't buy $1000 worth of vinyl at this price, i mean seriously

  • +3

    Solid haul for just over $200. Perfect timing for the wife's birthday, too.

    Offspring - Smash
    Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission
    Nirvana - MTV Unplugged
    Coltrane - Blue Train
    Fat Freddy's Drop - Based on a True Story
    CW Stoneking - Jungle Blues
    Radiohead - KidA
    Nina Simone - Platinum Collection
    The Doors - S/T
    Charles Bradley - Changes
    Led Zeppelin II
    Miles Davis - Kind of Blue

  • +1

    Cool. Just need a good deal on a record player now!

    • Waiting for Audio Technica AT-LP60 to go on sale. Best price on Oz has been $188 delivered. You can get it for $199 delivered, so worthy option to consider now.

      • Can confirm, got the LP60 from Addicted to Audio for $199 with express post. very happy with it.

        • That's two people here recommending it! What makes it particularly good?

          I'd given ones with USB in the title a bit of a wide berth, honestly, haha.

        • @Selenium: Word on the forums is the LP60 isn't that good for used albums due to no counter weight pressing down too hard.

          This guy comes down to $450 occasionally, jump on him instead:


        • @Selenium: It's universally well reviewed as the best entry turntable on a budget. But if price isn't an issue (when isn't it?) then you have to consider a $400 system AT LEAST. Can't go wrong at this price point.

        • @Selenium: I wouldn't go for the LP-60. It is not as good as others here are saying. You can't replace the stylus, its QC isn't great so each one has different weighting. Some are way too heavy and will damage your vinyl.

          This is the best thread I've found to check out for good entry-level turntables.
          The Pro-ject elemental is the best budget friendly turntable you can get out of the box and the Sherwood PM9805 is a great option if you replace the stylus.

        • @Nalar: it's been lower around $350 in recent deals from 20% ebay sales

        • @wolfshooter: for real? Any idea of which eBay seller gets the discounts? $350 is stupid good

        • @Nalar: don't recall the seller but it was listed at around $430 and the 20% brought it down into my budget!

        • @RocketSwitch: Does anybody have any experience with the Rega Planar 1 or Sony PS-HX500 Turntable?

          To be honest, I wouldn't ever use the USB function on the Sony but man, it looks nice.

      • -1

        I would warn against the LP60, its only highly recommended in the wrong circles. Within enthusiast circles it is panned as bad and a trap for new buyers.

        Take a look here:…

        Much better options for ~$50 more which can also be gotten cheaper during JB audio sales etc.(I got mine 30% off during one of their sales)

        • Thanks for all the extra info, guys.

          As usual, you get what you pay for. Which is why I still lack a decent player, haha. Ah well, some day. Cheers

        • +1

          @Selenium: then You gotta think about speakers!

        • @Nalar: Ideally I want one with speakers, to be honest!

        • @Selenium: That's kinda terrible, the whole point of listening to vinyl is the get a better sound experience.

          I Recommend something like:… since you don't need an amp.

        • +2


          Speakers as part of the record player? This is not advisable, as you may get feedback. Ideally you want to isolate it from vibration as much as possible, with some people going so far as adding deadening material to the plinth of their turntables and attaching stands for their turntables to the studs of their home.

  • +3

    Great result!

    • Nice choice on the Sampha record! I was going to grab it aswell but I realised that I had about 14 tabs open full of records I wanted from the deal. Had to do the tough job of narrowing it down to 6.

    • Really want to purchase Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, but the reviews on the pressing are awful!

  • +1

    For me personally this is one of the best deals

  • +1

    Unbelievable deal.

  • +1

    Great find op!

    Paid $40 for:
    LED ZEPPELIN 3 (2014 Vinyl Reissue)

    Then $46 for:
    Nevermind NIRVANA

  • Thank you very much OP!

    Spent $35.99, saved $40.63.

  • +1

    Awesome! just bought 24 vinyls! Spewing that I already had some that I'd bought last year before seeing this deal!
    AMazon20 didn't work for me though.

    • Did you have to order each pair seperately?

    • Amazon20 expired June 30th that is why :)

  • Fantastic deal! Bought two and saved $36 but forgot to use Cashrewards noooooOOOoo

  • +6

    I wish the AU site had more detailed descriptions. It's a real pain having to cross check ASIN/dates with the US site and Discogs to try to decipher what pressing you're gonna get. Even then, it's a bit of a shot in the dark sometimes.

    • +1

      Agreed, like how you have to avoid the 2016 pressing of Bowie's Ziggy stardust like the plague

      • +1

        What's wrong with the ziggy pressing? Any others i should be aware of?

        • +1

          Side 2, from 'Star' onwards many many copies skip, I had to return mine to the store I bought it from.

        • +1

          @Nalar: Geez, is that the one they are selling?

        • +1

          @bailbondsh: yup, check the reviews :(

          It's a shame because finding a used copy for reasonable is kinda hard since it's popular

        • +1

          @Nalar: Disappointed I only ever thought the problems with new vinyl is often they aren't recorded from masters, just compressed digital files. Do you have any idea on the % of new records that aren't recorded from the original tapes etc? and how I can find this kind of information when i'm shopping. Sorry quite new to new vinyl LOL

        • @Nalar: Oh well it doesn't stop me from returning it!

        • +6

          @bailbondsh: I would guess the majority of new vinyl is at least cut from digital these days. It can be difficult to determine because sources aren't always disclosed. You also have the differences between AAA - all analogue (tape source, mixing, mastering and lacquer cut), ADA - master tapes converted to digital hi-res (for remastering or because the original tapes have been lost/destroyed) then cut to vinyl, and DDA - all digital source cut to vinyl. Also, keep in mind that 'remastered from original master tapes' is not necessarily the same as 'cut directly from original master tapes'. If a digital source is used, they wouldn't be compressed in the sense that an MP3 is compressed, they should be hi-res 24-bit/96k, however, they may or may not be dynamically compressed in the mastering process due to the loudness wars.

          If you're after AAA pressings, some can get quite pricey. Buying LPs produced by labels such as Analogue Productions or Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab (MoFi) will just about guarantee you're getting AAA, but expect to pay around $100 each. That said, the 45RPM reissues of The Doors and Lynyrd Skynyrd by AP do sound incredible. There is plenty of other new cheaper AAA stuff out there, just requires a bit of research to find pressings from a specific year or mastering engineer. The sites I've found most helpful to find this information are Discogs and the Steve Hoffman forums. Some fantastic recent AAA's that come to mind… The White Stripes ‎- Icky Thump, Fleetwood Mac ‎- Rumours USA 45RPM, Frank Zappa ‎- Over-Nite Sensation, Neil Young - Live At Massey Hall 1971, The Raconteurs - Consolers Of The Lonely.

          ADA can be done quite well, so don't dismiss them altogether. It really comes down to the mastering engineer, so reading about specific albums on Steve Hoffman forums might help there. The pressing company is also important, some good ones are Quality Record Pressings, Pallas, Optimal Media Production and RTI. Try to stay away from United Record Pressing and Rainbo.


        • +1

          @unknown: Wow fantastic information and I learnt a lot will definitely be researching my stuff in the future. Is there anything in this sale in particular that of any decent quality, and that you purchased?

        • +1

          @bailbondsh: I grabbed Buena Vista Social Club and Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced, but looks like both are sold out now. Last time I think I got a couple I mentioned above, Icky Thump, Consolers of the Lonely and some others like Radiohead - Hail to the Thief, Nirvana - In Utero 20th and RATM - Evil Empire MOV, which all sound amazing. I prefer the original mix of In Utero, but looks like they still have the 2013 mixes, probably just as good in terms of quality.

        • +1

          @unknown: I'm going to get Icky Thump, RATM, and In Utero based on your recommendations, i think there's two versions of Are You Experienced, a 2013 Music on Vinyl and a 2015 Sony one. I was reading about The Hail to the Thief pressing isn't that good, but I could be wrong. Thanks for your input the other day, I'm starting to learn a lot about the different types of pressings

        • +1

          @unknown: Also thoughts on the rest of the Radiohead albums if you have any, if you have any of hand knowledge of them? The only BVSC left is:
          Ibrahim Ferrer - Buena Vista Social Club Presents [2LP] (180 Gram, first time on vinyl, booklet, import, indie-retail exclusive). Sounds pretty good in the title alone, - but of course that can be deceiving.

        • +1

          @bailbondsh: You only want the Music On Vinyl RATM versions, they are represses from the original stampers. The first three sound fantastic, just hits you in the face in the best possible way, I don’t have renegades but so can’t comment on that. As for Hendrix, pretty sure the 2013 and 2015 ones left are EU versions, which used a different master and not analogue. Hail to the Thief is decent, and I have OKNOTOK but haven’t listened to it yet, KidA and Amnesiac are also good, dunno about the rest. From what I’ve heard, Radiohead EU presses are flawless, but US versions can be hit and miss. Hopefully the 2013 mixes of In Utero sound as awesome as the 3LP one I have, they botched the Nevermind remaster unfortunately, have to find an old press of that. That BVSC is a different album entirely, haven’t heard it before. Glad I can be of some help!

        • +1

          I have the following Radiohead represses and they can be hit and miss. I've put links to the releases I have and a comment.

 - Sounds excellent. Highly recommended. No surface noise. Good bass.

… - Very good. Not as fantastic as Kid A but well worth it. Some surface noise here and there but only minor.

… - Good but could be better. Mixing is off at times and sounds slightly compressed. There isn't any surface noise.

 - Poor. Avoid at all costs. Bad mix and everything sounds so far away. I've had better experiences listening to the album on Spotify and iTunes at 128kbps.

… - Disappointing. Very average mix for this amazing album. Not worth it.

          The new MTV Unplugged In New York pressing I got from JB Hi-Fi is fantastic.…

          This 2xLP Nirvana Best of is highly recommended as well.

        • +1

          @unknown: I was going to answer bailbondsh and say mostly what you have, but you've done better and more concisely than I could've hoped, by covering every element you need to consider when hunting down a good press.

          Any folks new(ish) to the game, Unknown's words are ones to refer back to when buying new vinyl. Great job sir :)

    • +1

      Yeah couldn't find pressing info for a couple of mine. Hoping they all turn out okay…

    • +1

      You can just change the url domain extension from to .com and the same product should display from Amazon US. Problem is that sometimes the info is incorrect on both platforms.

  • +1

    Looks like about 300+ have been sold out since the deal went up. Things like U2 October. Received it today, realising some of the pressing even without opening them you can tell they are better quality than others.

  • +3

    Good haul.

    Since I Left You - Avalanches

    Lift Your Skinny Fists - GY!BE

    Kid A - Radiohead

    Illinois - Sufjan Stevens

    Houses of the Holy - Led Zeppelin

    Fat of the Land - Prodigy

    Blue Bucket of Gold - Sufjan Stevens

    Crooked Pain - Pavement

    Visions - Grimes

    Daisies of the Galaxy - Eels

    There's No Leaving Now - Tallest Man On Earth

    Sometimes The Blues - Tallest Man On Earth

    Carrie and Lowell - Sufjan Stevens

    In Rainbows - Radiohead

    In a Beautiful Place Out In the Country - Boards of Canada

    Window Licker - Radiohead

    TOTAL COST: $254.11

    Average cost per vinyl: $15.88

    • +2

      Excellent choice with Visions ;)

    • Isn't Windowlicker by Aphex Twin?

    • +1

      Good taste brother, i particularly like Sufjan Stevens

  • +1

    I bought Fleetwood Mac - Rumours and Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase. $26.99 in total. Very happy!

    I hope that Amazon does this deal again in the future every now and then.

    • probably only to get people buying on Amazon…

  • It should be expired by now, but the checkout is still discounting the order. Not sure what would happen if I actually order though. Will they retract it? Was meant to end 11:59AM Today

  • Did anyone get their cashrewards for this?

  • So many of my orders have scuffs, scratches and some with substantial liner debris. Why so many use unlined paper just baffles me!

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